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ALERT: Urgent Threat to Nationwide Access to Medication Abortions

Right now, a federal judge in Amarillo, Texas, is poised to determine whether or not to ban mifepristone, one of the most common drugs used in medication abortion, all across this country. Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is a fanatically fascist judge who was appointed by Donald Trump. The case he is considering was brought by a bunch of Dark Ages, anti-abortion theocrats who hope to revoke the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of mifepristone. If Kacsmaryk does revoke the FDA's approval of mifepristone, this could1 immediately ban doctors and abortion providers from providing the most common means of abortion to women everywhere in this country. And there is the profound danger that such a decision would be upheld by the fascists who sit on the judiciary all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Forced Motherhood Is Female Enslavement—Make Roe's Reversal a Rallying Cry for a Real Revolution!
From The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show

Writing at, Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern give a sense of the massive impact this would have:

Given that a majority of [abortion] patients use abortion pills, this move would overwhelm providers, creating monthslong waitlists for abortion procedures even in deep-blue states. The result would be an unprecedented backup as people sought to get procedures instead, and likely thousands of patients—in states like New York or California or really anywhere—would be unable to obtain an abortion in time, even if state law protects their right to do so.

In addition to immediately disrupting the ability of women all over the country to gain access to the abortions they need and want, such a decision would be a further escalation in the fascist assault on women's fundamental right to decide for themselves when and whether to have a child. Indeed, that such a lawsuit has been brought in the first place is a further indication that the Christian fascist movement that is driving the assault on abortion rights will not stop until abortion—and even birth control—is completely eradicated.

Kacsmaryk set February 24, 2023, as the deadline for all arguments to be filed in this case and a decision could come any time after that.

March 8, International Women's Day:

Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!

If you are infuriated by the Supreme Court overturning the right to abortion...

If you are inspired by the women of Iran and Latin America rising up for women to be free...

If you have ever wondered if women could be liberated from a world of exploitation, male supremacy and all forms of gender oppression...

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1. It is also possible that a decision to revoke the FDA's approval could be temporarily stayed while an appeal on this decision is filed. While this would not have the same immediate effect of stopping the distribution of mifepristone, it would still be a profoundly negative ruling and an escalation in the assault on women's fundamental right to abortion. [back]

We are at a turning point in history. The capitalist-imperialist system is a horror for billions of people here and around the world and threatening the very fabric of life on earth. Now the election of fascist Trump poses even more extreme dangers for humanity—and underscores the total illegitimacy of this system, and the urgent need for a radically different system.

The website follows the revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), the author of the new communism. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. He’s charted a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for “what comes next” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. projects BA’s voice, leadership, and vision throughout society. It posts his timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists) and the whole movement for revolution, including his social media posts, and curates his whole body of work. 

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