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Support Revolution Summer 2024!

Donate Now to Help Meet the $50,000 by July 4!

Read Why Donors Are Contributing


A big thank you to everyone who has contributed and been part of raising funds to help meet the $50,000 goal!

These funds go to support the call for REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024 issued by the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity. This is a bold challenge to make the summer of 2024 alive with revolution as things are increasingly coming to a head in this country.

We are working for a REAL REVOLUTION, for a whole new emancipating way to live, a fundamentally different system.  We are fighting to STOP the US/Israeli genocide of Palestinians NOW!  Another World IS Possible! 

Watch the inspiring June 23 livestream, which raised $31, 614 toward the $50,000 goal. 


As of
Goal: $50,000
Raised: $32,929

A donor has generously put forward a $5000 matching challenge–whatever you donate NOW will be doubled.   


As of
Goal: $5,000
Raised: $1,215

Read below for the inspiring words from some of the people who contributed to meet this challenge.

Messages from Donors

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From a young person in Texas

When I found out about the RevComs, and how they are actively working towards a better future, I was intrigued. After reading through the website, emailing them directly, and then getting some insight as to just how involved the RevComs are, I felt a giant weight come off my shoulders. It was a weight I had grown accustomed to. It was the weight of helplessness.

Being able to open my eyes and see that not one single individual is helpless in this cause, and actually KNOW that there are people who feel just as I do about the state of the USA, was a new chapter opening for me; just as it can be for anyone who feels they have no voice.

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There is so much strength in unity, and being able to witness how the RevComs have united together to battle this system of oppression and exploitation has been such a surreal experience. The lives of the future depend on everyone now, and we need to do what it takes to make sure those lives are cared for as the "now generations."

Everyone fighting is fighting for a reason: The emancipation of human-kind. And in donating to this cause, I know I am donating to a better tomorrow for all of humanity.


From 81- and 83-year old kupuna from Hawaii:

At this time in history whether we make revolution is so necessary and whether we support Bob Avakian and the revcorp for the emancipation of humanity, which are instrumental to providing the kind of leadership necessary, is decisive to providing the kind of leadership necessary. Our goal is to save the humanity and the environment, and only revolution can make this possible. It is our responsibility, in this military bastion of Hawai`i to provide the necessary funds. 

Isabel Cardenas—Community Activist since 1960

I’m donating because this U.S. government helps the wrong people who kill others. Who kill nations. This country has always supported the people who rule over others and kill people in their own country. I’m giving this money to stop genocide and to the revolutionary movement.

$1000 Matching Funds Challenge

This contribution is in response to the bold call & challenge to bring forward a growing force of revolutionary people this summer. Through this initiative by the RevCom Corps For the Emancipation Humanity, minds & hope for a revolutionary & emancipatory future can be lifted and new more favorable conditions over the months ahead can be brought into being.

“From Palestine To The USA, Real Revolution Is The Way” 

From Palestine to the USA, Real Revolution is the Way - painting


Acrylic, watercolor pencil, and markers on 6 inch x 24 inch canvas. The central figure is the an injured, barefooted, emaciated Palestianian girl alone among the rubble of Gaza. The starvation, the destruction of homes, and the wounding and killing of entire families by Israel in the genocide highlights both the urgency to stop the genocide and at the same time speaks to the urgency to organize for Revolution to emancipate humanity from Palestine, the U.S. to the world over.

Donated by artist to Revolution Summer Fund Drive

From an Iranian revolutionary follower of BA

Spewing the notion that Bob Avakian is a “cult” leader and the RCP and Revcoms are “cults” is totally ridiculous and indicates utter ignorance.  Since when has a cult and its leader stood up against oppression, exploitation and superstition for decades?  Since when has a cult and its leader advocated, and fought for, the emancipation of humanity through-out the world? Frankly I would enthusiastically follow such a “cult” and its leader to the end.

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I am one of the fortunate former Iranian Student Association members who has read the writings, has listened to the talks, has followed the scientific and materialist outlook and the leadership of Bob Avakian for more than half a century.  Attacks and assaults on BA, the RCP and the Revcoms should be called out for what it is: reactionary, rumor mongering and divisive! On the other hand, as Mao Zedong said, maybe “to be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing, but a good thing” if it is turned around and defeated.

