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Protestas brotan por todo Estados Unidos con la demanda:




Mahmoud Khalil is a Palestinian activist and recent graduate from Columbia University. He’s a green card holder, who was illegally abducted by ICE the night of March 8 in his apartment building. He is being targeted for playing a leading role in the righteous and courageous student uprising against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. For more see "The Fascist Detention of Mahmoud Khalil and the Pivotal, High-Stakes Battle to Free Him." Below are a range of voices speaking out in protest. These protests must grow urgently demanding Free Mahmoud Khalil! The Trump Fascist Regime Must Go!

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Al intensificarse los ataques a manos del régimen fascista de Trump y MAGA, es importante que cubra la resistencia en contra de eso entre diferentes sectores de la sociedad de manera oportuna, precisa y viva. ¡Ofrézcate como corresponsal voluntario para!
Free Mahmoud Khalil! REFUSE FASCISM! | ‪@BobAvakianOfficial‬ We Need A Fundamentally Different System


Mahmoud Khalil   

Sobre el arresto inconstitucional de mi esposo

Noor Abdalla
14 de marzo de 2025
Reposteado de Counterpunch

Mi esposo, Mahmoud Khalil, es mi roca. Es mi hogar y mi lugar feliz. Tengo ocho meses de embarazo y no podría imaginar a un mejor padre para mi hijo. Nos preparábamos con entusiasmo para recibir a nuestro bebé, y ahora me han arrebatado a Mahmoud sin ningún motivo.

Le ruego al mundo que continúe alzando la voz contra su detención injusta y terrible a manos de la administración de Trump.
Siga leyendo

Mahmoud Khalil arrest video. 
This video taken by the wife of Mahmoud Khalil, Noor Abdalla, who is 8 months pregnant, on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Video provided with permission by the ACLU.
Monday, March 10, after the detention of Mahmoud Khalil, thousands gathered in New York City's Foley Square to defiantly demand he be freed immediately.


Monday, March 10, after the detention of Mahmoud Khalil, thousands gathered in New York City's Foley Square to defiantly demand he be freed immediately.    Foto: AP

Columbia professor Joseph Howley speaks in front of the federal courthouse on the day of the hearing to demand Mahmoud Khalil be freed.
20250311 Columbia faculty press conference protesting arrest of Mahmoud Khalil.


Columbia faculty press conference, March 11. Watch.    Foto: Screengrab from AP video

Columbia University students and others protest arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, graduate student, March 10, 2025.


Revcoms on the street outside Columbia, March 10.    Foto: AP/Yuki Iwamura

Protest for Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil with large poster of Trump/Hitler, March 10, 2025, in New York.


Protest for Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil, March 10, 2025, in New York.    Foto: AP/Yuki Iwamura

Crowd protests abduction of Mahmoud Khalil in Foley Square, NYC, March 12, 2025.


Protest in front of courthouse on date of hearing.    Foto: AP/Stefan Jeremiah

Susan Sarandon at Palestine Day Protest, December 2, 2024.


Susan Sarandon:  

“No matter where you stand on genocide, freedom of speech is an issue, is a right, that we all have. And this is a turning point in the history and the freedom of this country.” —in front of federal courthouse

Jewish Voice for Peace: 

We will not stand idly by: JVP Statement on the Trump regime’s detention of Palestinian student Mahmoud Khalil.
Jewish Voice for Peace demands the Trump administration release Palestinian student Mahmoud Khalil from ICE detention. The detention of Mahmoud is further proof that we are on the brink of a full takeover by a repressive, authoritarian regime. >>

Debra Winger

“I’m just standing up for my rights, and I’m standing up for Mahmoud Khalil, who has been abducted illegally and taken to an undisclosed location. Does that sound like America to you?” — took part in Trump Tower protest.
rotest for Mahmoud Khalil:  Jewish Voice for Peace in red shirts, protest inside Trump Tower, NYC, March 13, 2025.


Protest for Mahmoud Khalil:  Jewish Voice for Peace, protest inside Trump Tower, NYC, March 13, 2025.    Foto: AP/Yuki Iwamura

