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$25,000 by May 1st


A Better World Without Oppression and Exploitation Is Possible!


Poster for Bob Avakian Heart & Soul and Hardcore for Revolution


At a time when the very fate of the planet is in the balance… at a time when there is a force willing to stand up and say “WE will dare to seize a future fit for humanity”… WHAT are YOU giving your money to?

We revcoms, or revolutionary communists, have a plan to bring forward and lead thousands and then millions in a revolution to wrest a different future out of the horror that now looms. And we need your financial support to do it.

Look around you. 

America and Russia face off in deadly imperialist conflict, brandishing nuclear weapons which could extinguish life on this planet. Fascists move relentlessly to strip ALL women of the right to decide whether and if they will have a child. In addition to the “regular”—and truly terrible—forms of oppression this system brings down, these fascists are now ripping away basic rights from Black and other oppressed peoples… law after law is passed against LGBTQ people, relentlessly scapegoating and attacking them… the U.S.-Mexican border crisis grows even more horrific, with desperate refugees burned to death… and the “green” president opens up new drilling for oil in Alaska. 

The world is being pulled apart. Night seems to be falling.

But within that night, there is hope of a dawn. In the way the system is being pulled apart, from top to bottom… in the ways that the rulers are at each other’s throats… and in the way that all these shocks jolt people out of their apathy or despair… there is the potential for revolution.

What gives that hope the possibility of being realized is this: There’s a force that is preparing to seize on that potential and make an actual revolution. 

You can see this hope—and learn about that potential—in the Interviews with Bob Avakian, the architect of this revolution and the new communism that guides it. In these Interviews he lays out the sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a different world, the strategy to get to that world, and the tools to understand and deal with the challenges we face now and will face later. Imagine this: a new society with a new economic system and a different form of government that would go to work on overcoming exploitation… uprooting all forms of oppression… and moving to address the environmental crisis and abolish nuclear weapons.

You can see this hope in the Revcoms themselves, daring to go up against the system and its enforcers and daring as well to go up against the ways that people have been taught to think, the snarking and sniping and going for self that keeps us confused, divided and weak. Imagine this force growing, now, into the thousands and then the millions.

But don’t just imagine it. Donate to help make it happen.

This May 1st we aim to start putting that revolution on the map, with demonstrations or programs in four key cities. These May 1st actions will show that there is a force fighting for a future worth living in. 

Your funds will enable these demonstrations to happenand more than that, they will be part of making this force and the alternative it represents known to millions. Give as generously as you can. And raise money from others or help us raise money from others. 

Help put REVOLUTION on the map. Give people hope—on a solid, scientific foundation. Donate.

We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity. And it is a scientific fact that humanity does not have to live this way—a whole different way to organize society, a whole better world, is possible.
—Bob Avakian
Your donation will contribute to: 
Promotion of the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show (voice of the revcoms) opening a doorway into the revolution for thousands, potentially millions. Expand the audience of The RNL Show
Production of the website, where you get unique analysis of major events and trends, learn about the revolution and how to be part of it, and find the major works of Bob Avakian. 
Support for the revolutionary leaders and committed young revolutionaries in Los Angeles who are developing a model of putting revolution on the map that can be replicated and grow nationally.   


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