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NO, to this Republic of the so-called “United States” of America, with its blood soaked red, white, and blue rag, and the system for which it stands—the economic and political system of capitalism-imperialism.

A Republic whose “National Anthem” was written by a slave owner (Oh, oh say can you see... all the sla-a-ver-y...)!

A Republic deeply divided, under the rule of oppressors, with liberty and justice denied.

A Republic founded on slavery and genocidal robbery: keeping millions of Black people in chains for generations... killing off huge numbers of Native Americans and stealing their land... waging a war that ripped off half of Mexico, greatly expanding slavery.

A system that, from the start and down to today, has been grounded in heartless exploitation, using and abusing masses of people to create wealth for the few, with violent white supremacy, male supremacy, and gender oppression built into and enforced by this system... plundering people in all parts of the world... destroying the environment, and waging unjust war after war, even to the point of threatening the very existence of humanity... killing off hope for a decent future, or any future at all.

YES, TO A RADICALLY DIFFERENT REPUBLIC AND MUCH BETTER SYSTEMa new socialist republic, a system which will move to abolish and uproot all this madness and give the highest expression to people’s humanity, and a future corresponding to people’s highest aspirations.

To PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY PART OF SOCIETY: The cause we should be dedicated to, and the allegiance we should hold, is represented NOT by the U.S. CONSTITUTION—a document written by and serving the interests of slave-owning and capitalist exploiters, from the founding of this country down to today... a document that elevates “property” and the “right” to enslave and exploit above and against the life and liberty of billions of people, here and throughout the world... a document that for nearly 100 years institutionalized owning Black people as property... a document that has been repeatedly used, and is used today, to “legalize” inequality, injustice, and oppression, with whole groups of people treated as “second class” and less than fully human. WE CAN DO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS!

THE CAUSE WE NEED TO BE DEDICATED TO IS REVOLUTION: To abolish and uproot this system we are now forced to live under and bring into being a new system based on the CONSTITUTION FOR THE NEW SOCIALIST REPUBLIC IN NORTH AMERICA—which provides a sweeping vision, a firm foundation, and concrete blueprint for a radically different and emancipating society and world, with the abolition of all inequality, oppression, and exploitation.

WE ARE THE REVCOMS (REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNISTS): working every day for the revolution that is urgently needed to bring down this system of capitalism-imperialism and bring into being a fundamentally different and far better systemworking to spread this revolution everywhere, organizing thousands and then millions into the ranks of this revolution, so that there is a real chance to win.

TO PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY PART OF SOCIETY: JOIN US—as revolutionary emancipators of humanity, NOT murderous enforcers, or mindless accomplices, of the injustice, degradation, and devastation of this system of capitalism-imperialism and its terrible consequences for humanity.

A CHALLENGE: If anyone wants to claim that what we have said here is not right, then let them have the courage to put that on the line, directly up against us and the knowledge we are bringing... and it will become even more clear that what we say is the truth—a powerful truth that people need to know about and take up.


DONATE to the revolution.

From the genocide in Gaza, to the growing threat of world war between nuclear powers, to escalating environmental devastation… the capitalist-imperialist system ruling over us is a horror for billions around the world and is tearing up the fabric of life on earth. Now the all-out battle within the U.S. ruling class, between fascist Republicans and war criminal Democrats, is coming to a head—likely during, or before, the coming elections—ripping society apart unlike anything since the Civil War.

Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, has developed a strategy to prepare for and make revolution. He’s scientifically analyzed that this is a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible, and has laid out the sweeping vision, solid foundation and concrete blueprint for “what comes next,” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

The website follows and applies that leadership and is essential to all this. We post new materials from BA and curate his whole body of work. We apply the science he’s developed to analyze and expose every key event in society, every week. posts BA’s timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists), including his social media posts which break this down for people every week and sometimes more. We act as a guiding and connecting hub for the growing revcom movement nationwide: not just showing what’s being done, but going into what’s right and what’s wrong and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force.

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but goes up to a whole different level!

So what should you give to make 2024 our year—a year of revolution?
Everything you possibly can!
DONATE NOW to and get with BA and the revcoms!

Your donations contribute to:

  • Promotion of BA on social media and the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show
  • Strengthen as an accessible, secure, robust website able to rise to the challenge of meeting the extraordinary demands of navigating the storms and preparing for revolution in this pivotal, unprecedented year
  • Fund revcoms to travel to national “hotspots,” where extreme contradictions are pulling apart the fabric of this country and creating the possibility of wrenching an actual revolution out of this intensifying situation
  • Expand the reach and coverage of
  • Printing and distribution of key Revcom materials including the Declaration “WE NEED AND WE DEMAND: A WHOLE NEW WAY TO LIVE, A FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEM” and the Proclamation, “WE ARE THE REVCOMS (Revolutionary Communists)