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Slave Revolts, Civil War & Revolution Now

The terrible history of slavery in this country was also marked by heroic revolts of slaves.

But these rebellions of slaves were eventually crushed by the slave-owners.

And, all too often, these heroic rebellions were “betrayed from within” by slaves who were supposed to be part of the rebellion—but then, thinking more about themselves, and their narrow circle, than about the enslaved people as a whole, they ran to the master to reveal the plans for the uprising.

There is something really important here to think about and learn from: what happens when so many just act on the basis of “I got to think about myself and go for myself—I got to protect myself and those close to me—if a change needs to be brought about, let somebody else do it.” When so many just think and act like that, it is a big part of why so many remain exploited and oppressed, terrorized and tormented, brutalized and murdered by this system!

But there is another side to the story. When the Civil War broke out in the 1860s, masses of slaves saw the chance to finally be free: nearly 200,000 Black people joined the Union Army and fought heroically, with many sacrificing their lives, in order to defeat the southern slave-owning Confederacy and bring about the end to slavery in the country as a whole.

Still, as important as this was, and although it brought about emancipation from literal slavery, it did not bring about complete emancipation from all the ways that Black people, and many others, are viciously and violently used and abused under the rule of this system of capitalism-imperialism. That is what is possible through revolution in this time we are living in now.

And now, as in the days of the Civil War, this is a time when the country as a whole, and in particular the ruling class of the country, is deeply and bitterly divided, and the way the country has been ruled for what seems like forever can no longer hold as it has. And here is a crucial truth that needs to be repeatedly made clear and driven home:

This is a rare time when a revolution to overthrow this whole system is actually possible—to bring about emancipation from every way in which people are exploited and oppressed. This is a rare and precious opportunity which must not be wasted and thrown away.

For those who hunger for a fundamentally different and much better world—revolution is the way.

It is the only way—and it is a real way.

Revolution is hard—revolution requires sacrifice—but revolution can bring about an end to all the horrors that are caused by this system of capitalism-imperialism, that we are told to accept as just “the way things are,” or even “the way things were meant to be.” Everyone who does hunger for a whole different, and emancipating way, needs to get with this revolution—now, and in an ongoing way—learning more about this revolution and developing the ability to be a leader of this revolution, as you work, together with others, to increase and strengthen the ranks of this revolution and build up the basis to go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.