On New Year’s Eve, THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity in Los Angeles, along with others, marched through MacArthur Park/Westlake, a neighborhood that includes many immigrants. These immigrants have been driven out of their home countries because the capitalist-imperialist system, especially the U.S., has made those countries unlivable. Now in the U.S., and always living in the shadows no matter who is “in office,” the Trump/MAGA fascists are demonizing, threatening and targeting them for mass roundups and deportations.
In the face of this, the revcoms called out to the people: “Nuevo año, sin miedo,” “New Year, No Fear!”
New Year, No Fear! — An action on New Year's Eve in an immigrant neighborhood in Los Angeles.
Watch this clip from The RNL—Revolution Nothing, Less!—Show to see the revcoms in action on New Year’s Eve. We need much more of this, now—action to provoke, challenge and inspire all decent people to mobilize now in determined struggle to defeat Trump/MAGA fascism… and, as we do, spreading the understanding that this whole system is rotten and illegitimate and we need a whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system.
This New Year’s Eve march was covered in La Opinion, the largest Spanish-language daily in the U.S. We are providing an English translation of this article (translation by revcom.us translators) to give a sense of the broader impact of this action by the Revcom Corps in LA.