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Donate to Raising $30,000 by March 31 for the National Campaign to Get@BobAvakianOfficial reaching millions

Anything you give now will be DOUBLED by a generous donor! The match will take effect when the thermometer reaches $7,676. And then let's go forward to  reach $10K by Saturday Night — a third of our goal!
“I am donating $1,500 with a call for YOU to donate and match this.  Once this match is met I pledge to donate an additional $1,500.
“In his two interviews, Avakian is bringing scientific analysis to reverse the paralysis that afflicts tens of millions of decent people right now… Be part of reversing this paralysis! ... Donate generously to get this in front of hundreds of thousands!”
[Read the entire statement from a physician] >>
Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025



As of
Goal: $30,000
Raised: $7,254