NEW from Bob Avakian:
Break ALL the Chains!
Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution
Sampler Edition
Break ALL the Chains!
Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and
the Communist Revolution
The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Audios of New Talks by Bob Avakian:
The Material Basis and the Method for Making Revolution
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
Now available as eBook
Publisher: Insight Press
Purchase at these vendors:
Amazon, Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble,, IPG, Kobo
BA Everywhere
BA Everywhere is the mass fundraising campaign to raise big money to make the revolutionary vision and framework developed by Bob Avakian, "BA," known in all corners of society.
Ex-prisoner on 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere:
"If this is not done, this system is going to continue"
From an interview with an ex-prisoner who is taking up the 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere project.
Taking 1000 Years–$1000 for BA Everywhere to the Local Jail
Get the latest on the BA Everywhere campaign here.

Download: PDF for print | JPG for web
From the Stop Mass Incarceration Network:
NO MORE to Mass Incarceration
Taking the Fight to Sites of Outrage and Outbreaks
» What You Can Do to Make a Powerful Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation—October 2014
Boko Haram, Campus Rape, AND REVOLUTION
From a Reader
Boko Haram's Crimes Are Obscene But Global Oppressors Are Not the Answer
As I see Google News filling up with proclamations by the so-called "international community" that they are going to "intervene" in Nigeria, and move on Boko Haram, I have to sound an alarm: The global outrage at this kidnapping is being mis-channeled into even worse things.
We ARE Building a Movement for Revolution and Building the Party as Its Leading Core
Also in this issue
This system and those who rule over it are not capable of carrying out economic development to meet the needs of the people now, while balancing that with the needs of future generations and requirements of safeguarding the environment. They care nothing for the rich diversity of the earth and its species, for the treasures this contains, except when and where they can turn this into profit for themselves.... These people are not fit to be the caretakers of the earth.
BAsics 1:29
Genocidal Realities: Death Row
Q: What do you call a society where a court can sentence someone to death in part because they are Black?
A: The USA.
Interview with Stephen: From drug dealing to fighting for the people
"I just said this is enough"
From an interview with a youth who has been involved in the struggles around the murders of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis and the fight to free Marissa Alexander.
From The World Can't Wait:
May 23: Global Day of Action to Close America's Torture Camp at Guantanamo NOW and End Indefinite Detention
Over 300 Killed in Turkey Coal Mine Disaster: "It was not an accident, it was murder"
Mass Incarceration, the Democrats and Angela Davis
Don't Be Fooled; and Don't Let Others Be Part of Fooling You
An excerpt from an important talk from the Revolutionary Communist Party, "Where We Are in the Revolution," presented in a number of cities in May.
Room to Breathe: Breaking the Chains, Unleashing the Imagination, and Taking Responsibility for a World Without Patriarchy
From a reader
We need a revolution. Then we can see what people's dreams and desires become. Then we could have some room to breathe.
Revolution Interview with Dr. Susan Robinson
"Chasing the Abortion"
Dr. Robinson is one of the four heroic abortion providers in the U.S. who openly provide much-needed third trimester abortions.
Sexual Assault Running Rampant in the U.S. Military:
Not a Deviation from "Military Values"—Right in Line with Patriarchy!
Revolutionary Notebook:
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thoughts from a correspondent on the situation in Albuquerque, where police have killed 25 people in the past four years.
37 years after José Campos Torres murdered by Houston police
Still Fighting to Stop Police Terror
Two recent events in Houston marked the 1977 police murder of José Campos Torres, which was followed a year later by the Moody Park rebellion when people rose up to get a taste of justice.
Thoughts on the Documentary Borderland and the Deadly Choices Facing People in Mexico and Central America

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
On the Importance of the Bookstore Sessions Digging into BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less, and the Overall Link Between Theory, the Two Mainstays, and Accumulating Forces for Revolution
May 22, 2014
A Special Benefit Performance for the BA Everywhere Campaign
"LEGACY: Our Wealth of Music"
Performed by Maggie Brown
Sunday, June 1, 3:30pm
Chicago Theological Seminary
From A World to Win News Service
May 22, 2014
» Turkey: A Mining Massacre Sets Off Righteous Fury
» Soma: How Long Do We Have to Keep Burying Our Dead?
» Soma: Daha Ne Kadar Ölülerimizi Gömmeğe Devam Edeceğiz
Janet Napolitano Demands "Civility, Respect, and Inclusion "for Defenders of Death, Destruction, and Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
May 21, 2014
Posted at Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic:
The (new) Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist and the Crossroads Facing the International Communist Movement
Read it at
April 7, 2014
Important analysis and reports on End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women
Updated May 17, 2014
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated May 14, 2014
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