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$100,000 Raised to Put REAL Revolution on the Map in 2023

In a Time When the Future Hangs in the Balance 
When Solutions Offered End Up with the Horrors Going On and On…

There Is Hope, and a Roadmap
to the Emancipation of Humanity


DONATE GENEROUSLY to make this hope a reality


As of
Goal: $100,000
Raised: $102,376

The Call for the Fund Drive:

Your contribution will spur and accelerate the movement for liberating fundamental change, for a real revolution to cast off the system that is hurtling humanity towards the brink.

The very dangers we face in this moment of extreme crisis and sharp irreconcilable divisions in U.S. society holds the potential for what has seemed impossible to become possible.

If you care — and you do,

  • You know the hour is late to save the environment. 

  • You suppress dread that the war in Ukraine and the saber-rattling with China could lead to unthinkable global nuclear catastrophe.

  • You fear and sense that any relief you felt from midterm elections is empty as one third of the country voted for fascists who are hardening, with talk of civil war bandied about.

  • You are outraged that the fundamental right of women to control their own future has been stripped away, and you rightly fear that theocratic fascists won’t stop with this.

  • You seethe with rage that police murder of Black and Brown people  continues unabated two years after George Floyd.

  • You don’t even want to ponder that the plight of refugees and immigrants at the border is not fundamentally different than under Trump.

If this is you, isn’t now the moment to break out of your comfort zone and act on your discomfort with the way things are heading? 

Doing so by donating generously to the movement that is bending every fiber of our beings to bring about a real solution to all these outrages in the only way that humanity could really move beyond all this brutal and even existential oppression—preparing now for a real revolution in a moment when it could be possible. Read the whole Call.

graphic-funddrive goal met


Statement to Livestream from Belinda, Cleveland


From the Bay Area, CA: Raising Funds for $100,000 Fund Drive

From a long time sustainer:
I loved the interview.  I have heard BA speak and read many of his articles.  With this interview you get much more than that.  It shows the human side of the revolution and its leader.  His sense of humor and his passion based on science!...
Read more
Lawyer from New York on raising funds for the revolutionary fund drive

Isabel Cardenas on Donating to the $100,000 Fund Drive


Thanks from the February 19 Fundraising Livestream



Subtitles in Spanish
Now Available: Farsi Subtitles in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Interviews >>
A Leader for a Time When the Future Hangs in the Balance: Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian — Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution — A Rare Appearance on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show

Part 1

Subtitles in Spanish

Part 2

Subtitles in Spanish.

Part 3

Subtitles in Spanish.

The RNL Show Interviews with Bob Avakian


Read statements


For all reports, click HERE.
From Readers in Cleveland: Fulfilling the $400 Pledge

As the February 19 Livestream moved close to the end and it looked like we might not reach the $100,000 goal that night, a call went out for pledges. Inspired by the livestream as a whole—especially the personal responses to the BA interviews from several donors, the announcement for the February 24 initiative to bring forward a massive movement opposed to OUR imperialist war makers, and the Revcom action at the Pussy Riot show, supporters at a watch party in Cleveland pledged to raise $400 with a bake sale on the weekend of February 25th.

It was harder to meet this pledge than we expected.... Read more

Spreading the revolution on Valentine’s Day in Cleveland!
...A salon that asked us to come back after the last sale was really glad to see us. As we came in the door of this very busy place, the woman at the desk said, “make sure you talk to everyone.”...  
Read more
Cleveland Valentine's Day Bake Sale for $100,000 fundraising


Cleveland Valentine's Day Bake Sale for $100,000 fundraising   

Chicago Fundraising Dinner and Open Mic
from the Chicago Revolution Club
About 40 people gathered in the north side church’s dining hall for the Revolution Club’s potluck dinner and Open Mic as a part of the $100,000 fund-raiser heading into its final stretch and the Livestream on February 19.  Together we raised $1,100.  Another $50 plus was raised at a craft fair earlier in the day....
L.A. Future People Open Mic
Raising Money to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023 and Bringing People Together to Forge a Revolutionary Culture
On February 5, the Revolution Club in L.A. hosted a fundraising Future People Open Mic....It was a great evening of powerful and moving poetry and art, and people just speaking out about the atrocities of this system and revolution....
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Open Mic for $100,000 drive in Los Angeles February 5, 2023


Open Mic for $100,000 drive in Los Angeles February 5, 2023    @therevcoms

An Advanced Medical Practice Clinician writes...from one of their patients:
"...without the financial support of many people from different walks of life and different viewpoints, we are not going to be able to change the world."  
Read more
Reaching Lawyers at the Criminal Courthouse
“I see the nightmare of this system every day at work.”
From a member of the National Tour to Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution and a volunteer fundraiser
As part of the $100,000 fund drive to put this revolution on the map, we've wanted to reach lawyers—to raise funds and to introduce them to Bob Avakian's work.
Read more
Houston—Dinner tickets:
A small group here of people has been raising money for the fund drive through selling dinner tickets for next weekend’s Afghan chicken palau and Punjabi vegetarian dinner sale. Two restaurant owners who had read the call for $100,000 to put revolution on the map contributed dinner plates to be sold as part of the fund drive.... Read more

For complete reports, click HERE.


♦ Gather friends and family to watch the Interviews with Bob Avakian and ask them to donate toward promotion so that lots and lots more people will be able to see them.

♦ We need lots of projects taken up by many different people and collective groupings of people.  Arts and crafts projects to sell at holiday fairs, tamale sales and bake sales, etc.  Order revolutionary T-shirts to sell for the revolution (email or place an order by phone by calling 510-848-1196). And other creative ideas…

♦ Revolutionary change jars—if 50 people put out a jar in their home, at work, or to take to gatherings of friends and family and, and if each of those people collected $20 in their jar—that would be $1000 for the revolution.

♦ Write a statement to be posted at about why you are donating to help put REAL revolution in the map.

♦ Set a goal—get 10 people you know to each give $10; or reach out to people with more resources and get 5 people to each give $100.

♦ Organize or join in with efforts to do broad outreach at holiday festivals, farmers markets, shopping malls—set up a table, show clips from the BA Interviews, ask people to donate.

♦ Be part of a team to reach out to doctors, lawyers, teachers, academics—people who have engaged with BA and with the revolution and those who haven’t yet engaged but are agonizing about the crises and conflicts throughout society and wondering what kind of future there is for humanity. Can they give $250 or $500 or $2000?  Can they reach out within their circles and let others know why they are giving and invite them to donate as well? 

♦ A powerful tool in all of this is the interview with three members of the Chicago Revolution Club on the December 1st RNL Show where they are having a deeply moving discussion of BA’s message to the youth in the inner city who are crushed down by the system and driven to target and kill each other.  Sit down with people you know to watch this and ask them to donate to the revolution—the only way out of this hell that people are locked into here and around the world.

♦ VERY IMPORTANT: Send your ideas and reports on your experiences to or DM us @therevcoms.