Donald Trump has declared that all Palestinians must be ethnically cleansed from Gaza and that the U.S. would take over and “own” the territory.
Speaking on February 4 with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (aka Netan-Nazi) at his side, Trump stated, “The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too… We’ll own it and be responsible.” He claimed Gaza was too dangerous for people to live in—calling it a “pure demolition site"—but the U.S. would rebuild it and turn it into a hub of jobs and tourism, a “Riviera of the Middle East.”
When asked how many of the more than two million Palestinians in Gaza would be relocated to other countries, Trump responded, “all of them.” “I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza,” he declared.
Three Points on Trump's Outrageous, Criminal Proposal

Gaza is a demolition site and a killing field—courtesy of USA and its vicious attack dog, Israel.
First, if this move of Trump's could be done—and that is a big if—it would be a truly monstrous crime on top of a whole series of monstrous crimes perpetrated against the Palestinian people, especially, but not only, during the one-sided genocidal slaughter carried out by Israel since October 7, 2023.
On that day, the Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas carried out a reactionary attack, killing some 1,200 Israelis—the majority of them civilians—and taking 250 hostages. Israel seized on this atrocity to launch a full-scale genocide against the people of Gaza. Over the past 16 months—with U.S. bombs and backing—they’ve slaughtered over 60,000 Palestinians (according to official numbers, and likely many more in actuality), including 17,492 children. Israel claims their target is Hamas, but in reality their main target is the 2.1 million Palestinians who live in Gaza. Israel has bombed, shelled, bulldozed and blown up homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, farms, bakeries and more, seeking to make life in Gaza impossible.
So, yes, Trump, you murderous pig with the soul and mentality of a two-bit real estate hustler—Gaza is a demolition site and a killing field—courtesy of USA and its vicious attack dog, Israel.
Second, the intent behind Trump’s proposal on Gaza may be to shift people's attention there while making even more serious moves to annex the Palestinian West Bank, that is, illegally make it part of the state of Israel. This is the area west of the Jordan River, bordering the country of Jordan, where three million Palestinian people live. By international agreement this is Palestinian land, and part of a promised future Palestinian state.1 But during its 1967 war, Israel seized this land and has been illegally occupying it ever since.2
The Trump/MAGA fascists now in power actually recognize and support Israel's supposed "right" to have all the land of Palestine, as the right-wing Likud Party stated in an election manifesto, "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."3
Luna of the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity, Los Angeles, speaking at Placita Olvera in Los Angeles
Third, while events are still unfolding and the “wheel” of Trump’s planning is still spinning, it is clear that he has grand ambitions to remake the Middle East. This carries great danger for the masses of people in the region, and for humanity overall, but it is not so clear that he has as much freedom to realize these ambitions as he may think he has. What is clear is that the maneuvers, designs and actions of this system are designed to even more deeply dominate the Middle East, oppress and exploit its people, and do this as part of overall strengthening the U.S. capitalist-imperialist empire.
Trump’s actions and events in the Middle East should be watched closely. Any further aggression by the U.S. or Israel must be firmly opposed with mass struggle.