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War Criminals and Persecutors

Have you ever noticed how many politicians of the Democratic Party brag about being “veterans”?—aka war criminals—part of the machinery of massive death and destruction that is the U.S. military, which (together with the bloody “intelligence agencies” of this country) has slaughtered millions of civilians in countries all over the world.

On the other hand, how many of these politicians have actively opposed the unjust wars of aggression repeatedly waged by the U.S.—for example, the illegal invasion of Iraq by the U.S. in 2003, or before that the genocidal war that the U.S. carried out in Vietnam, during the 1960s and early 1970s? Do you know of any politicians like that? Have you ever heard any proudly talk about their record of opposing the unjust wars of aggression waged by the U.S.?

How about all those Democratic Party politicians who brag about being former persecutors, er prosecutors, including Kamala Harris? How many politicians are former defense lawyers who proudly speak of their record of defending people against unjust prosecution and violation of their rights?

If you think about it, what these politicians are, and are not, tells you a lot—not just about the Democratic Party, but about the whole system and what are the requirements for being a politician representing this monstrously criminal system of capitalism-imperialism.