A revcom, who participated in the mass civil disobedience organized by Jewish Voice for Peace sent the following:
"Free Mahmoud, free them all, come for one, face us all!" echoed loudly through the gaudy opulence of Trump Tower, the clearest symbol of Trump/MAGA fascism in New York City.  Over 100 Jewish people and supporters wore red shirts and held banners aloft declaring, "Free Mahmoud! Free Palestine!" "Fight Nazis, Not Students!"  "Jews Say Do Not Comply!" "Never Again for Anyone!" 
This was the Jewish Voice for Peace protest at Trump Tower against the abduction of the outspoken Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil.  I was proud and eager to be part of this—putting our bodies on the line to model the spirit of defiance and non-compliance that has to be spread.  As someone who grew up Jewish, I recognize the special responsibility that Jewish people have to declare "not in our name!" to the US backed Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people.  With the fascists weaponizing anti-semitism to go after Mahmoud Khalil as a test case to silence dissent, there is even greater urgency for Jewish people to speak out.  At Trump Tower, we were refusing to let our Jewish history be used as a cover for fascism.
I Am a Jewish Student at Columbia. Mahmoud Khalil Is One of the Most Upstanding People I Have Ever Met
We cannot allow fascists to use the pretext of Jewish safety to attack our communities.
Jonathan Ben-Menachem
Mar 16, 2025
As a Jewish student at Columbia University, I was disgusted by the White House’s cynical, smirking claim that it is acting in the interests of Jewish safety in detaining my Palestinian comrade, Mahmoud Khalil, last weekend. To announce Mahmoud’s abduction, the White House pushed social media posts reading “SHALOM, MAHMOUD.” The Christian fascists are gleefully, wickedly invoking the Hebrew goodbye as they terrorize us.
Mahmoud is one of the most upstanding people I have ever met. Alongside other Jewish student activists, I only ever felt Mahmoud’s respect, solidarity, and strength. As Mahmoud told CNN last spring, “I believe that the liberation of the Palestinian people and the Jewish people are intertwined and go hand-by-hand, and you cannot achieve one without the other.” Anyone who has met Mahmoud knows that the White House’s smear campaign is just a shallow pretext to unleash state violence against student activists and further divide already traumatized communities.
Who Will Be Left to Fight With Us? >>
UC Berkeley students march against the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, March 11, 2025.


UC Berkeley students march against the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, March 11, 2025.    Foto: AP via San Francisco Chronicle

Statement of Jewish Faculty & Staff on Maintaining Our Values in a Challenging Time
We, a group of Berkeley Jewish faculty and staff, are deeply troubled to hear calls for the deportation of foreign-born university students, staff, and faculty who are deemed, without any clear criteria, supporters of terrorism or terrorist organizations. We are equally troubled by calls for members of our university community to assist in compiling lists of those to be targeted for deportation….
As Jews, we know from our history that the compiling of lists of those who are legally vulnerable, with the intent to deport, is an authoritarian practice that is never benign. This practice threatens to take our society down a dark road….
We urge all people of conscience in our university community to join together in denouncing such tactics. >>
Pro-Palestine protest on UCLA campus on detainment of Mahmoud Khalil.


UCLA students protest the detainment of Mahmoud Khalil, March 11.    Screenshot: Daily Bruin

Protest at Stanford to free Mahmoud Khalil March 11


Protest at Stanford to free Mahmoud Khalil March 11    IG @StanfordDaily


Protesters march in front of the ICE Processing Center where Mahmoud Khalil is being held. It's located in the small town of Jena, Louisiana.    Screenshot: KALB5

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March 11, 2025, Chicago, for Mahmoud Khalil with banner demanding freedom of speech.


Chicago, March 11, 2025.    Foto: IG

The Revcom Corps in LA, Chicago and NYC challenge students to act! Free Mahmoud Kahlil!
Call for Day of Protest March 11, 2025, Chicago, for Mahmoud Khalil.


Foto: IG

Shalom Rav
A Blog by Rabbi Brant Rosen of Tzedek Chicago
First They Came for Mahmoud Khalil
Yesterday I received a DM that read: “Evil, kapo, judenrat, self hating Jew.” (If you don’t know the meaning of some of those words, let’s just say that two of them are historical terms for Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during WW II.) As this kind of thing isn’t an uncommon occurrence for me, it wasn’t particularly upsetting. I’ve been receiving these kinds of messages for over a decade now, to the point that it’s become a kind of background noise — as I’m sure it is for any Jewish activist who dares to publicly affirm the humanity of the Palestinian people.
This time, however, I received the message as I was reading news of the heinous abduction and disappearing of Columbia grad student Mahmoud Khalil — and it caused me to pause and think: given the message, who are the real Jewish collaborators at this particular moment?....
The government abduction and disappearance of legal residents who exercise their right to free speech is, of course, a basic staple of fascist regimes. What can we say about Jewish activists and organizations that collaborate with such a government — a regime led by a president that actively emboldens antisemitic hate groups and has given significant power to a billionaire who promotes antisemitic theories and publicly sig heils at rallies?  While I won’t use the vile terms that extremist right-wing Jews sling against Jewish activists who dare to express their solidarity with Palestinians, I do believe it’s important to name them what they truly are: collaborationists.
I’ll make it plain: collaborationist Jews will not help make Jews safer…. [c]ollaborating with fascism will not make anyone safer. It feels somehow ridiculous to have to say these words out loud, but here we are. For the sake of our collective liberation, we must all actively resist and stand down this fascist regime — as well as those who aid and abet it. >>
On Thursday, March 13, hundreds of Harvard students, faculty and staff rallied on the steps of Widener Library in Harvard Yard in support of Mahmoud Khalil and in defense of academic freedom.


