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From Aurora Roja, Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Organization, México:

Duplicity and Complicity by the Mexican Government in Relation to Genocide in Gaza editors’ note: The following is from the blog Aurora Roja, voice of the Revolutionary Communist Organization, México. The original Spanish was translated by volunteers.

Mexico City, pro-Palestinian protest, May 28, 2024.


Demonstration in front of the Israeli Embassy in México City against the deadly bombing of Rafah.    @ellis.sauno 

From the beginning, the Mexican government has assumed a role of duplicity and complicity in the relation to the ongoing genocide in Gaza by Israel, sponsored and armed to the teeth by U.S. imperialism. The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of México even had the nerve to extend congratulations to Israel (, in the midst of the ongoing genocide, for the anniversary of its independence, proclaimed in 1948 in the midst of the Nakba (“catastrophe” in Arabic) in which the Zionists raped, tortured and massacred many Palestinians, with at least 31 documented massacres, and expelled almost one million Palestinians from their homes and lands, razing their villages, to create the Jewish supremacist, racist state that is Israel.

In turn, [Mexican] President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has always refused to condemn the genocide, not to mention breaking relations with Israel, and has declared himself “neutral” regarding the “conflict” in Gaza. Neutral regarding genocide! This is totally unacceptable! At the same time, he has hidden this complicity with the genocide with calls for “peace” and a “ceasefire” (which even Genocide Joe Biden, president of the United States, has also hypocritically proposed).

Now, in the face of ever-widening protests against the genocide, both in México and around the world, the Mexican government has reached a new level of duplicity and deceit. In late May, “The Mexican government formally requested to intervene in the proceedings opened in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague by South Africa against Israel, accused of committing genocide in Gaza” (La Jornada, May 29, 2024). It was interpreted by many as joining the complaint against Israel for genocide, but this was only a publicity stunt to appear to be doing something. In reality, the Mexican government only requested “to intervene in order to contribute its point of view on the interpretation of the principles of international law.” AMLO was even more explicit the next day when he said that “We will assume a neutral position in denouncing Israel” and that they are not going to make any condemnation of Israel for its genocide, nor even admitting that a genocide is underway (La Jornada, May 30, 2024), arguing that only in this way can there be a contribution to the ceasefire and peace.

Lies! The only real opposition against the genocidal killers is the increasingly broad and combative denunciation and condemnation of the Israeli/U.S. genocide by millions of people around the world, which has forced governments to at least adopt a double standard with promises of “peace” and other nonsense. Making pronouncements of “neutral” about such an obvious genocide that is being committed before the eyes of the entire world is complicity.

This government complicity arises from its dependence on U.S. imperialism, despite its false “nationalist” rhetoric. The United States is the main imperialist power that dominates and exploits the people of México, and [in México] the political representatives of the big capitalists (as are all the electoral parties, despite their quarrels among themselves) understand well that they should not go too far in contradicting the most essential interests of the U.S. empire in the world. And the Mexican state has its own interests in maintaining ties with the Zionist regime of Israel: Israeli companies supply it with spy software such as Pegasus, as well as advanced surveillance software and bots that the Mexican army has used to spy on and attack those who criticize or only question the government and the army (even Carmen Aristégui!). (See “Ejército de Bots: las operaciones militares para monitorear las críticas en redes sociales y manipular la conversación digital” [Army of Bots: military operations to monitor criticism on social networks and manipulate digital conversation], among other investigations, at

If you really want to stop this ongoing genocide in Gaza, by Zionism and American imperialism, you also have to call out the complicity and duplicity of your “own” Mexican government.

Not doing so is also complicity.

Repression by the Mexico City police against the protest at the Israeli Embassy, May 28, 2024.


Repression by the México City police against the protest at the Israeli Embassy.    Photo: La Izquierda Diario

Aurora Roja

Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Organization, México

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