Sights and Sounds From Across the Country on the Night of the Election and Beyond



Donald Trump has been defeated.

People feel that a heavy rock has been lifted off their neck. They can breathe, and hope.

Of this there can be no doubt.

But Donald Trump is not admitting defeat. He is rallying his fanatical followers and using the courts that he has packed with fascists to try to steal the election.


Of that there can be no doubt.

The Latest

November 9      November 8      November 7      November 6      November 5      November 4      November 3

November 9:

New York City

November 8:

Washington DC

November 7:


Provincetown, MA


Washington, DC

New York City


Los Angeles

Colombia, South America

Paris, France

Similar scenes to this are reported in other cities around the world, including in Great Britain, Canada, Belgium and more.

November 6:


November 5:


On Thursday, at the Philadelphia Convention Center, where votes in the most contested state in the country are being counted, about 200 people from Refuse Fascism, Count Every Vote and others protested against Trump’s attempts to steal the election. There were chants of “Not Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA.” They faced off against a smaller group of Trumpite thugs calling for a stop to the vote count.


Refuse Fascism marches through downtown streets after Federal Plaza rally to demand #CountAllTheVotes and Trump/Pence #OUTNOW.

Photo: SaharE@rahasesi81

November 4:

New York City

In New York City a wide array of forces march under the slogan #CountEveryVote two miles from the New York Public Library to Washington Square Park, Nov. 4. In the evening, the police "kettled" (surrounded) protesters in the West Village area and arrested about 60 people. The police also attacked a separate group of protesters near Union Square and arrested a number of people.

Washington DC

Protesters in DC Respond to Trump Declaring Victory: Trump Lies, Democracy Dies”

Washington, DC—About 50 activists with Extinction Rebellion DC, ShutDownDC, and Sunrise Movement DC marched in the streets the day after the election, chanting “Trump lies, democracy dies” and demanding that all the votes be counted. This after Trump's late-night declaration that he had won the election and demanding that the vote counting be stopped.

The protesters marched to Fox News and then the headquarters of the Republican National Committee (RNC). They reportedly briefly stopped traffic at an intersection a block away from the RNC, while dozens of police lined up in front of the building. Medea Benjamin from Code Pink spoke, calling the RNC "the most anti-democratic institution we have in this country… That's not to say the DNC is much better, but at least they want to see the votes counted."

Refuse Fascism was in the mix at protests and reached out into the community.

Photo: Alejandro Alvarez @aletweetsnews

Los Angeles

Los Angeles—The LA Daily News reported that there was a rally in downtown Los Angeles called by Refuse Fascism and that “the group had one demand—and that was to remove the president from office.” In Long Beach, Black Lives Matter, immigrant rights, and other activists rallied at City Hall.


About 125 people came out to a rally called by the HTX Election Defenders coalition with the demand #CountEveryVote. It was organized by many of the progressive groups in Houston, youth, environmentalists, Democrats, Refuse Fascism, Womens March, and other activists.


Hundreds of people marched through the downtown Loop area, chanting slogans like “Hey, hey, ho, ho—Donald Trump has got to go!”


Minneapolis--Hundreds of people marched through the streets, at one point shutting down traffic on the interstate I-94. They called for all votes in the presidential election to be counted, and also demanded end to murder by police and end to homelessness.


Protesters demand that "every vote be counted" at Independence Mall in Philadelphia, Nov. 4.

November 3:

Washington DC

Hundreds of people demonstrated near the White House Tuesday night. People gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza as they waited for election results. After police arrested two protesters, people chanted “fuck the police” and “no justice, no peace,” demanding the two men be released. One protester said, “Trump represents the worst in whiteness—and that’s racism... It’s important I show my son that we must vote against it and we show Trump that we’re all against it.”


November 3. Photo: AP

November 3. Photo: AP

Graham, NC

Activists led by Rev. Gregory Drumwright returned on election day to Graham, North Carolina, where their march to promote voting and condemn murder by police last Saturday had been brutally attacked by the pigs. In spite of this attack, people were not deterred. Another march was organized, and Down Home North Carolina, which raises money to help people who can't afford to post bond, organized to protect the march in case cops tried to attack people again. One person tweeted, “Out here in NC two hours into a day full of election defense and voter protection work.”

New York City

A lively crew, including Refuse Fascism and the Revolution Club, took off on a march through the streets after gathering in Union Square. People chanted, “The system is outrageous, they put our kids in cages. Trump/Pence Out Now!”

San Francisco

Los Angeles

Philadelphia, PA

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