Episode 4 of The Revolution, Nothing Less Show
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Bob Avakian on Science and How Real Socialism Would Handle Pandemics
Premieres on youtube.com/therevcoms
Thursday, April 16
5pm PDT / 8pm EDT

On this episode:
- Andy Zee and the RNL Team will present an excerpt of a speech from Bob Avakian that takes us deeper into the scientific method. Special note: The full speech the excerpt is from, the Dialogue between Cornel West and Bob Avakian titled REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion is now available on the channel: youtube.com/therevcoms.
- Then, Luan and Michelle of the Revolution Tour will bring alive how a real socialist society would respond to a pandemic through a reading of Communique #4 from The Revcoms.
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