Summer 2014:
Making Advances... Toward Revolution
Over the next several weeks we will be outlining major moves for the summer and into the fall—all designed to "prepare minds and organize forces" FOR revolution... to hasten the time when millions can be won to revolution and led to seize power. But how will this ensemble of different initiatives concretely advance things toward revolution? How are they connected into something larger than just a lot of good things to do?
"This is Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, with a New Year's message—
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NYPD Raids in Harlem
"They want to stop this whole generation"
The massive military-style raid on Harlem projects on June 4 was a "coming out" for the policing strategy of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and his police commissioner, William Bratton—intensifying the criminalization of Black and Latino youth while trying to isolate them, in the name of "anti-gang" action.
From Carl Dix and Cornel West: These Military-Style Raids Are Unacceptable and Must Stop!
Political Activism and Revolutionary Leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), During the 1960s-1970s, and Continuing to the Present Time
Editors' Note: In response to frequently asked questions about the history of Bob Avakian as a radical political activist and his development as a revolutionary communist leader, this Timeline has been assembled.

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No Escalation in U.S. Military Aggression in Iraq...
Bring Forward Another Way!
Armed fighters of the Sunni jihadist group ISIS have made major gains against the U.S.-installed Malaki government in Iraq. Obama is saying the U.S. needs to respond militarily. How should people understand these dramatic developments?
In light of the recent events developing in Iraq, we are posting the following quote from BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian:
What we see in contention here with Jihad on the one hand and McWorld/McCrusade on the other hand, are historically outmoded strata among colonized and oppressed humanity up against historically outmoded ruling strata of the imperialist system. These two reactionary poles reinforce each other, even while opposing each other. If you side with either of these “outmodeds,” you end up strengthening both.
While this is a very important formulation and is crucial to understanding much of the dynamics driving things in the world in this period, at the same time we do have to be clear about which of these “historically outmodeds” has done the greater damage and poses the greater threat to humanity: It is the historically outmoded ruling strata of the imperialist system, and in particular the U.S. imperialists.
BAsics 1:28
Emergency in Texas!
Join with the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride: Ground Zero Texas
Texas is the second most populous state in the country with over 26 million people. In 2011 Texas had 46 free-standing abortion clinics. By September, they could have as few as six left!
Streetcorner Speak-out/Press Conference Denounces NYPD Assault
Letter from a reader:
"NÃO VAI TER COPA!—We Will Have No Cup!" World Cup Protests Rock Brazil
Attn. Readers:
Mark Your Calendar & Make Plans
Important protests and events will draw huge crowds at the UN Climate Summit 2014 which takes place in New York City this September. The movement for revolution, with the Party at its core, must be reaching broadly out to those involved in these movements and demonstrations, in many different ways...with its full program...with the elements of its ensemble of revolutionary work...and also by bringing forward those from among the basic people who have been brought forward into the movement for revolution over the summer to be part of, and positively influence, what is shaping up to be an extremely important struggle around the environment.
BA Everywhere
BA Everywhere is the mass fundraising campaign to raise big money to make the revolutionary vision and framework developed by Bob Avakian, "BA," known in all corners of society.
1000 Years—$1000 for BA Everywhere Project:
Donor Will Match First $3000
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July 4th Picnic—Commemorating the Struggle Against Slavery 'Back in the Day'—And Building the Revolutionary Struggle Against All Forms of Slavery Today
June 12, 2014
Read the Call for Major Events on July 4th Weekend
Get the latest on the BA Everywhere campaign here.
The Children Who Cross the Border... and Crimes of the U.S.
The suffering of thousands of desperate youth from Central America who are detained in U.S. government custody in South Texas is a tragedy and a catastrophe—and unnecessary! It's a product in many different ways of the capitalist-imperialist system
Photo: AP
Background to a Humanitarian Crisis: U.S. Terror in Central America

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
Interview with Filmmaker Stanley Nelson
Freedom Summer
June 20, 2014
Percolations – #1
With this article, we are introducing a new column in Revolution: “Percolations,” which will feature some of the thoughts that are sent in concerning developments in the world, questions of theory, observations from the work and life of the Party, and ideas on what to do.
From A World to Win News Service
» "Sometimes I wish I were a dog, because in Europe, dogs have a better life than foreigners like us."
» India: Protests Rise Against Jailing of G. N. Saibaba

Also available: Sampler edition
Now available as eBook
Publisher: Insight Press
Purchase at these vendors:
Amazon, Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble, eBooks.com, IPG, Kobo
Posted at Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic:
The (new) Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist and the Crossroads Facing the International Communist Movement
Read it at demarcations-journal.org
Important analysis and reports on End Pornography & Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women
June 15, 2014
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated June 12, 2014
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