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There is no such thing as “totalitarianism”

In my social media message number Thirty-Seven, I referred to my article Another Provocative But Simple And Basic Truth On Communism And The Fallacy Of “Totalitarianism,” which begins with this blunt statement: “It is very common to hear communism denounced as ‘totalitarian,’ but the fact is that there is no such thing as totalitarianism.”

That article goes on to make this point:

There has never been a society—in Russia, China, or anywhere else—that corresponds to what is asserted by Hannah Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism, the seminal work and “Bible” of “anti-totalitarians.”

In these social media messages, I cannot get into an extensive analysis of why this is true and how important it is to understand the complete bankruptcy of this notion of “totalitarianism,” as put forward by Hannah Arendt, and echoed by many others. But, in an article at, I have done just that. In that article, There Is No Such Thing As“Totalitarianism,” I go in depth into the truth that

“Totalitarianism” is a thoroughly unscientific—or, really, anti-scientific—“theory” which has been concocted and promoted by intellectual apologists of this system of perpetual atrocity (this system of capitalism-imperialism) and which serves to distract from and rationalize this system’s ongoing massive crimes against humanity and to foster irrational opposition to revolution and especially communist revolution. That anyone could take this “theory” seriously—and that this “theory” is widely treated as some kind of “sacred wisdom”—is a bitter testament to the willful desire on the part of far too many, including far too many self-professed “liberals,” to accommodate themselves to this capitalist-imperialist system, which rests on the ruthless exploitation of billions of people around the world, including hundreds of millions of children, enforced through brutal repression and massive destructive violence.

This is really important to understand, and anyone who cares about the truth of really important things, should go to and read that article.