On Thursday, March 13, hundreds of Harvard students, faculty and staff rallied on the steps of Widener Library in Harvard Yard in support of Mahmoud Khalil and in defense of academic freedom.    Foto: Special to

Pro-Palestinian protestors disrupt Israeli-Palestinian panel at Cornell University. 17 detained. Read article.

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Other protests to demand that Mahmoud Khalil be freed took place last week in other campuses and cities across the country, including Washington, DC; New Orleans; University of North Carolina, Charlotte; University of Oregon and University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
¡Sé corresponsal voluntario para!

Ahora más que nunca, es el sitio web que desempeña un papel crucial de poner al descubierto el sistema opresivo que reina sobre nosotros y de dirigir a la gente en la lucha por un futuro radicalmente diferente y mucho mejor. Al intensificarse los ataques a manos del régimen fascista de Trump y MAGA, es importante que cubra la resistencia en contra de eso entre diferentes sectores de la sociedad de manera oportuna, precisa y viva. Y —seas lector nuevo de este sitio web o lector de mucho tiempo— puedes contribuir mucho ofreciéndote como voluntario para ayudar a a cubrir la lucha en las calles, las diferentes voces de resistencia, y otras formas en que las personas se resisten. Como “corresponsal”, te encargarías de mantenernos al tanto —con fotos, videos e informes— sobre lo que está pasando en tu región. Y mientras trabajamos juntos, se dará una oportunidad de examinar el nuevo comunismo de Bob Avakian —la ciencia, la estrategia, la dirección para una revolución real— que dirige También hay otras formas en que puedes contribuir al contenido de, que incluyen gráficos, traducción al español, y como desarrollador web.

Para participar, escríbenos a Cuéntanos algo sobre ti y las mejores formas para hacer contacto contigo.

