Syria: No War for Imperialist Interests!
This is a moment when the right of these imperialists to rule and to impose horrific suffering on tens and hundreds of thousands of people half way across the world can and should be called into question
Only Worse Suffering and Horrors Can Result from a U.S. Attack on Syria
There is growing danger of a direct U.S. military attack on Syria using planes and/or cruise missiles. These attacks must be opposed with determined political protest and clear-eyed understanding of how they would make the situation worse.
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Film Showings
Buy the DVD
In the Senate and at the G-20:
Obama’s Agenda: Push the Syrians to Slaughter Each Other
In the arguments Obama made to the Senate and the rulers of other global powers at the G-20, the real agenda of U.S. imperialism (and its allies, including Israel) is coming more into focus.
On Obama's August 28 Speech:
The Battle over the Truth About the African-American Experience and Present-Day Reality
A profound struggle over the truth has been raging in America. For the past few months, this struggle has focused on the real position of African-American people in U.S. society.
Taking On the Anti-Abortion Siege in Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Abortion Rights Freedom Ride was invited to a rally on August 20 in Albuquerque to denounce the anti-abortion organization "Operation Rescue" as terrorists.
BA Everywhere
Celebrating BA Everywhere...
And Making Big Plans
We have big plans to build on all of this and to take it even further. To draw in the many hundreds we met over the summer, to find ways to involve everyone—big and small—to bring BA and the whole world that he opens up to many thousands, tens of thousands, and millions more.
Taking BA Everywhere Out to National Poetry Slam
Report from a team on going out to the annual event where hundreds of poets—women and men of all ages (though mostly young), nationalities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds come together.
Let's imagine if we had a whole different art and culture. Come on, enough of this "bitches and ho's" and SWAT teams kicking down doors. Enough of this "get low" bullshit. And how come it's always the women that have to get low? We already have a situation where the masses of women and the masses of people are pushed down and held down low enough already. It's time for us to get up and get on up.
—Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party BAsics 2:8
Also in this issue
No “Surgical Strike!”
The U.S. does have tremendous military capacity and the technical ability to hit targets around the world. This is "guided" not by humanitarian concerns but by the needs of maintaining and enforcing a global empire.
Massive Spying on Everyone: The Price of Being a Superpower
Material made available by Edward Snowden reveals that on top of its massive budget of billions and billions of dollars, the NSA spent billions of dollars “lobbying” for rules and regulations that make it easier for the NSA to hack into what people assume and have been assured are secure and confidential email communications with their doctor, their bank, or their professional colleagues.
Reflections from Abortion Rights Freedom Riders
From two young people who were part of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride: "I love telling people the truth, and I am so happy to have gone on this ride" and "How the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride Changed Me as a Man."
California Prisoner Representatives Issue Statement Suspending Hunger Strike
Sept. 6, 2013
Why "The Dream" Is a Dead End
People say: "If we could actually realize what Martin Luther King put forward in his 'I Have a Dream' speech, then Black people would finally see a new day, America would be a much better place and it could play a much different and better role in the world."
Keystone XL Pipeline: Powerful Interests and Big Stakes
The struggle over building the Keystone XL pipeline is sharpening and the stakes are high. Think about it. The world faces a climate emergency. And yet at this very moment, the ruling powers of Canada and the U.S. are stepping up their grab to use even more of this dangerous stuff!

Photo: AP
NFL Concussion Settlement:
$765 Million to Suppress the Truth About Brain Injuries
On August 30, 4,500 current and former professional football players settled their lawsuit against the NFL (National Football League) for the brain injuries suffered by the players while they were playing football.
New & Breaking News...
Imperialism by Inspection... and Diplomacy
Sept. 14, 2013
Obama's September 10 Speech on Syria:
More Lies for War from the Liar-in-Chief
Sept. 11, 2013
Special showings of the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION--NOTHING LESS! at Maysles Cinema, Harlem, New York City.
In two parts:
Sept. 29, Sunday, 2 pm
Oct. 6, Sunday, 2 pm
Check World Can't Wait for News of Protests Against a Strike on Syria
Emergency Presentation and Discussion on Syria with Larry Everest, Sept. 9, 2013
The September 11th Massacre They Don’t Tell You About
Sept. 10, 2013
Urgently Needed:
Powerful Outpourings on October 22, 2013
National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation
Make the Go-to Place for People Seeking Answers
Sept. 7, 2013
Updated Sept. 9, 2013
To our readers:
Write to us with your comments on what's at this site, thoughts about developments in the world, as well as your questions and reports on building the movement for revolution. Send to revolution.reports@
Go to the BA Everywhere page for the latest updates on the campaign.
On the Criminal Verdict Acquitting the Killer of Trayvon Martin, click here.
(Updated July 25)
Click here to read about the prisoners' hunger strike,
including letters from prisoners, interviews with prominent opponents of solitary confinement and more.
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