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“Identity Politics Blues”
I don’t even know who the hell I am
I got twenty-five identities and twenty-five brands
I drove to the intersection and my car just stalled
I sure am feeling really confused
with these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I heard someone saying they had truth to tell
but they got white skin and a penis as well
so I knew that they couldn’t possibly be right
never knew that truth had a gender or hue
‘Till I got these postmodern identity politics blues
So I shouted out loud to every woman and man
“I’m eight-fifteenths indigenous and ten percent trans!
that means you have to buy my merchandise”
even as I said it, though, I started to snooze
these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I just read this book, you should really try it
“10 Quick Steps to Decolonize your Diet”
Now I can survive on agency alone
there’s nothing meaningless I will refuse
with these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I purchased an onion and started to cry
as I peeled back its layers of privilege, then I
threw it in the trash and typed a Facebook post
all I need now is someone to accuse
with these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I feel deep in my heart that I have love to give
I just hope that’s not “heteronormative’
but then who am I to even use that word?
Why must I be stricken with a cisgender muse?
these damn postmodern identity politics blues
Someone said “I’d like to report a crime,”
I said “Call the Arts section of The New York Times,”
there’s nothing decent that they won’t condemn
just be patient when they’re asking “who are you?!”
These damn postmodern identity politics blues
Yesterday, a cop punched a guy in the face
without a trigger warning and inside a safe space
he told the cop, the cop wasn’t impressed
the cop wasn’t woke and he was stuck in his views
these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I went to the lecture on empowering dogs
someone started whispering “What about frogs?”
Pretty soon, things ground right to a halt
after all, who are we as humans to choose?
These damn postmodern identity politics blues
I woke up in the morning for a leaderless swim
I had never swum before, but still I jumped right in
two minutes later, I promptly started to drown
the other swimmers smirked and just looked amused
these damn postmodern identity politics blues
I somehow washed ashore and collapsed on the sand
I coughed and gasped for air and I could not understand
how the currents took me so far out to sea
it dawned on me that I might need to lose
these damn postmodern identity politics blues
So now I want to change the world, or at least I might
if I could just stop asking if I have the right
I’ve had it with these hustlers, fakes and fools
how much longer must we be abused
by these damn postmodern identity politics blues?
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