I vividly recall that the so-called cult leader declared “Iran, it’s not our embassy,” in support of the Iranian people 45 years ago, during the American embassy take over by students in Tehran, in the so-called Iran “hostage -crisis”. This selfless and courageous stand during the time when Bob Avakian and 16 others (called the Mao Defendants) were being railroaded by the US government and were threatened with 241 years of imprisonment.  it was a huge manifestation of selflessness and internationalism.

Attack and assault on BA is an attack on agents of change, on the advancement of communism and should be firmly rejected! More than that, BA and the revcoms should be firmly supported, including with generous donations to make REVOLUTION SUMMER 2024 a big success!


Hey Revcom LA,

I donated $50 today for the revolution summer $50,000 fundraiser by July 4th! I want to continue helping humanity to emancipate humanity into a whole new way of living, while building alliances!

Beautiful portrait available for $600 donation


The world is in a terrible mess. Humanity is looking at some twisted dystopian future we all know the outlines of. It is frightening, and if not for the revcoms and BA's new communism, it would be despairing. The path and vision BA has forged allows us to close our eyes and imagine overcoming all the horrors. 

Portrait, donation to 2024 Revolution Summer Fund Drive


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It is because humanity needs an epochal change, and nothing less, that I am contributing an art piece I painted for this fund drive to help the RevCom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity take the necessary leap of building the forces we need. It is “26 x 28,” acrylic mixed media on wood & paper. I am a professional portrait painter. I am also a supporter of the Revcoms. This painting would ordinarily sell for over $1000 but I am offering it for a contribution of at least $600 to today’s livestream. If you would like to order a different portrait painted go to JeremyDBArt on Instagram where you can check out more of my paintings. They can start as low as $100 and all moneys are donated to the revcoms. So, please donate, pass the word and let's gather the resources necessary to fight for a future worth living in.


From an Artist Who Is Discovering Revolution:

Now in my eighth decade of life and utterly devastated by Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, I can no longer tolerate nor respect the capitalist/imperialist or settler/colonial system under which we live the world over. And as a grandmother of three young granddaughters, I must fight for them to grow up in a world where every person is free from war and oppression; is free to be educated, expressive, and to think critically; is free to live and love as they wish; is free to live in world that is not destroyed by climate disasters. So as a start, I'm making a humble donation in support of the Revcom Corps Emancipation of Humanity Revolution Summer 2024. I believe in revolution!!

Northside Chicago Supporters of the Revcoms

Inspired by the student opposition to the genocide in Gaza, many in our Chicago group visited campuses and encampments this spring with the message that the way to end genocide is to overthrow the imperialist system—the main source of these human catastrophes—and the way to make that revolution happen is to start following BA and look into why we are living in a time when revolution is possible, given the deep divisions within the imperialist ruling class, amidst the threat of world war and the climate disaster.

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Some of us are old enough to have participated in the student movements of the 1960s, when opposition to the genocidal war in Vietnam and in support for black liberation struggles drove us into the streets. The movements of that time were so widespread that many of us felt there might be a revolution here in the “belly of the beast”; But at the time there was no clear strategy, no leader, no group or vision of what kind society we should build in its place. Now, all those things exist in the works and leadership of Bob Avakian, the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity, and the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

Our group in Chicago supports the message and goals of the Revolution Summer 2024, and we’re looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at protests at the Democratic National Convention this summer! To that end we have collected $1000 among us for a match challenge to those joining the fundraising livestream today.


From Chicago: 

I'm donating $100 to the Revcom Corps fund drive for the Emancipation of Humanity in memory of my son, who became a young victim several years ago of this vicious system we live in of capitalism-imperialism. No more precious lives cut short and ended prematurely!

A pledge and match challenge from a physician who supports the revolution:

Making a $1000 donation now, and I would like to make an additional match challenge. Once the next $1000 are raised today (or after) I will match that with a second $1000 donation.

