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International Revolutionary May Day 2023


A Better World Without Oppression and Exploitation Is Possible

Editors’ note: This is the text of the speech given by Andy Zee at International May 1 in Los Angeles, and read at the May 1 actions in Chicago and New York City. This was slightly edited for publication.

Andy Zee Speaks at May 1st Rally in Los Angeles, California

This May 1, 2023, we announce the publication of We Are the Revcoms—Revolutionary Communists. We proclaim to the world that We Are Working for A REAL REVOLUTION and a Whole New Emancipating Way to Live.

Everyone who refuses to live the way things have been… living in the dread of the shadow of a potential nuclear war… with this coming on top of the destruction of the environment upon which all life on Earth depends. Either of these insane criminal risks could lead to the end of humanity.

Everyone who is sick and tired of so many people being treated as less than human. Everyone who senses that things in this deeply divided country are coming to a head.

Today, we, the revcoms, put before the world our determination, our scientific understanding that there is the urgent need, there is the basis and the possibility, to prepare now for a real revolution to overthrow this system of capitalism-imperialism that is the source of the existential threat to humanity and to all the madness that people here and around the world suffer.  

We declare today with the publication of We Are the Revcoms that we are determined:

[1] to prepare the people and organize the forces for a real revolution that must finally lead in defeating the violent enforcers of this system;

[2] that we aim for nothing less than abolishing this system with all its oppressive institutions and its governing U.S. Constitution; and

[3] we aim to establish a far better system based on the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America written by Bob Avakian. This constitution would provide the means to bring into being a society free of all slavery, all exploitation and oppression based on class, race, sex, and gender, and all relations in which one part of humanity is subordinated to and dominated by others.

This is real. It is possible. We are determined to put Revolution on the Map this year, beginning today. We call on you to be a part of this emancipating revolution.

Does it stick in your throat when blowhards bloviate about “liberty and justice for all” when the lie of this is all around you?

Do you simmer with rage when you think about the millions who took the streets against police brutality and murder in 2020 only to see police murder skyrocket to record numbers since? Then, to add insult to injury, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took a knee in kente cloth, and went on to fund, fund, fund the KKK cops in blue.

Do you ache from the false promises and honeyed words from Democrats and so-called progressives about women’s right to abortion and LGBTQ rights as these get stripped away at an accelerating pace while the Dems play the same old game: vote for us, but don’t rise up in the streets and fight back?

Do you bury your outrage at the treatment of immigrants under Trump only to see more of the same under Biden?

Do you despair that for all the talk of Green this and Green that, the rulers of this system are drilling for oil in the Arctic?

Do you avert your eyes at the hardening of the fascist movement and its control of the courts, statehouses, and half of Congress while the Democrats have no answers?

Do you shudder at politicians and pundits who talk of peace while ratcheting up war?

When you think about any or all of this—do you turn away because it seems like there is no alternative, no way out of the horrors that go on and on and on?

THERE IS A WAY OUT. A way forward. It’s a hard road. But it’s the only road to the emancipation of all humanity.

The proclamation We Are the Revcoms says:

Basing ourselves on the scientific method and approach of the new communism brought forward by the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, we revcoms have the clear understanding that this system of capitalism-imperialism is the source of all the outrages and madness that people are subjected to, here and all over the worldand that it is long past time for this system to be swept off the face of the Earth.

This requires a real revolution, not playing around with a few changes that leave the system in power. A revolution requires a force of millions, organized to go all out when the conditions are ripe for such a struggle. That time could come soon. That time is what we prepare for today.

Revolution is not always possible in a country like this. This is a “rare time” when it could be. Why this is so is spoken to in We Are the Revcoms, and in the writings of Bob Avakian.

…the capitalist-imperialists who rule over us, in this country, are deeply divided in a way they have not been since the Civil War in the 1860s, and the country is being ripped apart, with one section moving toward an outright fascist form of rule with the other fighting for the horrific way things have been. They cannot resolve these deep divisions, and “hold the country together,” on the basis of the “normal way” this system has operated—and, in any case, that “normal way” is full of oppression, destruction, and the real danger of wiping out humanity.

