We do not need to live under this criminal system. We do not need to live in a world of exploitation of the people, and the planet. We do not need to live in a world of violent oppression—from drones in the Middle East to racist vigilante murder in Florida.
The way to change all that is REVOLUTION. Revolution is not only necessary, it is possible. It is time to build that movement for revolution.
Prisoner Hunger Strike Enters Fourth Week
This System of Torture Killed Billy "Guero" Sell
On July 8, the largest prisoner hunger strike in California history began with over 30,000 prisoners in 22 of the state’s 33 prisons refusing food. Now, going into a fourth week, hundreds of prisoners are still on a hunger strike, courageously fighting for an end to indefinite solitary confinement and other cruel, inhuman abuses.

Building Societywide Support for Prisoner Hunger Strike
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Three Hard-Earned Lessons from the Comments of Juror B29
This week juror B29 from the trial of George Zimmerman came out on TV and said what millions of people already knew: “George Zimmerman got away with murder.”
BA Everywhere
This is a time to step up BA Everywhere
Rev up the Engines for the Revolution—Nothing Less! August Van Tours
Call up the volunteers. Reserve the vans. Ready the projection and sound equipment to reach hundreds and thousands of people. Rev up the engines for the second week of the Summer 2013 Revolution—Nothing Less Van Tours to go back on the road at a juncture when people have new ears to hear the music of revolution.
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Hits the Road!
After kickoff rallies in New York and San Francisco on July 23, the Freedom Riders set out for a month, to take their message across the country: “Abortion on Demand and Without Apology!”
Hands Off the Revolution Club NYC
Drop the Charges Against Noche Diaz and Jamel Mims!
Noche Diaz and Jamel Mims, Stop Mass Incarceration Network organizers and members of the Revolution Club NYC, were arrested in Harlem on Saturday, July 27. Noche, Jamel, and other revolutionaries were leading a speak-out and protest at the Harlem State Office Building against the outrageous acquittal of George Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin's murder.
Revolutionary Gregory Koger Sent Back to Jail
Judge's Secret Ruling Comes to Light
July 23—Gregory Koger, revolutionary communist and ex-prisoner, was taken from a courtroom today and sent back to Cook County Jail in Chicago to serve the remainder of a 300-day sentence.
Cook County Jail Retaliates Against Gregory Koger, Revolutionary Hunger Striker
Cook County jail has sent Gregory Koger for a “psychological evaluation” multiple times since he was sent to jail on Tuesday, July 23, citing as grounds his hunger strike in solidarity with thousands of California prisoners who are on hunger strike to end the torture of solitary confinement.

Also in this issue
A Shout Out to Cornel West—
We Must Have His Back
Responding to Barack Obama’s July 19 speech on the verdict that let the killer of Trayvon Martin walk free, on the radio show Democracy Now!, Cornel West called Obama a “Global George Zimmerman.”
Author Edwidge Danticat at Revolution Books NYC Fundraiser
Updated 7/31/2013
U.S. to World: Give Us Edward Snowden—Or Else!
Dr. Antonio Martinez: "Gregory Is Being Punished
for his Political Ideas"
Outside the Cook Country jail as people protested the re-jailing of revolutionary Gregory Koger, Revolution talked to Dr. Antionio Martinez, a psychologist with the Institute for Survivors of Human Rights Abuse and co-founder of the Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture.
No Make-Believe God Has or Will End Oppression
A reader answers an objection from a religious activist to a Revolution article that said the people don't need "fairy tales about how some nonexistent god" is going to get justice for Trayvon Martin.
Four Points for Bill McKibben
Bill McKibben, an influential environmentalist, has written and lectured widely on global warming. His organization,, has been staging protests against oil, natural gas, and coal projects this summer.
A System of Oppression Working the Way It Has Always Worked
In slave days, the slave master enlisted "regular white people" in slave patrols to roam the roads and paths, fields and forests.
“This Film is HOPE for me cause i know things are going to get real...”
I am deeply whole heart that this new film BA Speaks is the push we have needed, and its right on time.
Interview with Sarah Shourd:
Surviving Prison in Iran... Now Fighting Solitary Confinement in the USA
Sarah Shourd is a writer and advocate against the use of solitary confinement. In 2009 Sarah, along with her two friends, were hiking near the Iraq-Iran border when they were arrested by the Iranian military.
Running with the Revolution Club in Times Square
Millions of People in the Streets of Egypt Does NOT Change Reality—This Was a Reactionary U.S.-Backed Coup
The fact that a section of the people in Egypt—even a sizable section—has been misled into supporting this coup means nothing about the actual character of it.
Zimmerman Got Away With Murder...
Marissa Alexander Got 20 Years
Marissa Alexander, a 32-year-old Black woman, was arrested in 2010 in Jacksonville, Florida, after she fired a warning shot into a wall of her home to stop an attack.
"I took the unjust killing of Trayvon Martin very personal."
"Twelve signs that You Might be a CREEPY-ASS-CRACKA"
PDF of artwork created by a reader of
Right-click here to download for print.
Prisoners on Hunger Strike Write: Day 9 and Day 10
Genocidal Realities: Sundown Towns
New & Breaking News...
What Is Actually Revealed in the California Prisoners Hunger Strike?
Responding to Jeffrey Beard's Los Angeles Times Op-ed
Updated August 8, 2013
There are three major things revealed in this hunger strike
More on Choices... And Radical Changes
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Important article from Bob Avakian, originally posted January 28, 2013
Continuing the Discussion on "Jolts"
August 8, 2013
Report from Summer Heat Environmental Action at Columbia River
August 8, 2013
Oakland's Domain Awareness Center:
Heavy-Duty Leap in Repressive Police Surveillance Powers
August 8, 2013
From A World to Win News Service
From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Today: Reporting American Crimes Against Humanity
August 7, 2013
» Watch this video from the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride rally in Fargo, North Dakota
August 9, 2013
Millions of People CAN Be Wrong: The Coup in Egypt Is Not a People's Revolution
August 2, 2013
Prison Officials Refuse to End Torture—Hunger Strikers Fight On
August 3, 2013
Click here to read about the prisoners' hunger strike, including letters from prisoners, interviews with prominent opponents of solitary confinement and more.
Debating: "A Question Sharply Posed: Nat Turner or Thomas Jefferson?"
August 4, 2013
Outrageous Verdict: Bradley Manning Faces Possible Life in Prison
August 2, 2013
Free Lynne Stewart!
Government's Vindictive Action Keeps Radical Lawyer, Ill with Cancer, in Prison
August 2, 2013
Sunsara Taylor writes from the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
July 30, 2013
Read about it, spread the word and build support.
Updated August 10, 2013
» Michael Slate, KPFK, interviews Abortion Rights Freedom Riders from the road
»Video from Fargo, ND August 3
Go to the BA Everywhere page for the latest updates on the campaign.
On the Criminal Verdict Acquitting the Killer of Trayvon Martin, click here.
(Updated July 25)
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