Summer's Still Here and the
Time Is Right for...
Building the Movement for
These last weeks of summer are a time to step up efforts to influence and change the thinking of people all over society. This is a time to build and to join in struggle and resistance to all these outrages. And most important, this is a time to build the movement for revolution and accumulate forces for revolution.
BA Everywhere
BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Van Tours Hit the Streets
The BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Van Tours hit the streets in four cities starting Monday, August 12. Volunteers of all ages and different nationalities are going out in vans with striking revolutionary decorations, bringing to people that there is a way out of the madness and vicious brutality that this system and country rains down on the people here and around the world.
Showing BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! at a Barbershop
Millions of People CAN Be Wrong: The Coup in Egypt Is Not a People's Revolution
Debating: "A Question Sharply Posed: Nat Turner or Thomas Jefferson?"
A comment by a professor on the article by Bob Avakian, and a reply from Revolution.
Continuing Fallout over Snowden's Revelations
What Does It Show When...?
What does it show when this government hunts down Edward Snowden for the crime of courageously exposing its illegal and utterly illegitimate practice of secretly spying on literally billions of people?
What Is Actually Revealed in the California Prisoners Hunger Strike?
Responding to Jeffrey Beard's Los Angeles Times Op-ed
Four weeks ago, 30,000 people in prisons in California and surrounding states went on a hunger strike to protest their conditions, in particular in Security Housing Units (SHUs). Currently, there are hundreds still going without food, they are losing weight, being sent to the hospital, and one has even died since this began.
More on Choices…And Radical Changes
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
These are comments by BA that were part of a discussion with people that went deeply into the questions of why people oppressed under this system often get caught up in things like crime, who and what is fundamentally to blame for this, and what is the way forward out of this situation.
Video of the August 3rd Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Rally in Fargo, North Dakota
The assault on women's right and need to simply be able to determine whether or not to have a child has reached a fever pitch. In the face of this, Stop Patriarchy has taken the offensive and has organized the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride, traveling to states like North Dakota that have passed draconian restrictions with only one abortion clinic remaining in the entire state.
Read excerpts of speeches from rally
Sunsara Taylor writing from the Freedom Ride:
To those who support women's right to abortion, but say that "Abortion on Demand and Without Apology" is "too extreme":
Which women do you think should apologize and feel guilty for their abortions?
Which women would you force to have children against their will?
A Fetus Cannot Feel Pain, but a Woman Denied the Right to Abortion Suffers Intolerable Pain
What Is It Actually Going to Take to Stop This War on Women?
From a speech by a Revolution Club member at the August 3 rally in Fargo, North Dakota, as part of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.

Also in this issue
From the StopPatriarchy blog:
Still Crazy After All These Years: How I Got Off the Couch and Onto the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
The United States of Amnesia
» The 1965 Massacre in Indonesia
» "Forgetting" How the IMF Ruined Agriculture in Jamaica
Killer Police Still Running Rampant…
We Cannot and Must Not Let This Outrage Continue!
These are just three of the many recent stories of people killed by the police in U.S. cities.

U.S. Mass Incarceration Levels Decline Toward World Average... In a Hundred Years
The federal government announced that the number of inmates in state and federal prisons decreased by 1.7 percent, to an estimated 1,571,013 in 2012 from 1,598,783 in 2011.
Oakland's Domain Awareness Center:
Heavy-Duty Leap in Repressive Police Surveillance Powers
On July 30, to shouts of "Shame! Shame!"— the Oakland City Council unanimously approved moving forward with a surveillance project reminiscent of the novel 1984.
From a roundtable discussion of some of the Abortion Rights Freedom Riders
Several Freedom Riders discuss what they are seeing as they move through the cities.
California Prison Authorities Issue Bogus Justification for Censorship of Revolution Newspaper
Officials at Pelican Bay State Prison are now justifying the barring of Revolution newspaper from a number of subscribers at PBSP with the outrageous allegation that the paper is "inciting participation in a mass disturbance."
From A World to Win News Service
From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Today: Reporting American Crimes Against Humanity
Sixty-eight years ago, on August 6, 1945, the United States committed the worst terrorist bombing ever—the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Observation from the Field
The Field Museum in Chicago has an exhibit called "Evolving Planet." The idea of a group going together arose last spring when debate over religion burst out hot and heavy at the time of the premiere of the new film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! between some members of the Revolution Club and friends and acquaintances who attended the film.
Genocidal Realities
The Case of Duane Buck
It's 2013—more than 50 years since the end of Jim Crow. But a man in America can be executed because he is Black.
Los Angeles Press Conference Challenges California Prison Head's Disinformation and Lies Targeting the Prisoners' Hunger Strike
"Elect Women for a Change":
The Lies of a Woman-Hating
People across the country have been waking up to the extreme and hateful torrent of legislation and assaults on women and their rights. Time and time again, these concerns have been diverted into the tired trope that the solution to all this is to elect more women into office.
Free Lynne Stewart!
Government's Vindictive Action Keeps Radical Lawyer, Ill with Cancer, in Prison
Lynne Stewart, radical civil rights attorney, speaking at New York City rally before being sent to jail. (Photo: Stanley Rogouski)
Outrageous Verdict: Bradley Manning Faces Possible Life in Prison
On Tuesday, July 30, Manning was found guilty on 19 of the 21 charges he faced. Bradley Manning is a hero. But this criminal system is now set to put him behind bars for the rest of his life.
Report from Summer Heat Environmental Action at Columbia River
From July to mid-August actions and protests are taking place as part of the "Summer Heat" campaign against fossil fuel extraction and shipment.
Continuing the Discussion on "Jolts"
From a reader: In continuing the discussion about the current situation and the responsibility of revolutionaries, I wanted to share some further thinking... Are we really appreciating the depth of the ways people have been hit by the Zimmerman verdict, and are we taking things as far as they can go?
New & Breaking News...
Updated August 17, 2013
A Condemnation of the Military's Slaughter in Egypt—A Challenge to Those Who Deluded Themselves into Thinking the Military Coup was Progressive
August 15, 2013
Watch the Video:
Turmoil in Egypt: The Myth of "People Power" and The REAL Revolution Needed—A Talk by Raymond Lotta
August 15, 2013
Stop-and-Frisk Is Immoral and Illegitimate—
Don’t Mend It. End It!
Updated August 13, 2013
Why There Can't Be a "Race-Neutral" Stop-and-Frisk
August 13, 2013
East Oakland Rally Supports Prisoners' Hunger Strike
August 13, 2013
Updated August 17, 2013
Read about it, spread the word and build support.
» August 17 – Abortion On Demand and Without Apology in Jackson, Mississippi and Nation-wide!
August 17, 2013
» Actor Mark Ruffalo Sends Support to Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
August 17, 2013
» Gloria Steinem's statement of support for the Freedom Ride posted on StopPatriarchy
» Abortion Rights Freedom Ride in Wichita
Next stop Jackson Mississippi! Check back to for news.
» Michael Slate, KPFK, interviews Abortion Rights Freedom Riders from the road
Updated August 15, 2013
Go to the BA Everywhere page for the latest updates on the campaign.
On the Criminal Verdict Acquitting the Killer of Trayvon Martin, click here.
(Updated July 25)
Click here to read about the prisoners' hunger strike,
including letters from prisoners, interviews with prominent opponents of solitary confinement and more.
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