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Right now, let's message and call anyone we can—pause to think of everyone you know who has lifted their head above the muck and mire and endless distractions of day-to-day life, who sees, even in some ways, what this country really does (and what the US supports and enables so that it can function), and get them watching this fund drive, hearing what the Revcoms are doing in the coming months, and why they need our financial support and involvement!

Let's watch together and see what's happening and what could be—that as tens to hundreds of millions face one after another historic heat wave and conditions incompatible with human life, as displaced masses of humanity are degraded and brutalized by border guards with fascist vigilantes and their ruling-class backers hungering to do more, as genocidal terror rains down on people in Gaza stealing and destroying lives, as people here and throughout the world are forced to live under a system of capitalism-imperialism that is maintained with this brutal force, that requires this inhuman devastation, in this time let us ALL see that WE do NOT need to accept this, that WE can be a part of building for a revolution to overthrow this, with a strategy and approach rooted in science leading an organized force of millions to take down this beast when the time is right, and then leading people in building a radically different economic and political system that can unleash the energies, conscious determination, and creativity of people in this process, as laid out in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

The Revcoms are building for this now! And Bob Avakian, in his recent dispatches @BobAvakianOfficial is laying out this strategy and its basis for everyone to engage, learn from, and take up—everyone who just can't stand to see our fellow human beings put through this all again, and again, and again. In the coming months, as more and more people are confronted with escalating crisis and the breaking-down of "normalcy," they can be compelled see things they've been blinded from seeing up until now, and with the Revcoms on the scene people can be led to confront, in so many ways, what this "great American democracy" really is and is really about, break their tacit (or overt) allegiance to this rapacious system, and join the fight for the future of humanity!

Hear the call - give your support - join with the emancipators of humanity!


A retired medical professional: 

"In the words of Bob Dylan, ala Jimi Hendrix "There must be some kinda way outta here."  We can't keep going down the Party politics road. Democrats vs. Republicans. This is why I say: we need a Revolution!  I am supporting BA's analysis of "how we got into this mess."  Join us in making a new future that includes Humanity FIRST.

From a supporter in Hawai`i: 

There is no other group more deserving of this donation of my tax refund than the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity. I am honored to make this donation to the courageous volunteers who will be out in the streets this summer battling this "hellhole of a system" with their vision, plan and strategy that is guided by the work of Bob Avakian. I encourage all to donate as much as they can to this project. The future of humanity depends on it!

"What I’ve been MOST inspired and heartened by are the comrades from the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity."

I know I don’t need to remind people watching this livestream what it’s been like these last months watching the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Especially knowing that blame for the gruesome deaths of growing thousands of Palestinian mothers, fathers, uncles, journalists, aid workers, doctors… the destroyed homes, hospitals, schools, refugee camps—blame for ALL of these is not only the Zionist state of Israel but right here: THIS U.S. government—the government of this whole capitalist-imperialist system....

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At the same time though, along with the pain and outrage, I’ve been astonished and heartened by the brave resistance of people in this country, especially by the students who are refusing to be silent and are doing whatever they can to stop this genocide. That includes SO many Jewish young students and others, who despite growing up with the same indoctrination and Zionist myths about Israel that I grew up with, have rejected those myths and were among the FIRST to fight to stop this genocide.

But here’s the thing: What I’ve been MOST inspired and heartened by are the comrades from the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity. They are not just doing what they can to link up with and be part of this movement for Palestine, but are taking responsibility to STRUGGLE with people in this movement over the BIGGEST HARDEST questions: What’s it going to take to not just stop this genocide, but what is it going to take to actually end this system that is driving not only this horror but all the other horrors facing humanity. Their tenacity and courage—including in the face of sometimes unprincipled attacks—it’s those comrades who have most inspired me and it is in honor of them that I’m donating $1,000 to Revolution Summer 2024.


From a Library Worker at the Los Angeles Public Library

Everyday I see unkindness among people because our society breeds cruelty and selfishness. And I see the real possibility of war. I want to contribute to this livestream because I see the hope for a different society and future.

