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My first experience as an agitator.

Soon, I will be getting further into why the developing situation now is tactically difficult but strategically more favorable for revolution.

But first, since I’ve been emphasizing the danger of Christian fascism—and the need for a scientific, not a religious, approach to understanding and changing the world, in an emancipating way—here’s a story about the first time I made an impassioned speech to a crowd.

When I was fourteen, I went on a trip to Los Angeles with my father. One day, during that trip, while my father was meeting with people in another part of the city, as part of his work as a lawyer, I made my way to a park near where we were staying. I was immediately attracted to a crowd listening to people literally standing on a box and speaking passionately—but I was outraged when I heard what they were saying.

I got in line to speak, and when my turn came I threw myself into arguing passionately against what I had been hearing: They were criticizing religion and advocating atheism!

Having been raised in a religious family, I was determined to uphold the Christian religion in which I had been brought up.

What a journey it has been from that experience to becoming, a decade later, a revolutionary communist atheist and then the author and architect of the new communism—a whole new framework for human emancipation!

(To get a sense of how this kind of great change can come about, look into the interviews with me on the YouTube RNL (Revolution, Nothing Less!) Show, as well as my memoir: From Ike To Mao and Beyond, My Journey From Mainstream America To Revolutionary Communist.)

And this great change—dedicating your life to fighting for the emancipation of all humanity, from the terrible conditions in which the great majority of humanity is now forced to live—to bring about the revolution that can lead to freeing people from this horror: for everyone who has a heart and a willingness to be part of something bigger than yourself, for the much greater good, you can and you need to make the same leap to becoming part of the one thing that can make this real: an actual revolution, right in this time we are living in, now.