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A $1,500 Match Challenge!
“I am donating $1,500 to the $30,000 Campaign, with a call for YOU to donate and help match that. Once this match is met, I pledge to donate an additional $1,500. In these two interviews, Avakian is bringing scientific analysis to reverse the paralysis that afflicts tens of millions of decent people right now—those who would never want to live in the reality Trump and the whole MAGA fascist movement are bringing into being, and yet find they are day-by-day accommodating to it.
“Be a part of reversing this paralysis!...
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"My hope is for a fundamentally different system..."
On the 5 year anniversary of my husband's murder at the hands of Akron Ohio police, I choose to donate and help raise funds to get Bob Avakian Official to millions of people. Together with my Cleveland revcoms family, we collected $420 thru a Facebook marketplace rummage sale. I don't live close to any other revcoms so this was a great way for me to contribute my time and goods to the cause when I may not otherwise have been able to. So far I also have 2 new $5 donors and 2 more potential to contribute to our national goal. Thru listening to and discussing the dispatches, I have come to realize that there are other options out there. We don't have to live like this. There is hope somewhere out there. My hope is for a fundamentally different system where I can attain true justice for my Mohammad Isaifan's brutal murder and the hope of ending police murder nationally. I encourage you to donate in any way you can TODAY!!!! The time is now. Justice for Mohammad.
Cultivating a sense of hope and the confidence
I chose to donate because the current, outmoded system of capitalism and imperialism has resulted in heartbreaking realities: burning, starving, and limbless children, along with a planet teetering on the brink of destruction. This system has given rise to fascism with Donald Trump, as the putrid face of it and we are confronted with an unprecedented level of danger. Yet, there is hope on our side - Bob Avakian. By engaging with his ideas, listening to his vision, and allowing ourselves to be challenged to think differently, we can cultivate a sense of hope and the confidence needed to forge a new path from this chaos—a whole new way to live—a fundamentally different system. Become part of this movement to bring BA’s groundbreaking revolutionary message to the forefront everywhere.
Statement for the $5000 Matching Challenge
"I am a baby boomer that knew better in the 60s and 70s because of the leadership of Bob Avakian. Revolution Nothing Less!"
Statement from a donor who offered 2K challenge for Giving Tuesday:
The leadership of Bob Avakian based on the new communism he has brought forward is the only way forward for revolution and the emancipation of humanity here and around the world. @BobAvakianOffical is the beacon to lead us to the bright future.
From a $50 donor
I'm just glad someone is saying these things out loud and I would love to participate in amping up the volume.
From a $25 donor
To support the strongest voice I know that says what needs to be said to bring forward real change.
From a $100 donor
I believe that we have to overhaul the whole system.
“Get the word out”
From a $10 new donor
Nov 5th was not the end…Nov 5th was the beginning.
From a $20 donor
Donations for your education/I think you’ve got something here we def. Need a revolution I’m thankful for the knowledge and information you provide.
From a $200 donor
I saw Chairman Avakian in 1972 at 12 years old. We NEED The Real Deal” if we’re talking REVOLUTION!
From a caregiver from Belize
As we strive to make this a better place for humanity, I am making a donation of $20 which I know is only a drop in the bucket. I am fearful for what is happening to this country.
Why I'm supporting the drive to bring Bob Avakian Official to thousands of people so that millions of people can be brought into the revolution.
I think that humanity is at a key precipice where people take responsibility for a different future-by making all-the-way revolution, particularly here in the U.S…
There is no realistic way to try to bring forth a different future for humanity except by working to make an all-the-way revolution on a scientific basis of the New Communism as brought forth by Bob Avakian. To paraphrase Malcolm X, Bob Avakian is "telling people what they need to know and do, not what they want to hear."
So, the choice is ours—do we want to bring about a differrent future for humanity and the planet or do we allow this capitalist-imperialist system to burn it all to the ground—whether in the form of Adolph Trump or smiling, slick Genocidal Joe/Killer Kamala/Democrats. This is why I'm supporting the drive to bring Bob Avakian Official to thousands of people so that millions of people can be brought into the revolution.