Revolution Pop-Up Restaurant & Shop

Here in Austin we Revcoms are planning a ‘Revolution Pop-Up Restaurant & Shop’ to raise money for Revolution Summer next weekend. We’re going to sell some homemade food and drinks, as well as some art and the newest Revcom T-shirts. Each item will come with a Revcom Corps zine. We expect to make about $300, so we are pledging that much today to this drive for Revolution Summer!"

From Houston—A south Asian immigrant who believes in Bob Avakian's vision of the emancipation of humanity

I have been making some regular financial contribution towards the lofty goal of emancipation of humanity, by making Revolution in "the belly of the beast", the USA, and establishing a socialist country in North America, based on the "New Communism", authored by the foremost revolutionary thinker and guide of our era, BA.

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I firmly believe in BA's statement: "We, the people of the world, can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible. And it is a scientific fact that we do not have to live this way." —Bob Avakian

In this rare time, as BA has analysed scientifically, when revolution in this country has become more possible, it is incumbent upon every justice loving human being, to support the great initiative, "Revolution Summer 2024" by the Revcom Corps, in preparation of working for a Real Revolution; for a whole new emancipating way to live. So, I would urge every decent person who cares, every person who has a heart, to take this opportunity to donate generously, to make this endeavor, a great success.


From a supporter of the revolution in the Bay Area who is donating $50:

It is very obvious we need a revolution considering international affairs, including the potential for civil war. There is a state of confusion and it's the best time to push for revolution. Any time would be good, but especially now because the capitalist class is in disarray.

From a Donor for the June 23rd Livestream:

The world is in turmoil. The never-ending crimes of capitalism-imperialism continue and these crimes have been intensifying as the contradictions of imperialism sharpen. The only future of this capitalism-imperialism is war, the daily humiliation, degradation and literally killing of billions of our sisters and brothers around the world, and the environmental destruction of the planet and many species, along with ours. Most people do not want to live this way.

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Well guess what, humanity does NOT have to live this way!! But saying humanity does not have to live this way also means figuring out how to make this happen.

Mao said, “The future is bright, but the road is tortuous.” This is a very simple phrase and yet a very deep understanding of the world. The future can only be bright if we do and continue doing the arduous work necessary to change the world. Doing this work and bringing hundreds of new people forward is truly arduous, but we have some very precious tools to do this work with:

*The leadership of Bob Avakian who has transformed the objective situation in the world today by developing the New Communism so we can have the ability to be as scientific as possible as we analyze both the natural and social aspects of the world correctly, while always fighting for “The World Comes First.” As an Iranian revolutionary communist recently said, “Just as the socialist revolutions of the 20th century… would not have been possible without Marxism which was founded and developed by Marx and further developed by Lenin and Mao, socialist revolutions in our time are not possible without the New Communism developed by Bob Avakian.”

*The Revolutionary Communist Party, an organization without which we cannot make and lead a real revolution, not to reform, but to thoroughly overthrow and dismantle this capitalist-imperialist system while putting a socialist economic and political system in its place.

*The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, being able to reach, train and lead thousands and thousands of people through social media, as well as @BobAvakianOfficial.

*The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, a blueprint that deals with all of the facets of how a new Socialist society should be structured as part of developing a socialist mode of production economy, ending all oppressive relations, abolishing all class differences, and revolutionizing all ideas. (I especially love this tool! Everyone should carry a copy of it in their back pocket at all times to be able to show it to people.)

*We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, A fundamentally Different System.

*We Are the RevComs; We are Working for a Real Revolution and a Whole New, Emancipating Way to Live.

* 5 Stops, 2 Choices, 6 Points of Attention

* The Website. How beautiful and uplifting it is to be able to go on-line and read honest articles about the way the world is and how to change it, as well as get the latest works by Bob Avakian.

Stop. Think about this. How incredibly precious and invaluable these tools are without which we have no chance to make a real revolution. Humanity does not have to live this way.

We DO have these tools. We cannot squander them. We need money to make them and get them out into people’s hands.

