

The country you live in—the USA, with its monstrous military and “intelligence” agencies (its so-called “national security” apparatus)—has murdered nearly 10 million people since the end of World War 2.1 The military apparatus of that nation-state backs up a worldwide system of sweatshops, plantations, and brothels that enslaves and exploits hundreds of millions, including 160 million children.2 Its relations with the nations it oppresses are those of domination and subjugation; and with its rivals, murderous competition, complete with world-destroying nuclear stockpiles. This is capitalism-imperialism.

But imagine something totally different: a state whose very existence is devoted to ultimately bringing into being a world community of human beings, without relations of exploitation and oppression, without even borders, even as this will be a worldwide process. A state which works to overcome the inequalities and repair the damage done by the whole reign of imperialism. A state which supports revolutionary struggles all over the world, and works together with socialist states that come into being, while at the same time working to overcome the deep inequalities and oppressive scars suffered by oppressed nationalities within the U.S.

Imagine. Read the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian. 

Then get to work to make it real. Get with the Revcoms.


1. Just some of the people killed by the U.S. military and “intelligence” agencies and various U.S.-backed regimes, death squads, and other cronies since the end of World War 2 include: China, 2.5 million; Korea, 5 million; Vietnam, more than 2 million; Indonesia, at least 500,000; Guatemala, early 1980s, 75,000; El Salvador, 1980s, at least 75,000; Nicaragua, 1979-1989, 50,000; East Timor, more than 200,000; Southern cone of Latin America, Operation Condor, 60,000 or more; Iraq, since 2003 U.S. invasion, 288,000; Afghanistan, 2001-2021, 47,245 civilians; Gaza, Palestine, 2008-2021, nearly 5,300; Lebanon, 1982, 20,000.  [back]

2. Child labour, UNICEF.  [back]

“Imagine. Read the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian.
“Then get to work to make it real. Get with the Revcoms.”



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