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Another Typical Disgusting Display—Democrats Praising Their Own Mass Murderer as a “Great Man.”

One of the most disgusting, truly nauseating things that has happened with Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race is the praise for Biden that has been voiced by Democratic Party politicians and operatives—some even wiping away tears as they declare what a great man he is!

They are talking about a Joe Biden who has armed and fully backed Israel in carrying out the bloodthirsty genocidal slaughter of Palestinian people.

What kind of person would call a serial killer a “great man?” And this slaughter of Palestinians is mass murder on a whole other level—involving not just a few dozen victims but tens of thousands of Palestinians, including more than 15 thousand children.

It is very difficult to fully describe how truly horrific this genocidal slaughter is. To get a sense of this, go to, read the articles there by Alan Goodman, and others, and watch the Youtube RNL (Revolution, Nothing Less!) Show.

And, as horrific as this genocide is, it is only part of the terrible crimes that Biden, and all these politicians, have been part of overseeing and enforcing.

This includes Kamala Harris—who, along with Biden, is fully guilty of backing this horrific genocide against Palestinians, and the other monstrous crimes continually perpetrated by this system. That is what it means to be a “leader” of the so-called “free world,” which—as I have shown in these messages—is really a world based on unspeakable atrocity.

Meanwhile, anyone who goes with Donald Trump and the fascist Republicans is guilty of supporting openly and aggressively racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman-hating and LGBT-hating, blatantly anti-scientific climate destroying maniacs, who also fully back the genocidal slaughter of the Palestinian people.

And those among Black people, Latinos, and other oppressed people who support Trump are worse than fools. To borrow from Malcolm X, they are traitors to the oppressed, here and all over the world.

All these politicians, in both the Republican and Democratic parties, represent this system of perpetual horrors: capitalism-imperialism.

And, as I have said before:

We, the people of the world, can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible. And it is a scientific fact that we do not have to live this way.