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National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere 

What People Are Saying 

From a 92 year old supporter/follower of Bob Avakian: 

I have known of Bob Avakian and his leadership since the1970s when I learned about and traveled to then-socialist China and then began working at Revolution Books. 

Through all the years since then, BA was always leading, speaking the truth and breaking issues down and insisting that we not follow blindly, but do our own thinking and looking at both sides of the questions. 

His memoir From Ike to Mao and Beyond is honest and heartfelt and I still have a pamphlet he wrote, called "Communists are Rebels." This was a letter to his parents, printed April 1980.  In it he displayed his humility and also attempted to connect with them and lay out his perspective on questions like human nature, religion and Marxism.

The last time I saw him speak was at the Riverside church in the Dialogue with Cornel West in 2014. He demonstrated there a model of how to unite with religious aspirations, and struggle over questions of the need for Real Revolution.

I am having trouble expressing how fortunate I am to be living at the same time as him and how lucky the human race is that he is here at this time of crisis, danger and opportunity.

 Anyone who wants to be a part of this opportunity, ought to check out his social media posts and writings -- not only on current crises, but also his other books, such as Away With All Gods! and Observations on Art and Culture, Science and Philosophy.

From a follower of BA in another country who helps translate BA’s work into Spanish.
[Editors note: We received this statement from a follower of BA in another country who is assisting in translating the BAOfficial messages, and other articles, into Spanish.  He did his own translation into English of his statement, which we edited very slightly for clarity.]

Dear compañer@s: 

When I think about how urgent it is to spread the thought and work of Bob Avakian, concentrated in the New Synthesis, and in each of the materials of his authorship, especially in these almost daily messages, I'm initially distressed by the gigantic scale of this work and the need to seize this rare moment., and then I try to do what I can to contribute to said dissemination. It's the way to be consistent between what is said and what is done.

These messages from @BAOfficial allow us to obtain real-time guidance regarding the world historical events that are marking the present, and what position one should have regarding them from the revolutionary communist perspective.

I must reiterate that for me it is a source of pride to be able to be part of those who contribute to the dissemination of these messages and it is one of most important things I do in my life. Beyond this individual aspect, secondary but not insignificant, it is a very important source of motivation to advance the assigned work as rigorously as possible. The main aspect of my modest role in said task is the awareness that I have that there is a great worldwide need to promote revolutionary thought, and today the most advanced point in terms of revolutionary thought is represented in the New Synthesis of Bob Avakian, therein lies the possibility of emancipation of humanity.

You can count with me in this necessary work.

With revolutionary affection, XXX

C. Clark Kissinger on why you should follow @BobAvakian if you want revolution & a better world

Revcom in the Midwest talks about spreading Bob Avakian's leadership on Facebook