50 Years After the March on Washington & "I Have a Dream"
America Is STILL a Goddamn Nightmare
This country built up its wealth and power by dragging Africans to these shores in slave chains and stealing the land from and committing genocide against the native inhabitants. It has never stopped bringing vicious oppression down on Black people and billions of people around the world. Dreams of changing America into something that would end this oppression, or any of the horrors inflicted on humanity, are toxic illusions that keep people chained to the very system that's responsible for all this oppression.

Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 2013: Marching to downtown in protest of the Zimmerman verdict. (Photo: AP)
BA Everywhere
Imagine the Difference It Could Make
A genuinely emancipatory revolution for all of humanity requires having a liberating vision and framework for what a radically new society should be, and requires a revolutionary strategy to achieve it. We have that in the work of Bob Avakian—BA. There is a national campaign to make BA's work, his leadership, and vision and framework for a radically better way the world could be, known throughout the country with impact around the world: The BA Everywhere Campaign.
Reports from the August Van Tours in four areas around the country.

California Prisoners' Hunger Strike:
The Humanity of the Prisoners vs. the Inhumanity of the System
Sunday, August 18, marks Day 42 in the intense, life-and-death struggle California prisoners are waging for their humanity and basic rights—especially an end to long-term, indefinite solitary confinement, which is a form of torture, and widely labeled as such by international legal and human rights groups.
Turmoil in Egypt: The Myth of "People Power" and the REAL Revolution Needed
On August 14, Egyptian government security forces launched a bloodbath against supporters of Mohamed Morsi. This vicious repression is totally unjust and must be thoroughly condemned. We are printing excerpts from a recent talk by Raymond Lotta that provide background analysis and orientation for what has been happening in Egypt—and the real revolutionary alternative that is needed.
Watch the Video:
Turmoil in Egypt: The Myth of "People Power" and The REAL Revolution Needed—A Talk by Raymond Lotta
Some Thoughts on Our Time in Mississippi, on the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride, and Looking Forward
August 16—Today, as many of the Abortion Rights Freedom Riders escorted patients and hula-hooped outside the clinic, I sat down with the director of Jackson Women's Health Organization. I told her about the three-fold mission of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.
Stop-and-Frisk Is Immoral and Illegitimate
Don't Mend It. End It!
On August 12, U.S. District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin found that New York City's stop-and-frisk is a "policy of indirect racial profiling." For millions of people in New York City and elsewhere, this vindicated what they already knew. But the judge did not order an end to stop-and-frisk.
Also in this issue
What the Assault on Voting Rights Shows
Almost 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, removing barriers that prevented Black people from voting, the right to vote of Black and Latino people is under heavy attack.
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Why "The Dream" Is a Dead End
People say: "If we could actually realize what Martin Luther King put forward in his 'I Have a Dream' speech, then Black people would finally see a new day, America would be a much better place and it could play a much different and better role in the world."
Letter from Gregory Koger to
Revolution Newspaper
Gregory Koger, a revolutionary, was sent to jail on July 23 as a continuation of the political persecution he has been fighting for almost four years, and began a hunger strike in solidarity with the California prisoners.
Fallout Continues in the Wake of Snowden Leak:
More NSA Spy Crimes, More U.S. Lies
The more that has come out about the spying by the U.S., what stands out is how massive and in many cases how illegal this surveillance is; how Obama and other representatives of the U.S. ruling class have and continue to LIE and LIE about all this; and that the U.S. government has no plans whatsoever to curtail these spy operations.
U.S. Government Forces Snowden’s Encrypted Email Service to Shut Down
Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on massive spying by the U.S. government, communicated privately with journalists using Lavabit, an encrypted email account. The U.S. government pressured Lavabit, which is based in Texas, to close down.
Nothing Wrong with Exposing War Crimes:
Free Bradley Manning!
Manning was convicted on six espionage charges for supposedly "spying" on the U.S. in collusion with WikiLeaks. The files he released to WikiLeaks contained damning, irrefutable evidence of U.S. atrocities, cover-ups, and deceit—in short, war crimes. But it was Bradley Manning who was put on a high-profile trial—not for committing war crimes, but for exposing them.
Prisoners Hunger Strike Enters 2nd Month: Letters from the Front Lines
The following letters from prisoners were sent to the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund.
"If women are not free, then no one is free..."
Sunsara Taylor addresses the question of the campaign by anti-abortionist forces that accuse abortion clinics of carrying out genocide against Black and Latino people.
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Report from Wichita on August 10 from stoppatriarchy.org
Ground Zero in Wichita: Dr. George Tiller and the Continued Attack on Women
A Day in a Mall in Wichita
The Reality of "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" & the Whole Anti-Abortion Movement
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Indicts “Crisis Pregnancy Center”
East Oakland Rally Supports Prisoners' Hunger Strike
Report on a spirited rally and march held by the Revolution Club.
New & Breaking News...
Updated August 22, 2013
August 22, 2013: Four Points of Orientation on Egypt + From A World to Win News Service: The Role of the US in the Egyptian Bloodbath
August 22, 2013
ALERT: California Clears Way to Force-Feed Hunger-Striking Prisoners... Threatening Further Torture Against Those Protesting Torture
August 22, 2013
Unjust Sentence from a Criminal System:
Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years in Federal Prison
August 22, 2012
Get this issue of Revolution newspaper, in print and online, out broadly wherever people are marking and discussing the 50-year anniversary of the march on Washington. Write to revolution.reports@ yahoo.com with reports on how the paper is challenging and affecting people's thinking.
Read journalist Glenn Greenwald's response to the detention of his partner by British authorities attempting to silence exposures of NSA spying, posted at The Guardian.
August 21, 2013
Updated August 25, 2013
» Actor Mark Ruffalo Sends Support to Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
» Gloria Steinem's statement of support for the Freedom Ride posted on StopPatriarchy
» Michael Slate, KPFK, interviews Abortion Rights Freedom Riders from the road
To our readers:
Write to us with your comments on what's at this site, thoughts about developments in the world, as well as your questions and reports on building the movement for revolution. Send to revolution.reports@ yahoo.com.
Go to the BA Everywhere page for the latest updates on the campaign.
On the Criminal Verdict Acquitting the Killer of Trayvon Martin, click here.
(Updated July 25)
Click here to read about the prisoners' hunger strike,
including letters from prisoners, interviews with prominent opponents of solitary confinement and more.
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