Watch this site for an announcement of historic significance at the beginning of September
Abortion Rights Freedom Ride 2014 Launched!
Forecast—Hot August in Texas
A report from the first days of the Freedom Ride—a fight to turn the tide in the all-out assault against women's right to abortion and birth control.
For frequently updated coverage, go to:
A Fight to Turn the Tide! Abortion Rights Freedom Ride 2014: GROUND ZERO TEXAS
"There is a future worth living for and fighting to bring into being."
A Proclamation from the Revolution Club, Chicago
"What is going on is wrong, and we need to do something about it."
A Black woman in her 30s shares her thoughts at the "What to the Slave Is Your 4th of July" picnic in Chicago. Interview has been edited.

Download: PDF for print | JPG for web
Michael Brown—Yet another unarmed Black youth shot dead by police in cold blood, this in Ferguson near St. Louis. This, less than a month since Eric Garner was killed in a chokehold by New York police.
Michael Brown to Eric Garner
This has to stop NOW!
People are standing up in Ferguson!
It’s right to rebel!
Time’s up for this system.
Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution!
BA Everywhere
The work Bob Avakian, "BA," has done creates new possibility at an excruciating time for humanity—nothing less than an opening for a visionary and viable future. BA Everywhere is a major fundraising campaign to make Avakian's work and leadership known in every corner of society.
On Labor Day 2014
At Programs Across the Country:
The BA Everywhere Campaign Will Make
A BIG Announcement
Be a Part of Breaking ALL the Chains—August 9!
Cultural Celebrations…Dinners…Picnics
List of events.
Letter on: Reaching Out Widely for Donations for BA Everywhere Now Through
August 9 "Break ALL the Chains!" Events
Get the latest on the BA Everywhere campaign here.
From by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party
The Material Basis and the Method for Making Revolution
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
These observations by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, are of continuing importance:
» The Mass Initiatives and Their Relation to Our Strategic Objectives
» Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
» Putting on Our Boxing Gloves—and Other Key Methods, Principles and Objectives
Also in this issue
“Israel is built on ethnic cleansing and it’s a product of imperialism”
Interview with writer Alan Goodman on The Michael Slate Show (KPFK Pacifica radio), August 1.
Armed Militia Groups Mobilizing at the Texas Border
Ten or more newly formed teams of vigilantes armed with semi-automatic weapons are now actively patrolling along the Texas-Mexico border to stop people coming from Central America through Mexico.
PRLF Calls on Prisoners to Write About the October Month of Resistance
Rendition, Torture, and the "Values" of the U.S. Empire
Obama said in a recent news conference that after 9/11, the U.S. "tortured some folks." The CIA program of kidnapping people, taking them to secret prisons, and torturing them was part of the U.S. war for empire.
Flash Mob in Westlake, Ohio, to Support Palestinians
Hundreds of Palestinians stage a flash mob at upscale shopping center.
Broadway Stars Send a Message About Police Violence and the Killing of Eric Garner
Interview with Honduran Immigrant:
"They send the children because they are more likely to survive the journey than they are to survive if they stay there."
Genocidal Realities
What the Water Shut-off Means for People in Detroit
Photo: AP
Interview with Anthropologist Alan H. Goodman:
Refuting the False Claim That Differences Among Races Are Genetic and the Driving Forces of Human History
Revolution talks with Alan H. Goodman, professor of biological anthropology at Hampshire College and former president of the American Anthropological Association.
Interview with Texas Abortion Provider on the Abortion Rights Emergency
"The time machine has been turned back about 40 years"
Letter from a reader
On the First Anniversary of Disaster at Lac-Mégantic, Canada
A Call to Act Against the Killing of Michael Brown
August 13, 2014
A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP)
To all those who truly do want to see an end to the outrages and abuses coming down on people... and to the slanderers, the haters, the opportunists, and worse:
August 13, 2014
Updated 8/10: Act NOW to STOP bombing Iraq | Stop genocide in Gaza!

A Must-See Film!
You can't change the world if you don't know the BAsics.
BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian is a book of quotations and short essays that speaks powerfully to questions of revolution and human emancipation.
At the beginning of 2012, an in-depth interview with Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, was conducted over a period of several days by A. Brooks, a younger-generation revolutionary who has been inspired by the leadership and body of work of Bob Avakian and the new synthesis of communism this has brought forward.
Click the cover to read, print, or download a PDF of the interview.
Want to know how BA's new synthesis of communism would apply to organizing a new society?
Posted at Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic:
» Editors Note
» Communism or Nationalism?
The Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico (OCR, Mexico)
August 7, 2014
Read it at
Revolutionaries Call for March Over the Bridge to Staten Island to Demand Justice for Eric Garner and Michael Brown
August 12, 2014
The Terror Facing Youth at Rikers Island
August 9, 2014
From New York:
Get these slogans out everywhere! Make stickers and spread online.
Justice for Eric Garner!
Indict the Killer Cops!
Stop the Repression of the Witnesses!
Bratton and "Broken Windows" Must Go Now!
Click here for PDF for stickers and JPGs for web posts.
Right now, blow the whistle when you see the police abusing people.
Watch and spread this video everywhere.
The Second People's Hearing of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride
Courage and Strength Shatter the Silence—We Must Act On What We Know
August 8, 2014
Letter from Sunsara Taylor
August 6, 2014
Join the Revolution STOP Mass Incarceration Project
July 28, 2014
Now available as eBook
Publisher: Insight Press
Purchase at these vendors:
Amazon, Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble,, IPG, Kobo
New Reports on Building the Movement for Revolution
Updated July 21, 2014
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