Photo: Brian "Smoke E." Pearson
Hoodies Up! Wear Black on Oct. 22
October 22: Protest to Stop Police Brutality...
If you couldn't sleep when the verdict on Trayvon Martin's killer came down… You need to act on October 22, National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of a Generation!
What Can You Say About a System Like This? #1
What can you say about a system that gives a pass to police and racist vigilantes who murder people? That it's no damn good and needs to be gotten rid of through revolution as soon as possible!
In the Bitter Aftermath of the Trayvon Martin Verdict:
The Outrages of Amerikkka... and the Need for Revolution
Interview with Carl Dix
Carl Dix, a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and one of the initiators of the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality recently spoke with Revolution/ correspondent Sunsara Taylor on a range of questions; he relates the fight to stop the slow genocide against Black people as part of building a movement for revolution and to bring into being a far better world.
Announcing the Fall 2013 Sustainer Drive for!
Right now, you are needed to become, or renew being, a regular financial sustainer of with a regular monthly contribution. A great deal rides on how well the website can play its role in the world.

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Announcing: a second run of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live available now. And the second printing of BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian.
Two Different Approaches, Two Different Epistemologies—Two Different Worlds
A reader writes on contrasting approaches to building the movement for revolution— "one that is in line with objective reality, others that are not; one that has everything to do with radically changing the world and making revolution, the others leaving the world 'as is,' fundamentally unchanged.
"What people think is part of objective reality, but objective reality is not determined by what people think."
BAsics 4:11
BA Everywhere
Discussing BA Speaks, Revolution—Nothing Less
Joe Veale on discussions with family members of California prison hunger strikers at a picnic celebrating the summer of BA Everywhere activities.
A Great Weekend: Berkeley Library Showing of BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! and Picnic for BA Everywhere
BA Speaks: Revolution—Nothing Less! Van Tour in the Neighborhoods
Debating Big Questions of Revolution in an Oppressed Neighborhood
From readers:"Our team made some important headway in opening up debate on the big questions of revolution..."
Go to the BA Everywhere page for the latest updates on the campaign.
Also in this issue
California Prisoners' Hunger Strike Suspended—Struggle to End Torture Continues
On September 5, after 60 days, prisoners in California collectively decided to suspend their hunger strike to stop solitary confinement torture in U.S. and California prisons. This was the most significant outbreak of resistance among prisoners since the 1971 Attica Rebellion.

A Lesson from History: Operation Desert Fox, Iraq, 1998
In 1998, President Bill Clinton used accusations that Saddam Hussein was not cooperating with UN weapons inspectors to launch a four-day cruise missile and bombing campaign without UN authorization.
Agreements and Diplomacy Don't End U.S. Threats Against Syria
Many people hope and claim that the U.S.-Russian agreement around Syria represents a fundamentally different approach than military threats and marks a turn away from war. They are wrong.
Prisoners: Write to Revolution About October 22!
Prisoners—you have a lot to say about the demonization, criminalization and repression of generations of youth, the links between all of that on the streets and mass incarceration, about why this happens, about building resistance to it, about how to end it.
Un-Blurring the Lines: On Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke, and the MTV Video Music Awards...and the Need for a Culture of Revolt Against a Revolting Culture
A reader offers some thinking on "the many levels at which this whole incident, including most of the terms of 'debate' around it, reveals the need for a culture of revolt against this truly revolting culture."
New & Breaking News...
Herman Wallace: Unrepentant Political Prisoner and Fighter for Justice
Updated October 5, 2013
Dissecting Obama’s Speech at the UN:
The Truth Behind “Core Interests” and “American Exceptionalism”
October 1, 2013
A Tale of Two Cities… and A Lesson in Reformist Mayors
Sept. 28, 2013
What Can You Say About a System Like This? #2
Sept. 28, 2013
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated Sept. 30, 2013
From A World to Win News Service:
On the 25th Anniversary of the Massacre of the Political Prisoners in Iran
Statement from 8 March Women's Organisation (Iran-Afghanistan)
Sept. 25, 2013
Protest against President of the Criminal Regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Special two-part screening of the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION— NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live
Part 1: Sunday, September. 29, 2013, 2-6 p.m.
Part 2: Sunday, October 6, 2013, 2-6 p.m.
Maysles Cinema, Harlem, New York City
Academic Advancement Program at UCLA invites you to a screening of an excerpt from the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION— NOTHING LESS!
October 17, 2013
5:30-8:30 pm
DeNeve Auditorium UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
To our readers:
Write to us with your comments on what's at this site, thoughts about developments in the world, as well as your questions and reports on building the movement for revolution. Send to revolution.reports@
Read about the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride July 23-Aug 25
Updated Sept. 21, 2013
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