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A Special Message: FUCK Snoop Dogg!

This is Bob Avakian with a special message: FUCK Snoop Dogg!

If you want to know why I say this, go watch episode #181 of the Youtube RNL (Revolution-Nothing Less!) Show. There you’ll hear about how in a recent interview Snoop Dogg said he had nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump.

So, I’ll say it again: FUCK Snoop Dogg. And the same for any other hustlers, posers and pimps, or any of those “polished puppets” they have on the so-called “news networks” and other media— pretending they’re telling people something real, when they’re just poisoning people’s minds, doing dirty work for this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism, not even ashamed to praise and promote its putrid politicians, whether it’s that racist, woman-hating MAGA fascist Donald Trump, or “Genocide Joe,” let’s back Israel all the way in slaughtering Palestinians, Biden.

As I have said before: We don’t need any more of this whole situation, where some get ahead and a few, including some of these Hip Hop hustlers, are built up by this system as “role models” who get big bank and become part of the “business” of exploiting people—while masses of people are still held down, exploited, abused and despised. We don’t need any more of people boasting about being a billionaire: If you are a billionaire, that’s only because you are part of the exploitation of billions of people around the world, including more than 150 million children, and others who are poorer than the very poorest people in this country. Most of all, we don’t need this system that treats billions of people in this way. We need to get rid of this system and bring something much better into being—and we can.

As I’ve also said before, for any of you “woke” posers and hustlers out there: don’t even bother with that nonsense about “who are you” to say all this. I’ll tell you who I am: I am someone who is heart and soul, hardcore serious about a real revolution. Someone with a scientific understanding of the need, and the possibility, for this revolution, right in this time we’re living in now. Someone who is working every day, giving everything I have, for this revolution, so that all those who are held down, exploited, abused and despised, here and all over the world, can finally get all the way free.

If you, too, are sick and tired of all the horrors perpetrated by this system, and you want an end to this madness, then get with this revolution, and dig into my other messages about why and how we could really make this revolution.