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 Discussion of: The Increasing Craziness, the Intensifying Situation and the Possibility of Revolution, Social Media Dispatches from Bob Avakian

Wednesday, July 24th, 7 p.m.

PRESENTATION and DISCUSSION on these four social media dispatches from:  @BobAvakianOfficial on:

REVOLUTION #63: Tactical Difficulty, Strategic Possibility for Revolution.
REVOLUTION #64: The Increasing Craziness, the Intensifying Situation and the Possibility of Revolution.
REVOLUTION #65: What if the Democrats just accept Trump and fascism? 
What if the Democrats don’t? 
And what does all this have to do with the possibility for an actual revolution?
REVOLUTION #66: Everything depends on bringing forward a revolutionary people.
Bob Avakian's posts address what is driving the almost daily jolts and twists in this crazy and intensifying situation - just today Biden withdrew his candidacy!

Read the posts, take them out to others, come to the discussion and bring your thoughts, questions, criticisms and the controversies raised by people you reach out to. What do you run into when you talk to people about what Bob Avakian says we must do to wrench an emancipating revolution out of this crazy and intensifying situation? What are YOU going to do?

The increasing craziness, the intensifying situation and the possibility of revolution...