The search has options to narrow your search query to get better results.
By selecting one or more of the options you exclude anything not in that option (or that combination of options).
Once you have selected the combination of options you want, hit “Search” button to do the search.
“Search”: Put the topic you are looking for in this field. This works the same way other searches such as Google work – by entering a term it gives you all results with that term somewhere in the text.
To select results that have exactly a phrase you want, put quotes around it, such as “Communist Manifesto.”
To select results that have several words you want, put a plus sign (+) between them, as in “women+abortion+protests.”
The asterisk (*) is used in the first field to select all results, or if options in the other fields are selected, to select all results within those options.
“Language”: “Any” searches all languages on the site. Or, select “English” or “Spanish” from the dropdown.
“Author”: To find only articles authored by Bob Avakian, select “Authored by BA.” To find articles written by anyone other than Bob Avakian, select “Other Articles.” To look for a topic in all articles on the site, select “Any.”
“Publication Date”: You can narrow your search to articles published on a particular date, or between any dates you define.
“Items per page”: Select the number of result articles to display from the dropdown.