Today humanity stands on a narrow, shaky precipice with winds gathering force, blowing hard towards a world war between the rulers of this country and Russia and China. All three are capitalist-imperialist countries driven to expand or die by this dog-eat-dog system—big gangsters brandishing nuclear weapons with the capacity to destroy human life as we know it.

This is why this May Day we raise the demands:

No U.S./NATO War With Russia!
Stop U.S. Threats Against China!

No World War 3!

It’s This System, Not Humanity,
That Needs t
o Become Extinct!

Russian and U.S. imperialists one up each other in the proxy war in Ukraine. The U.S. and China exchange threats and conduct provocative war games. These rulers risk a game-ending nuclear war.

At the same time, they condemn the Earth and human life on it by failing to act in the short time we might have to stop the destruction of the environment.

Bob Avakian has said, “We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity.”

The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America will completely transform how the new socialist country relates to the rest of the world—renouncing and destroying the former USA’s nuclear as well as other weapons of mass destruction and dismantling its military bases around the world. The new society is not out to dominate other nations, but to further the revolutionary struggle to emancipate humanity.

And the economy of the new society requires protecting and repairing the environment.

This, the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, is the future we fight for to guide the new society we need.

It’s time to bury the U.S. Constitutiona document written by, and fundamentally serving the interests of, slave-owning and capitalist exploiters, from the founding of this country down to today.

We face two futures: The world is heading towards Something Terrible, but precisely because of how that is increasingly shaking people at their core, there is the possibility of wrenching a truly Emancipating Future through an actual revolution.

The future we get depends to a great extent on what we do. And that “we” includes you.

Today we put our foot on the accelerator for the revolution we need. We have to wage a fierce and tireless struggle to break people out of the ways that they have been thinking, shrinking from the reality we face, or getting into bullshit that just keeps the mess we are in going.

It is time to stop being played by this system by playing this system’s game—listening to politicians, preachers, celebrity, and social movement hustlers looking to get their piece of the imperialist pie. They entice you to play their sick game of “doing good for others while doing good for yourself”; which is a not a game and is only good for keeping this oppressive system going.

It’s time to cut all the excuses and the vengeful blame bullshit—sniping at, ranking and setting “identities” against each other, cancelling and even killing one another over a little piece of the pie looted from the people of the world. All that is, as Bob Avakian has said, All Played Out.

It’s time to get serious. Want to keep it real? Revolution is real. We have the leadership, the method, the strategy to make this real. A revolution requires extraordinary scientific leadership. We have that in Bob Avakian (BA), who has charted the roadmap, the mission, and the blueprint for the future society I have spoken of today. This is a leader to get to know and to follow.

So, Let’s Go! There’s a whole other way we could be living. How to do this?

[1] We start today and over the next months we creatively get the proclamation We Are the Revcoms out everywhere—up on the walls, distributed wherever masses of people gather, and online. Disturb the air, shake the status quo, engage and struggle with people over what it puts forth.

[2] Watch the Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on This past fall, BA did a series of three interviews on The RNL—Revolution Nothing Less—Show. Watch them and you’ll experience the sweep of his vision, his heart and belief that through struggle people can change themselves and the world. His sharp scientific method and approach enables all of us to tackle the difficult problems of making revolution in this country and then making sure that the revolution serves the emancipation of humanity throughout the world.

[3] Get with the Revolution Club. Michelle Xai will speak in a moment to what the club is and why you should and how you can join.

Today we take to the streets to call on the people that:


A Better World Without Oppression and Exploitation Is Possible

We are at a turning point in history. The capitalist-imperialist system is a horror for billions of people here and around the world and threatening the very fabric of life on earth. Now the election of fascist Trump poses even more extreme dangers for humanity—and underscores the total illegitimacy of this system, and the urgent need for a radically different system.

The website follows the revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), the author of the new communism. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. He’s charted a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for “what comes next” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. projects BA’s voice, leadership, and vision throughout society. It posts his timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists) and the whole movement for revolution, including his social media posts, and curates his whole body of work. 

Our website applies the scientific approach BA has developed to analyze major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how they relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this, and what the goals of that revolution are. acts as a guiding and connecting hub for the revcom movement nationwide: showing what’s being done, digging into what’s right and what’s wrong, and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force. As part of this, feature and promotes the weekly The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on 

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but rises to a whole different level!

DONATE NOW to and get with BA and the revcoms!

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