Kenneth Roth on X re Mahmoud Khalil
(Former Human Rights Watch executive director (1993-2022). Visiting professor, Princeton SPIA.)
“Trump wants to revoke a Palestinian student's green card—his supposedly permanent resident status—because he helped to lead protests at Columbia University against Israel's systematic war crimes in Gaza. What First Amendment?”
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….The Trump administration targeted Mahmoud Khalid because he spoke out for Palestinian human rights. His abduction is them carrying out their promise to destroy any opposition to their fascist, white supremacist worldview….
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. If we don’t strongly oppose this dystopian crackdown on freedom of expression, any of Trump’s political opponents could be next: advocates for reproductive justice, climate action, trans rights, immigrant rights, and other progressive causes.
When we say never again, we mean never again for anyone. >>
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Stand With Our Students, Protect Free Speech
(Letter released by artists and cultural workers, signed by over 11,000 at this point)
At its core, the administration’s actions against pro-Palestine views and educational institutions are an unconstitutional abuse of state authority intended to target, punish, and criminalize viewpoints that it is ideologically opposed to. The suppression of dissent on college campuses by the Department of Justice, DHS, and ICE is a preview of what the current government plans to impose on all sectors of society that challenge the agenda of the far-right ideologues and billionaires who dominate the Trump White House….
We, the signers below, condemn the vicious attacks against free speech and the targeting of immigrant students, particularly student activists and protestors. Throughout history, the repression of student movements has always been the harbinger of a broader assault against basic democratic and civil rights for the rest of the nation. Now is the time that we must stand together to protect our students, our right to education, and our constitutional right to Free Speech. >>
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National Immigration Law Center Statement on DHS’s Detention of Student Activist Mahmoud Khalil
WASHINGTON — Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC):
“The disturbing arrest of Mahmoud Khalil for exercising his right to free speech marks a dramatic escalation in the Trump administration’s abuse of immigration enforcement and disregard for the law. We denounce this outrageous, politically motivated attempt to silence Mr. Khalil by locking him away and threatening to revoke his green card without due process. We stand in solidarity with Mr. Khalil and his family and join in the calls for his immediate release.”
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Interfaith Alliance Condemns Trump Admin’s Unjust Detention of Activist Mahmoud Khalil
Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, president of Interfaith Alliance, released the following statement: 
“As an organization dedicated to civil rights and multi-faith democracy, we are appalled at the Trump Administration’s blatant disregard for Mahmoud Khalil’s Constitutional rights — including the First Amendment right to free speech and the right to due process. Far from combating antisemitism or other forms of hate, this arrest is designed to sow division between vulnerable communities and to intimidate and threaten all those — especially immigrants — engaged in activism and protest.
“What starts with the targeting of Mahmoud Khalil and other Palestinian protesters will not end there. Whether or not one agrees with or supports these protesters’ views or actions, we must recognize that they are the canaries in the coalmine of the Trump Administration’s authoritarian tactics. They are unjustly using immigration enforcement as a tool to silence political opponents — even pulling legal permanent residents from their homes and detaining them, without charge, in another state.” >>
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Michael Thaddeus, a professor of mathematics at Columbia University, said, "The attack on Mahmoud Khalil is intended to make them quake in their boots and to make all of us quake in our boots. Our message to Washington is that we are not silenced, we are not afraid, and we stand together determined to defeat this ongoing assault on our fundamental rights."
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James Schamus, American screenwriter, producer, business executive, film historian, professor, and director
So the white nationalist hammer is coming down on Columbia University, which is being made an example of, in order to scare all institutions of higher education into falling in line with the Musk/Trump plan to destroy any and all potential civil society nodes of resistance to the authoritarian regime they are putting in place. Don’t be fooled: the excuse they are using to destroy the institution—that Columbia is incorrigibly antisemitic—is, of course, the exact opposite of what is happening. They are coming after Columbia precisely because the University is, to the (not-) “populist” base in front of whom they perform their Hitler salutes and at whom they hose their antisemitic memes, an emblem precisely of Jewishness: it’s “globalist,” “cosmopolitan,” New York-based, “liberal,” etc….
They were never going to stop at critics of Israel. They’re coming for the “good” Jews too; indeed, they have already come—they’ve come today, for you. So we’re all in this together now. And by “we” I mean not only us Jews, but every right-thinking defender of the values this university is supposed to stand for. And we should, and can, regardless of our differences of opinion over Israel, join now in common cause to fight the evil engulfing our students and colleagues. >>
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Ben Wizner, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project:
“This arrest is unprecedented, illegal, and un-American. The federal government is claiming the authority to deport people with deep ties to the U.S. and revoke their green cards for advocating positions that the government opposes. To be clear: The First Amendment protects everyone in the U.S. The government’s actions are obviously intended to intimidate and chill speech on one side of a public debate. The government must immediately return Mr. Khalil to New York, release him back to his family, and reverse course on this discriminatory policy.”
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Brian Hauss, ACLU
“This seems like one of the biggest threats, if not the biggest threats to First Amendment freedoms in 50 years… It’s a direct attempt to punish speech because of the viewpoint it espouses.”
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Amnesty International, March 12, 2025
USA: Arrest and Detention of Mahmoud Khalil Is Chilling Attack on Human Rights
Paul O’Brien, Amnesty International USA’s Executive Director, made the following statement:
“The arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian student activist and lawful permanent resident, is another attack on human rights by the Trump administration. Each and every one of us — regardless of immigration status — has the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression, and due process….
“The U.S. government must release Mahmoud Khalil immediately. Colleges and universities must also take steps to protect their immigrant students from ICE enforcement and ensure that the human rights of all of their students and faculty to protest in support of Palestinian rights and other issues is respected and protected.” >>
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Code Pink on TikTok: “An update on Mahmoud Khalil's case.”
A judge has stopped his deportation, but now Secretary of State Marco Rubio is invoking a Cold War-era law to try to establish the authority needed to deport any "alien" whose views he deems "dangerous."
This is not just about Mahmoud and it is not just about Palestine. This affects all of us.
We all need to be taking action to stop this deportation. We cannot allow it to become acceptable for the Trump administration to disappear and deport anyone they disagree with. >>
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Libertarian Party: Statement on the Arrest and Potential Deportation of Mahmoud Khalil & Free Speech
"The U.S. government is once again using immigration law as a political weapon, this time against Mahmoud Khalil and other student protesters. Free speech is not a privilege granted by the state; it is an innate liberty that the state is supposed to protect. Just as Nixon targeted anti-war activists, the government is now silencing dissent on Palestine. Libertarians oppose all state crackdowns on speech, no matter the target." 
— LNC Chair, Steven Nekhaila

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Over 3,400,000 people have signed the ActionNetwork's Demand the Immediate Release of Palestinian Student Activist Mahmoud Khalil from DHS detention