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Is America a racist country?

Is that supposed to be a serious question, whose answer is in doubt?

Really, it can only be a rhetorical question, whose answer is obvious.

Is snow white? Are evergreen trees green? Is America a racist country?

Yes, clearly, this is a racist country. This is a country where white supremacy has been poured into its foundation and built into every dominant institution.

After all, this is a country whose founding Constitution institutionalized the enslavement of Black people, which lasted for nearly 100 years after the country was founded.

This is a country where, for another 100 years after slavery was formally ended through the Civil War in the 1860s, Black people continued to be treated as “second class citizens”—subjected to systematic (“Jim Crow”) segregation and discrimination, written into the law and enforced with hideous terror by the Ku Klux Klan, racist white mobs and police—especially, but not only, in the southern U.S.

This is a country where, even after legal segregation and discrimination was declared to be in violation of the Constitution, and Civil Rights Acts have been passed, it is a fact, documented many times over, that discrimination against Black people (and others) continues in every part of society, and this oppression is backed up by police brutality and murder. (The number of Black people killed by police just since 1960 is even greater than the thousands who were lynched during the whole time of Jim Crow segregation and Ku Klux Klan terror.)

This is a country where, to this day, besides racist whites waving Confederate flags, there are official Confederate monuments everywhere—blatant symbols of racist white supremacy: After all, the fundamental aim of the Confederacy through the Civil War was to maintain, and if possible expand, slavery—and the revival of Confederate symbols, after the Civil War, was directly, explicitly, a means of asserting white supremacy.

From all this, it is obvious that this is a racist country. The real question is: Why do the leading politicians, of both ruling class parties (Democrats as well as Republicans), deny this obvious fact? This is particularly the case with the openly racist (and overall fascist) Republican Party and its leading politicians, including Trump of course. But is there a leading Democratic Party politician who will just simply and straightforwardly speak the truth that this is today, and always has been, a racist country?

And here are questions whose answers are very important: Why won’t—why can’t—any of these ruling class politicians recognize and openly acknowledge the basic and obvious truth that this country is today, and always has been, a racist country? What would happen to their whole system, and their whole position in the world, if they did admit this?