Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!
Fight for the Liberation of Women All Over the World
March 8—International Women's Day

Celebrate International Women's Day 2014
This year, on the weekend of International Women's Day: Saturday, March 8, should be a day of resistance against the horrific oppression of women; and Sunday, March 9, should be a celebration of the bright future made possible through revolution. The spirit of internationalism should infuse both of these days.
Special Feature for International Women's Day
On Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” Speech
Obama’s February 27 speech launched what he is calling "My Brother’s Keeper" initiative, which is supposedly about “empowering boys and young men of color.” The speech puts forth an upside-down, completely wrong and poisonous understanding of the actual problem facing not just young Black and brown men but ALL people of color.
BA Everywhere
March 27-30: National Fundraising Weekend for BA Everywhere!
Why? Because the people need to know there is a radically better way the world could be.
Because people need to experience: BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!
Much more about the BA Everywhere campaign here
February 26:
Two Year Anniversary of the Murder of Trayvon Martin:
Nationwide Outpouring Against Police and Racist Murders of Black and Latino Youth
A Message from Carl Dix on February 26
What we are doing today is critically important. The refusal of the system to convict Michael Dunn for the murder of Jordan Davis, on top of the exoneration of George Zimmerman, the vigilante murderer of Trayvon Martin, amounted to Amerikkka telling us, once again, that Black people have no rights that whites are bound to respect.
Also in this issue
From A World to Win News Service:
Ukraine: The Wolves Are Loose
What Will It Really Take to Prevent Earth’s Environmental Collapse?
A polemic taking on the article “Sleepwalking to Extinction” in Adbusters, which correctly points to capitalism as the source of the looming environmental disaster but goes completely off track in looking to the “democratic instincts” of mass uprisings around the world as the solution.
Darwin Day in the ‘Hood
On February 11, a group of us met in a library room in the ‘hood to celebrate Darwin Day and discuss the importance of the science of evolution.
Reader writes on BAsics 4:10:
Getting Beyond “Might Makes Right”
For humanity to advance beyond a state in which "might makes right"—and where things ultimately come down to raw power relations—will require, as a fundamental element in this advance, an approach to understanding things (an epistemology) which recognizes that reality and truth are objective and do not vary in accordance with, nor depend on, different "narratives" and how much "authority" an idea (or "narrative") may have behind it, or how much power and force can be wielded on behalf of any particular idea or "narrative," at any given point.
BAsics 4:10
We ARE building a movement for revolution and building the Party as its leading core.
At the Site of Jordan Davis’s Murder in Jacksonville
An Immediate Response to the Outrageous Mistrial
From readers: “When the mistrial was announced in Michael Dunn’s trial for the murder of Jordan Davis, Revolution Books Atlanta pulled together a carload of people and headed straight to Jacksonville, Florida....”
The Heart in Orange Is the New Black
On the best-selling book and critically acclaimed Netflix series.
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, WATCH IT!
This 13-episode television series starts March 9.
NFL Bullying Report
We Knew It, but It’s Even More Outrageous Than That
The NFL (National Football League) released its “The Wells Report,” on the Richie Incognito-Jonathan Martin bullying incidents, and we are finding out that it’s even more outrageous than what we knew when this first surfaced several months ago.
Cheers to Football Player Michael Sam:
“I’m African American, and I’m Gay”
Michael Sam, the University of Missouri All-American and Southeast Conference Co-Defensive Player of the Year, came out two weeks ago. He’s the first current football player to openly proclaim that he is gay, and he will be entering the National Football League next season.
From a Reader:
A Reflection on “‘hastening while awaiting’ the development of a revolutionary situation...”
Historical Sweep, Scientific Rigor
Thoughts off of a discussion of the first part, and particularly the first six paragraphs, of part 2 of Making Revolution and Emancipating Humanity (“Enriched What Is To Be Done-ism,” “Hastening while awaiting—not bowing down to necessity”), by Bob Avakian (BA).
Two Important Announcements in the Fight to End the Enslavement and Degradation of Women
Regular Updates to End Patriarchy Page—and a New Organizer's Kit
Letter from a reader
Check out the movie Don Jon!
Cheers to writer, director and actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger- generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
Statement on International Women’s Day
From the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
From A World to Win News Service:
Women are confronting outmoded patriarchy: capitalist-imperialism and religious fundamentalism!
A statement from the 8 March Women Organisation (Iran-Afghanistan)
Posted 3/6/2013
From the Editors:
Thoughts on the Programs for International Women’s Day
March 7, 2014
Watch this video: Sunsara Taylor's Message for International Women's Day 2014
March 8, 2014
Why People Have To See 12 Years a Slave
Revolution talks with Carl Dix about the film 12 Years a Slave.
March 8 International Women’s Day Actions and Events Around the U.S.
Watch the video:
Take to the Streets with Stop Patriarchy for International Women's Day 2014
Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic
Issue 3 (Winter 2014) is now available.
Important analysis and reports on End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women
Updated March 8, 2014
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated February 24, 2014
Hook up with the revolution
Coming Events at Revolution Books