From "an ordinary person"
I am just an ordinary person. Everyone else who supports this revolution is also just... an ordinary person.
What sets us apart from everyone else who cares about humanity is two things: we were exposed to Bob Avakian’s revolutionary leadership at some point—whether a few days or weeks or months ago, or a few years, or even a few decades ago—and we were brave enough and honest enough to realize that what he was saying made sense. That it required action.
BA has dug deeply into what it will take to liberate humanity—an actual revolution. And like he says: in the final analysis, everything else is bullshit.’
So now it’s up to you.
Join us. Help millions and millions of people free this planet and free ourselves.
We are running out of time!
From a $20 donor:
i contribute to this cause, because Bob Avakian has poured his life, heart, soul & brains into the world historic struggle to, & success of a real Social Revolution here in amerikkka, land of genocide & slavery & wage-slavery. I am a retired Proletarian on a fixed income, & donate to every fund raising drive for this cause, & will continue to do so.
From someone who gave $20
The reason I'm donating is that I believe Bob Avakian speaks up for people like me. I have a disability called Crohn's disease which makes my life quite difficult to live. Currently under the system of capitalism-imperialism if you have a disability you are drowning in medical debt because it is almost impossible to get any form of government assistance. Bob Avakian is one of the few people willing to call for the end of this system of exploitation and to create a new emancipating system for humanity to replace it. Thank you Bob Avakian, Revcoms, and to anyone who believes in a better tomorrow you have my gratitude.
From a couple who gave $100
Our community, the LGBT, trans, immigrants, people of all races and all origins, we don’t like the attacks on anyone. We’re human. We want to promote peace, love and harmony. We need to organize against any severe attacks and assist people in any way. Everyone needs to be organized. People need to reconnect to their human origins. Everyone should hear these messages.
November 23, 2024
Making Plans to Reach the $25,000 Goal
A few of us in NE Ohio and Detroit had a brief zoom discussion of Update #16 from the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere and then made plans to help reach the $25,000 goal by December 3. In the discussion we especially dug into the sentence, "What the decent people do depends on what they understand and where their sights are raised to.” Several people thought the report from LA summing up the dinner sale was especially helpful in demonstrating ways that right now people can step into plans for raising critically needed funds. Someone fairly new to following BA brought the discussion back several times to what a difference it makes when people can come to see that a whole better system is possible and excitedly took on a lot of responsibility for carrying out the plans we united on.
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Comments from the initial phases of the fundraising campaign
From a supporter:
Just sent in $250 for the Campaign to spread Bob Avakian Official (including fees for this).
Here is why I'm doing so.
We have just finished the 2024 election where the people of this country were given a "choice" between a white supremacist, misogynist, xenophobic fascist-Trump and a genocidal, mass incarcerator, who has no program or solutions to the deep, serious problems facing humanity and the planet: Harris.
Many people are shocked, saddened, angered, depressed, etc over the outcome of this election.
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"Bob Avakian is calling out how flawed this current system is."
This person donated to the campaign in the store after listening to the intro video and two messages, REVOLUTION #101, "The 'choices' in this election are a damning exposure of this whole system" and REVOLUTION #98 "What is the difference between fascist ruling class liars and 'mainstream' ruling class liars?" He gave what he had $14 and said he could give more later and could share it with others.
"Growing up and coming from India to the first world, I saw human suffering on different scales. My country was colonized by the British imperialists and that framework of capitalist b******* was imposed on us and that continues to this day. Who's guarding this system? It is the West. It's a human profiting system. Bob Avakian is calling out how flawed this current system is. It resonates with me. It's compelling."
College student who donated:
I played the video intro introduction and REVOLUTION #101. She donated $10 online.
"We should not be forced into a two-party system where we must choose the 'lesser of two evils.'
