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This is the text of the flyer being passed out at the Revolutionary picnic in Los Angeles on Sunday, April 28—and beyond.
The Plan to Advance the Revolution in MAY
Welcome to the National Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour.
If you want to radically change the world... if you want to make revolution... then you are in the right place. Here are some questions and answers.
What problem is the National Revolution Tour trying to solve?
We need a revolution. Any other solution will just keep the same horrors going on. And we have a lot of what we need to make revolution. We have the science, the strategy and really great leadership in Bob Avakian (BA). But we don’t have nearly enough people to really make this revolution known and growing.
We need to organize thousands of people in this next year, from different places and backgrounds. And, millions of people need to know that there is a movement for an actual revolution. To get this going we need to spread the word of this revolution—in big ways and small. When people see the signs of the revolution and the people with the T-shirts representing, that starts to make the possibility of an actual revolution real for millions of people.
This past month, we’ve been learning better how to do this. The Points of Attention are one big way that people learn what this revolution is really all about, start to change what they are about, and get organized. We need to keep doing that. And we need to do more.
How will we go to the next level?
This next month the National Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour has a plan.
First, we’ll keep spreading the Points of Attention, the “5 STOPS,” and the new “No More Generations” poster everywhere. We can do this wherever we go.
But we also have plans to do five other big things, which are at the end of this flyer.
At the end of the month, we want to come out with three accomplishments:
1) real impact by the revolution not just in LA but all over the country.
2) many new people organized into the revolution, doing things big and small, including forming and joining Revolution Clubs.
3) real organization in LA with people who are committed on different levels as they move forward in their understanding, continuing to spread the word about the Tour and revolution in many different ways.
The revolution needs everyone who wants a different world—your ideas, your work, your struggle. Together, we can change everything.
The Plan to Advance the Revolution in MAY
When we accomplish these 5 things, we can make a real advance in organizing the movement for an actual revolution in Los Angeles—the first leg of the National Tour. This will set a direction and pace for the whole country
1) We will show the filmed speech of Bob Avakian in the neighborhood of Slauson and Crenshaw on the weekend of May 11-12. This will let many more people learn about and be part of the revolution. We will invite all different kinds of people from all over the city to come to this.
2) We will do a big program on revolution at UCLA involving students and people from the community.
3) We will spread the revolution in California. We will send teams of experienced and new people to organize people in Inland Empire, Orange County, and northern California.
4) We will raise funds from many different people in many different ways.
5) We will hold a big event for the whole city on the weekend of May 25-27. A program where the revolution and its supporters all come together, live-streamed to people around the country.
During May, the Los Angeles Revolution Club will meet
every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5.
Revolution Club Organizing Center
2716 S. Vermont Ave Unit 8 (upstairs)
Phone: (323) 424-6687
Email: revclub_la@yahoo.com
www.revcom.us @tuneintorevcom
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