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“July 4, 2020: A Battle of Ideas, History, and the Future”
Premieres on
Thurs, July 9, 2020
5pm PDT / 8pm EDT

This year's 4th of July was like none before. On one side: Protests for Black lives continued, the RevComs led in burning the American flag across the country, and people of the Lakota Nation and others protested a broken treaty as Trump spoke on their land. On the other side: The fascist-in-chief, Donald Trump, doubled down on Manifest Destiny, white supremacy, and outright fascism. Join us as we dig into all this and more.
Also in this episode: a look at the work by the Chicago Revolution Club to get the youth out of killing each other and into the revolution, straight talk on the gangs from Bob Avakian, and a new American Crime installment on the Trail of Tears and Andrew Jackson.
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The RNL Show Episode 16 Talkback with Sunsara and Luan
Thursday 6:30 pm PDT / 9:30 pm EDT
* A free link to join this talk-back will be provided to all who join the live-chat on YouTube during the premiere of the episode.
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