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Giant Used Book Sale to Benefit Putting Revolution on the Map in 2023

Saturday, February 4th and Sunday, February 5th from 12-6 p.m.

In a Time When the Future Hangs in the Balance 

When Solutions Offered End Up with the Horrors

Going On and On…

There Is Hope, and a Roadmap to the

Emancipation of Humanity

Come, hang out, and get some great used books at Revolution Books in Berkeley and contribute to something truly emancipating: The proceeds will go to the $100,000 fund drive. Already, $68,015 has been raised.

100's of Books on History, African American history and culture, Art, Ethnic Studies, Fiction, Science, Women and Gender and more!...

Volunteer now to help publicize and organize the sale.

Here's what you can do:

** Tell your friends and family about the sale.

** Spread the word on social media

** Come by the store to help organize the books

** Help set up and be there on the days of the sale

Call or email us to volunteer: 510-848-1196

The main project of this fund drive is to get the recent interviews with BA—Up Close and Personal with Bob Avakian, Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution—out there to many more people and into society overall. These interviews are a great way to spread the word about this revolution and to draw new people into it. 

At the same time, this fund drive also supports The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on YouTube. It supports the website. And it supports the efforts of the National Revolution Tour to dynamically spread the word (including through debate and discussion), and to organize people and stand up and fight the power—all to prepare for revolution.

getting ready for the book sale at berkeley revolution books