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“Amy Coney Barrett
+ Christian Theocracy
+ Stealing the Elections
= Fascism!
Stand Up. Get in the Streets!”

Andy Zee begins with a welcome to those who are stepping out into the streets and a hats off to Demi Lovato and her new song “Commander in Chief.” Today’s episode will get into what we are facing with the fascist rolling coup going forward with the fight to impose Christian fascism—concentrated in the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett. A fight that is being thinly disguised under talk of “religious freedom.” We will also get into what an abortion is and give a sense of how deeply this and birth control are being threatened. All this heightens the importance for us all to take on the call from to grow day-after-day nonviolent protests across the country to demand Trump/Pence Out Now! Episode 30 features:
- The pledge From Refuse Fascism, We Pledge: In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.
- Update from Sunsara Taylor in DC on the ground during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings.
- A powerful interview with Sunsara and Mark Joseph Stern, staff writer at covering courts and the law, about what is at stake in the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
- Video of a young Amy Coney Barrett supporter interviewed on the ground in DC followed by a short scientific video called “A Fetus Is Not a Baby.”
- A Dispatch from The RNL Show team in LA reporting on Refuse Fascism LA’s dramatic 48-hour action calling attention to the immigrants who are still in cages, disrupting the normalcy and calling on others to take up the fight to drive the Trump/Pence regime out through voting in this election and most of all through mass sustained protest in the streets.
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