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The Trump/Harris debate: A dangerous madman vs. a “rational” mass murderer and mass incarcerator.

This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Five.

In the debate this past Tuesday (September 10) between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump was once again revealed to be a racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman-hating, climate-destroying, anti-scientific lunatic and pathological serial liar—while, especially in contrast to Trump, Kamala Harris came off as rational.

But what does “rational” mean in the context of striving to be the President of the United States? As I have shown throughout these messages—and have spoken to specifically in message number 81, in making clear why I am not running for President, and would not want to be President: being the head of this system of capitalism-imperialism means being a vicious exploiter, and murderous oppressor of masses of people. It means being a massive destroyer of the environment (notice how Trump raises the cry “Drill, baby drill!” for oil, while Harris brags that, with Biden as President and her as vice-president, the U.S. is the world’s leading producer of oil).

And it means dragging humanity to the brink of destruction through the danger of nuclear war.

All for the purpose of maintaining the USA as the world’s dominant capitalist-imperialist power and the number one plunderer of people as well as the environment.

That is the actual “job description” of President of this country—head of this American empire of exploitation, degradation, oppression, and massive destruction.

In messages numbers 71, 72, 74, 75 and 76 through 79, I have shown how this applies to the current President, Joe Biden and to vice-president, Kamala Harris, now seeking to become President. I have shown how the description mass murderer, of Palestinians and others, and mass incarcerator—particularly of Black people and Latinos—accurately captures what Harris has actually been in her “service” to this system and its dominating role in the world.

In terms of the upcoming election, as it has been revealed yet again what Donald Trump actually represents, it has to be said that supporting Trump means being a truly vile human being. And, as horrific as Trump is, supporting Harris and the Democratic Party means:enlisting as willing accomplices in the crusade of U.S. capitalism-imperialism to remain the world’s number one exploiter, oppressor and plunderer of people and the environment, even at the cost of risking the future, and the very existence, of humanity.

Neither Harris, nor Trump—nor any candidate for office, especially “high office,” under this system—could even talk about emancipating all of humanity: ending every form of exploitation and oppression, based on class, race, sex and gender, and overcoming all divisions and conflicts based on nationality and country...because all that is built into this system.

This is why we urgently need a revolution to overthrow and abolish this whole system and replace it with a fundamentally different and much better system, which does not rest on, does not require, and aims to fully do away with ruthless exploitation and monstrous mass murder and destruction.

So, as I made clear in message number 81, that is why, instead of seeking to be part of—let alone the head of—this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism, I am working everyday, with everything I have, to provide the leadership that is necessary for this truly emancipating revolution, to bring about this fundamentally different and much better system.


The basic principles and the practical guidelines for this system are laid out concretely in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which I have written. It is this fundamentally different system that we must be insisting on, and fighting for—accepting nothing less—if we really want to put an end to all the madness and unnecessary suffering that the masses of humanity are subjected to, in this country and throughout the world, and set out instead on the only possible and realistic road of emancipating all of humanity.