I was recently at a medical conference. I was wearing my keffiyeh in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Scores of people came up to me to thank me for wearing my keffiyeh, some asked why I was wearing it. This started many conversations. I soon ran out of leaflets and literature to give to people greatly underestimating how many of these professionals were profoundly affected by the atrocities the Israeli/U.S. governments were committing. I was using my business card to write on the back so people could further dig into the underlying causes of what is going on. Once I heard about the summer plans, I thought back to the conference wishing I had information about these plans and asking for donations for this fund drive for “Be part of making history. Be a part of fighting for a whole new way humanity could be living.” Everyone needs to know that there IS a way out and there IS a way forward.

The opportunity of making a whole new world is possible in this rare time, but we need to use and to get these tools out very broadly. We need to get the RevComCorps OUT. We need to make SUMMER REVOLUTION 2024 a magnet to draw forward all those who hate what they see around them and become part of a living movement to overthrow this system so not another child dies because of the workings of this system.

To do this, we need thousands of donations small and big. I am not able to be in the streets anymore, but I can help by being part of making a whole new, emancipating way to live by donating. Join me. Get your friends to join. Get anyone and everyone you know who hates the way this world is (that will be all of your friends and then some) to pitch in. It is truly a liberating feeling to be part of this Fund Drive.


From a regular Harlem supporter of Revolution Books NYC

I am donating $300 to the Revolution Summer. This government is going backwards.
 This government needs to be changed. I like Bob Avakian because he wants people to wake up and smell the coffee, to not sit back, to be aware that this government is not for us. I hope people in the US wake up. If you are wealthy you can get anything you want even get around the law. I want the revcoms to succeed.

Enclosed please find $200 donation to Revolution summer 2024.

There is horror in so many parts of the world, but at the same time a new generation has come to life against the genocide in Gaza. Students have faced down the police, Zionist thugs and expulsions from universities. They have courageously called out criminal genocide of the Israeli government and US weapons and intelligence.

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With the elections coming up here, this sharpens up the need to fight for a different future, not Genocide Joe, nor the MAGA promises of retaliation, racist autocratic fascism. This brings up the need and possibility for a real revolution in this country and what that will mean for the people of the world.

I have a physical disability that prevents me from taking part in a lot of activities, but my heart is fully there. I am challenging everyone to financially sustain Revolution Summer.

For all of us who are so heartsick and disturbed about the genocide in Gaza, Revolution Summer will take the real fight for revolution, to people in the streets, to all kinds of people, introduce them to how another world is possible. Most people do not know about the New Communism Bob Avakian has developed. It is a scientific approach to understanding the world we live in, why reality matters, and the need to understand reality in order to change it. Bob Avakian has put the science of revolution on a fully scientific basis. The goal of this revolution is the emancipation of all humanity.

Bob Avakian explains how revolution can be made, how we can win and challenges people to take part. Imperialism is very powerful, but it is also vulnerable, you can see this in the outpouring of students and the young generation who refuse to accept this genocide. Just imagine if this young generation takes up the New Communism, what a future that could bring about!

For those of us who are not in the forefront, we can do a great deal to financially sustain this, work with others to inspire new people with a vision of Revolution Summer and beyond.

There is a whole new way people could be living. We are not living in normal times, this is a “moment,” when a revolution could be possible. We need to engage, inspire and organize others to be part of that future. We have work to do!


From a $250 donor: 
Revolution Summer 2024:

I’m writing this short note to tell people why I think that it is important to support Revolution Summer 2024. Freedom Summer 1964 consisted of an outpouring of college students from all over the country and from different strata and backgrounds who were outraged over the murderous, repressive atmosphere facing African Americans in the Deep South, particularly in Mississippi. 

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This atmosphere and acts of terror against peaceful protesters fighting for peoples’ rights drew outrage all over the world and this country and exposed to many people, the hollowness of the much vaunted “freedom and democracy” that the rulers of this country boast about. Revolution Summer 2024 also offers up a parallel to Freedom Summer 1964, but in a deeper and much different way.

