A World of Savage Inequality: NO MORE!
The world we live in is one of savage inequalities. These inequalities are enforced with savage violence and repression and justified with lies. Both those who catch the most intense kind of hell every day, and those not so directly in the crosshairs, need to make common cause to say: NO MORE! The world does not have to be like this.
Donate to Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund
Get Revolution Newspaper and BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian into the Hands of Prisoners!
In the hellhole prisons of AmeriKKKa, home to over two million people, prisoners—who we are told are the "worst of the worst" or "irredeemable”–are standing up and resisting the inhuman conditions in which they are enslaved. And, as they do, they are going through transformation in how they understand the world and their role in changing it.
Revolutionary Voices from Inside the Prison Walls
Prisoners write about Bob Avakian's leadership and work.
We don't need saints and saviors... we need scientific revolutionary leadership to get free.
South Africa: What Changed… And What Did NOT Change
Between 1990 and 1994, open apartheid was eliminated. But today the land and the valuable resources in and under the land have remained in the hands of rich white owners and imperialists who together still hold the real power in South Africa.
Photo: flickr/SuSanA Secretariat
From A World to Win News Service
The Legacy of Nelson Mandela and the ANC's Non-Revolutionary Road
From a Reader:
Thoughts Provoked by "Hastening While Awaiting—Not Bowing Down to Necessity"
A reader writes on thoughts off of studying the six paragraphs that begins Part 2 of Bob Avakian's work Making Revolution and Emancipating Humanity, and in relation to the RCP's statement "On the Strategy for Revolution".
"This is Bob Avakian,
Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, with a New Year's message—
BA Everywhere
Bringing Alive What It Would Mean To Be Free
Stepping into the Future Premiere Celebration in Harlem
Saturday night, Dec. 7, at the Mist Harlem Cinema, 125 people gathered with great anticipation to celebrate and view the premiere of the documentary Stepping into the Future—On the Occasion of the Publication of BAsics, A Celebration of Revolution and the Vision of a New World. People experienced the heart and soul of the film featuring beautiful art and performances and commentary inspired by Bob Avakian's vision and work
West Coast Premiere Celebration of Stepping into the Future: On the Occasion of the Publication of BAsics—A Celebration of Revolution and the Vision of a New World
December 21, 2013
Charity and Aid Can't Solve Humanity's Problems – We Need Real Revolution and BA Everywhere!
Reader writes about the experience of taking the BA Everywhere campaign to a showing in a wealthy neighborhood of a film that exposed horrific conditions in the Third World and a panel discussion that followed.
From a Reader
Talking with a Professor About Mandela, History of Communist Revolution, and Donating to BA Everywhere
Much more on the BA Everywhere campaign here

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We don't need reconciliation with oppressors and oppression... we need revolution against oppression!
Also in this issue
Photo: AP
The System Killing Detroit
When a judge ruled on December 3 that Detroit could not pay its debts, the place best known for making cars and soul music became the largest U.S. city to declare bankruptcy. The judge also decided that as part of restructuring its debt, the city could cut pensions, affecting some 23,000 municipal workers.
Cheers to the Equal Justice Initiative Campaign in Montgomery
Signs are being posted in the city of Montgomery, Alabama, identifying locations where the slave trade was conducted.
Reader Responds to "The Shutdown…" Article
Reader expresses appreciation for the Revolution/revcom.us article "The Shutdown, the Showdown, and the Need to Repolarize for Revolution" but also raises a serious criticism.
Mr. "Stop-and-Frisk" Bratton as New York's Police Commissioner—Same Thing, Different Package
Incoming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is giving lip service to reforming "stop-and-frisk." But his answer to those who are fighting to end "stop-and-frisk" is to bring in "reformer" William J. Bratton, who has publicly stated that "any police department in America that tries to function without some form of 'stop-and-frisk,' or whatever terminology they use, is doomed to failure."
Photo: AP
A Revolution Club Discussion on the Special Issue on the History of Communist Revolution
From a reader: The other day I got together with a newly forming Revolution Club in an oppressed area to talk about the special issue of Revolution: “You Don’t Know What You Think You “Know” About… The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future.” This was a small grouping of Black and Latino people of different ages.
Check It Out: The Unbelievers
Reader writes on the film The Unbelievers, which follows scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss as they go around the world speaking publicly about the importance of science and reason.
Brutality in the Dungeons of Los Angeles—This Must Be Stopped!
Eighteen current and former LA County Sheriffs were arrested recently for brutally beating inmates and visitors in the Los Angeles jail.
New Retaliation Targets California Prison Hunger Strikers
Earlier this year, California prisoners carried out a heroic hunger strike in resistance against the torture of long-term solitary confinement—30,000 prisoners joined the action when it began. After 60 days, the prisoners suspended the strike. Since then, the prison authorities have targeted the prisoners involved in the strike for retaliation.
Guantanamo at 12: Shut It Down NOW!
This November marked 12 years since the U.S. first opened its torture/detention camp at its Guantanamo military base in Cuba. Earlier this year, most of the 164 men still imprisoned by the U.S. at Guantanamo joined in a sustained hunger strike which began February 2013 and continued after Barack Obama promised in May, more than four years after his first promise, to take action to close the prison.
New and Breaking News...
Ring in the New Year with BA Everywhere!
January 2, 2014
An observation by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party:
The crude and venomous rantings of Phil Robertson, "patriarch" of the "Duck Dynasty," show once again how, especially in the U.S., Christian fundamentalism is closely bound up with racism, slavery and Jim Crow (old and new), anti-gay hatred, "traditional" oppression of women, and in general a thoroughly outmoded, all-around reactionary worldview and values. Robertson's invocation of Biblical scripture, as justification for vicious oppression, is yet another vivid illustration of the fact that "The Bible, taken literally, is a horror."
December 28, 2013
Cheers for Trayvon Martin Nativity Scene
January 2, 2013
The Days Between Christmas And New Years—When Many Decide On Who and What They Will Contribute To
December 20, 2013
Reader writes on Shining Light of Revolution into Prisons
December 24, 2013
Contribute to The Bob Avakian Institute before the year's end... Contribute to what's needed for a whole new world
December 24, 2013
BA Everywhere— Imagine the Difference It Could Make!
Why and how it is key to changing the world—to making revolution
Response to Ishmael Reed NY Times December 18, 2013 Opinion Piece
December 24, 2013
Why I'm A Godless Communist and Why You Should Be One Too!
December 19, 2013
Letter from a reader: Discussing “Could We Really Win...Really?”
December 15, 2013
The Continuing Terror of U.S. Drone Strikes
December 21, 2013
Letter from a reader on the recent budget "compromise"
December 21, 2013
Holiday Gift Pack
Includes 1 each of:
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian
Get all three for $25 plus $6 shipping/sales tax.
Special Issue of Revolution: You Don't Know What You Think You "Know" About...
The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation—Its History and Our Future
From the Front Lines of the Abortion Rights Emergency:
Videos, updates, and photos from Mississippi and Albuquerque
Updated December 16
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated Dec. 20, 2013
Hook up with the revolution
Coming Events at Revolution Books