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From members of the staff:

A Challenge to Match a New $1,000 Pledge



As of
Goal: $10,000
Raised: $12,837
UPDATE February 15, 2024:
We met the $1,000 match challenge from the revcoms, and reached $9,755!
Thanks to our contributors and readers. On to meet and surpass the $10,000 goal.


Members of the staff of challenge you to match a new $1,000 pledge. Here we are on the cusp of a turning point, a time in history when it could be possible for a revolutionary people to bust through the emerging crises the divided ruling class of the capitalist-imperialist system finds itself in. We invite you to contribute to the opportunity presented by this rare time, to be part of spreading the method, approach, and work of Bob Avakian and the revolution he leads; to equip people with the science and strategy we need to make a revolution and build a new society.

It is a joy and privilege to work on producing this website: writing, researching, taking photos, creating graphics, editing, proofreading, fact-checking, translating, laying out, supporting and wielding the technology, paying the bills, and the many other tasks, large and small, that make this website go. And it is exhilarating that, together with The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, has potential to be a crucial pillar for organizing and training the thousands needed right now to lead millions—to paraphrase BA (@bobavakianofficial)—to take this where it needs to go... to an actual emancipating revolution.

How much will you give to help make 2024 our year—a year of revolution?