Revolution Summer 2024, indicates that we have a much bigger and more serious battle ahead of us—it is the battle for the future of humanity and the planet. We are faced with a future of ongoing genocides against the peoples of the Global South, like that of the Palestinian people by the Zionist-fascist state of Israel (which serves as  “… an illegitimate, settler-colonial state, an outpost of imperialism…”)1

 as well as ongoing genocides in Sudan and the Congo (countries which are former European colonies and have been dominated by those countries, big capitalists and warlords for years), global climate catastrophe—which is forcing millions of people to migrate from their home countries to the capitalist-imperialist countries like the U.S., the European Union in order to survive.

We don’t have to take sides with various imperialist countries like Russia, China, Amerikkka whom Bob Avakian has rightfully termed “legit gangsters” 2 and whose rivalry raises up the danger of “World War III—a nuclear war which would put an end to life for humanity on this planet.”

“We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity. And it is a scientific fact that humanity does not have to live this way.”3

We don’t have to choose between Genocide Joe and the Amerikkkan Hitler-Trump. Right now, the ruling class of this country (Republicans and Democrats) are fighting amongst themselves over how to rule this country and cracks are appearing in the façade of this system. 

They have less legitimacy now, than they have had in a long time, and this provides an opening for a different way of living in this country as well as around the world.

The RevCom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity is based upon the science of revolution and the New Communism as brought forth by Bob Avakian, the leader of the RCP, USA, who has taken up over the past 50 years, the responsibility of making a real liberatory revolution, bringing into being a society that all would want to live it. We are looking at a situation where the capitalist-imperialists are openly going back to the savage rule of  “Might IS Right,” with all of the attendant horrors and savagery that would bring back to humanity, with the break down of rule of law and going back to the rule of the lynch mob and the strongest. But we don’t have to put up with that or live under that rule any more.

Here, in the belly of the beast, there is the potential to bring about a different future for all of humanity via the RevCom Corps, Revolution Summer 2024. 

I’m supporting it and I want to encourage other people to support it as well. If you are able to join the RevCom Corp in the area that you’re in, by all means do so. If you are not able to join in various activities, you can support it in other ways too. If you can donate money to it, then do so. It would be greatly appreciated and needed. 


From a supporter in Hawai`i: 

 Palestine and Hawai`i have much in common. Israel, Palestine's oppressor, is essential to U.S. control in the Middle East. Hawai`i, which was overthrown by the U.S., is the U.S.'s control center for the entire Indo-Pacific region. Beginning this week the U.S. is launching RIMPAC in Hawai`i, the largest military exercise in the world. This war exercise, involving 29 countries, will cause further destruction of Hawai`i’s land, air and sea and the lives of its people, while training for war with China and elsewhere. At the same time, opposition to the U.S. military and the demand for Hawaii’s independence from the U.S. is strengthening....

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However, just as the U.S. is willing to commit genocide to hold onto its control of the Middle East, the U.S will do anything possible to hold onto its control of Hawai`i and the Pacific. But if the U.S. is overthrown and a socialist republic as envisioned in the Draft Constitution for a Socialist Republic in North America is established, the Hawaiian people will have the right to nationhood and the iron hand of the world’s largest oppressor, the U.S., will instead be a liberating force in the world. That’s one of the reasons I’m donating today to the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity and am calling on you to join this movement for revolution right here in the “belly of the beast” and for the liberation of people across the planet.


Reports on Building up Organized Networks for this Revolution through Fundraising

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From a Cleveland report: 

So far we have $179 in hand. This is from broad outreach at two of the Wednesday night free concerts, selling baked goods and T-shirts and going out to some stores today. Last night it was really interesting. It was a big crowd and almost all Black—varying ages. We brought a sign with a thermometer for the goal. It was unbearably hot and humid & there was very little interest in baked goods. But when I started loudly hawking the T-shirts, just saying the slogan & following up with “we have the leadership & and a strategy that can win an actual revolution, join in Revolution Summer, make revolution resound across this country, tune into the livestream this Sunday,” eyes lit up among a good section of the crowd—maybe a quarter. Some folks stopped, 300 or so took flyers and two bought T-shirts. Then today a couple of people went out to stores in an area we have been focusing on. A Black hairdresser who had signed the banner we took to Chicago May Day poured out her heart about how inspired she has been by the risks the students are taking to stand up for the Palestinian people. She contributed $20 and committed to make a video for the livestream to send in tomorrow and immediately projected @BobAvakianOfficial on the store’s TV, starting with #1.

