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What's really to blame for women dying with their children trying to cross the border?

This is message Number Fourteen—talking about the outrage when ordinary people open their mouths to speak, and what comes out is the ugly way this system has caused them to think! In particular, I’m talking about the situation where people, including mothers with young children, die when attempting to cross the border from Mexico into the United States, and some people actually say things like: “Well, that is a tragedy, but that mother made a bad choice—she should have known better than to try to come here when it is too dangerous.”

In a video at, and in the Youtube Revolution, Nothing Less! Show, Coco Das points out what is really to blame for tragedies like women dying with their children while trying to cross the border into this country: It is the capitalist-imperialist system, and the U.S. most of all, that has ruined the lives of masses of people in Mexico, Central America, and many other places, forcing huge numbers to migrate in already desperate conditions, and then putting up dangerous barriers that can kill them for the “crime” of trying to enter the very country (the “good ole USA”) which has driven them to desperation in the first place!

Along with the important truth Coco Das brings out, I can’t help thinking of this comparison: Blaming a desperate migrant mother in this situation would be like blaming a mother, back in slavery days, who tried to escape with her children, and they all ended up being killed. In both cases, it is the system that is to blame—for putting that mother, her children, and millions like them, in that situation in the first place and then killing them when they try to escape from it.