We should not be satisfied with leaders who do not represent our visions of the future and society.
The Democratic and Republican Party do not represent its voter base and we should demand a change of the voting system.
Everyone should listen to Bob Avakian's message and begin to envision a different system with which we live in."
Change minds and hearts for Revolution!
I gave to get the word out about revolution because it is time to think outside the box as a people who will not give up on the climate and the peace movement and bring about change collectively by kicking out the broken system. It is on many minds that the system is broken and needs to be replaced. We can do this. Give to spread the word and start that conversation to change minds and hearts for Revolution!
Letter from a woman incarcerated at a federal prison –
October 9, 2024
Hello there. Sorry for the delayed response. I’m currently in college obtaining my BS at the moment. Receiving these dispatches keeps me in tune with the truth of what’s occurring in the real world that I don’t receive on TV or in the news feed on our tablets. They keep me focused on what the world really is and what can be done to change this world. “The time is now” speaks on this being a rare time that we are in and I must agree with that. We have the tools and means to bring the vision of BA of a new communism.
The politicians which are the 10% continue to feed the 85%, the poor and oppressed, lies and ideologies that continue to put them deeper into poverty and oppression. Because of the “look out for me and mine, and fuck everyone else” mindset we continue to have communities filled with poverty. Instead of showing these communities the right way the 10% continues to lead them astray. This is why it’s important for the 5% which are those who know the truth and chose to uplift and enlighten those who are truly blind to the tactics of the 10%.
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From someone who contributed $300
“Fascist trump or killer Kamala" … it’s always been choose your poison.
It’s pretty clear that…this doesn’t point the way forward…but many are just hoping that killer Kamala will somehow make this society a little bit better than the other guy. WE CAN DO BETTER.
There is only one way out of this … revolution. The revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian who through decades of pointing the way forward is calling on people to throw off these literal mental and physical chains.
The bottom line is voting is just an endorsement of what this system does daily here and around the world.
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From a follower of BA in another country who helps translate BA’s work into Spanish.
[Editors note: We received this statement from a follower of BA in another country who is assisting in translating the BobAvakianOfficial messages, and other articles, into Spanish. He did his own translation into English of his statement, which we edited very slightly for clarity.]
Dear compañer@s:
When I think about how urgent it is to spread the thought and work of Bob Avakian, concentrated in the New Synthesis, and in each of the materials of his authorship, especially in these almost daily messages, I'm initially distressed by the gigantic scale of this work and the need to seize this rare moment., and then I try to do what I can to contribute to said dissemination. It's the way to be consistent between what is said and what is done.
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From a 92 year old supporter/follower of Bob Avakian:
I have known of Bob Avakian and his leadership since the1970s when I learned about and traveled to then-socialist China and then began working at Revolution Books.
Through all the years since then, BA was always leading, speaking the truth and breaking issues down and insisting that we not follow blindly, but do our own thinking and looking at both sides of the questions.
His memoir From Ike to Mao and Beyond is honest and heartfelt and I still have a pamphlet he wrote, called "Communists are Rebels." This was a letter to his parents, printed April 1980. In it he displayed his humility and also attempted to connect with them and lay out his perspective on questions like human nature, religion and Marxism.
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C. Clark Kissinger on why you should follow @BobAvakian if you want revolution & a better world
Revcom in the Midwest talks about spreading Bob Avakian's leadership on Facebook
From a donor:
Things are getting crazier and more dangerous every day... We need an actual revolution!
We don't have to choose between war criminal imperialist Democrats like Biden/Harris/Walz or fascist, white supremacist, woman hating Amerikkkan Hitler Trump/Vance.
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From a supporter:
I am a long time supporter. I have donated to Revolution Books and to the revcoms principally because of the new synthesis of communism brought forward by Bob Avakian.
In a time of book burnings I think the bookstore is an essential center for revolution against the fascist storms that are raging. It is a place where people can get at the truth of what is developing worldwide, and what is needed.