Making Plans and Setting Goals for the June 23 Fundraising Livestream

Several of us got together to discuss how our area can contribute in the greatest way possible toward the June 23rd Fundraising Livestream and toward meeting the $50,000 goal by July 4th. In discussing this, we explored how posing the question of funds, concretely, sharpens up the political questions with people in a potentially good way—why is donating to Revolution Summer 2024 the most important thing you could be giving your money to right now?

We set an overall financial goal and also set goals for numbers of new contributors (not counting street contributions or people who purchase sale items) and new fundraisers. We also are aiming to bring forward videos and written statements for the livestream.

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A chunk of the funds will come from bake sales. And we are planning a street sale for late in July—the fundraising needs to continue in high gear all through the summer! There are several people who can be won to enthusiastically take up picking up, organizing, displaying and selling stuff. And there are a good number of people to reach out to for donations (including middle strata people, artists, and store owners, some of whom might contribute Arab food) and people who would promote it both online and with flyers.

There is a weekly Wednesday music festival here during the summer. Last Wednesday, we raised $100 there selling simple baked goods and distributed hundreds of Revolution Summer flyers. There are three more before July 4th, and one of them will be huge with reggae fans. We plan to take out Revolution Summer 2024 to all three and promote the financial goals we are trying to reach.

There was a discussion with a longtime sustainer today who has recently been paying much more attention to the social media dispatches from @BobAvakianOffical. He volunteered to reach out to a retired sports figure here and an artist friend about the drive and there was some exploration of what kind of struggle it would require to win contributions.

There are several people we will go to for $50-$100 who are likely and a possibility for some of them to call on 10 friends to contribute $10 each—this could include 3-5 store owners/managers. A couple of us need to dig through lists to come up with more.

There are a number of people who have donated in various ways that we want to approach to make videos about why they donate and what is important to them about supporting this movement for REAL revolution. We have already noted that a number of people who have begun listening to @BobAvakianOfficial are more open to engaging with this and getting involved.

We have plans this weekend to go to a nearby city where there was recently a mass shooting at a block party. We’re going to take out the call for Revolution Summer and the Points of Attention among the people there. While it’s not likely to raise a lot of money it could be an important way to connect with people who don't want to continue living this way.

We’ll keep you posted on how our plans are developing.

To victory!


Taking Revolution Summer 2024 to the Father’s Day Ride

From a supporter in Cleveland

Last year I was walking my dog on Father's Day and I stumbled upon a gathering of hundreds of motorcyclists in a shopping center parking lot. Turns out it was a Father's Day Ride. This year, I was determined to have materials to distribute, if it happened again. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. So, I took several hundred Revolution Summer 2024 flyers and went to the shopping center. 

Taking revolution to Black Bikers' Father's Day Ride, Cleveland, June 16, 2024.


Taking revolution to Black Bikers' Father's Day Ride, Cleveland, June 16, 2024.    Photo: Special to

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This is an almost all-Black bikers’ event. When I got there about 25 or so people were gathered. I talked with a woman whose husband organized the first one 16 years ago with a handful of riders. It has grown to hundreds. There were many custom bikes. People remarked, at these rides there's no friction between people. This crowd is older, with a few younger riders. Almost everyone approached took a flyer, and many expressed appreciations for getting them. 

While it was sometimes loud with the roar of engines and blaring stereos, people responded especially to the T-shirt "No Fascist Trump, No Genocide Joe! The whole damn system’s got to go!" Saying, “Yes, this can't be the choice or it's not a choice at all.” Several raised the question of today's youth: Are too many into messed up stuff to get with the revolution? I encouraged them to check out @BobAvakianOfficial to see the potential he sees in the youth and the struggle we need to wage with them to get out of all that. 

Many responded to the U.S. backing and funding genocide in Gaza. One responded, "I'm a vet, I know what they do." One man said he's 64 and has wanted to see revolution most of his life. He took a small stack of flyers.

Before they took off, I got out over 150 flyers and a few small bundles.
