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On May 6, Israel began to warn Palestinians to evacuate Rafah, a city to which over a million Palestinians have fled. At a time when Israel has already murdered over 35,000 people in Gaza, nearly 15,000 of whom are children, this horrifying escalation of the war MUST be opposed and STOPPED.
Your government has been and is funding and supporting Israel’s genocidal onslaught. This must STOP! There can be no neutral on this.
Right now, three things must happen:
[1] The resistance to the genocide in Gaza must spread—on the campuses and throughout all of society!
Come into the streets. Bring this country to a halt.
[2] Defend ALL anti-genocide students & protesters! Do NOT let them divide & demonize a movement with right on our side!
The destructions of encampments, shutting of schools and arrests of students and others must STOP. Schools must become centers of anti-genocide education and mobilization, where people dig into the causes of this horror while they unite around a common aim of stopping the genocide, and throw their doors open to all of society.
[3] Everyone who seriously agonizes about the future and wants to see a world without the unjust brutality we are witnessing in Gaza, and in this illegitimate repression, needs to dig in seriously to the source of all this: the system of capitalism-imperialism. And dig into the solution to it: a real revolution.
The Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity invites and urges you to do this by reading below in this flyer, and talking with us more deeply while we are fighting together against this genocide. Work with us now while you find out about the strategy, vision, plan and leadership for this revolution. Bring the spirit of defiance and your desire to get to a world where these kinds of crimes never happen again to anyone! With this whole system in crisis and society being ripped apart, the revolution that's needed to overthrow this system could happen not just in some far-off place and time, but right here and right in this time we are living in.
As to the fundamental cause of the problem and the solution to it, the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, BA, has said:
Why is Biden, and basically the entire government and ruling class of the U.S., supporting Israel in carrying out genocide against the Palestinian people, before the whole world? Here is the answer to that crucial question:
This is not because of “the power of the Jewish lobby”—or because of some ignorant, ridiculous and outrageous notion that “Jews are controlling everything.” It is because Israel plays a “special role”as a heavily armed bastion of support for U.S. imperialism in a strategically important part of the world (the “Middle East”). And Israel has been a key force in the commission of atrocities which have helped to maintain the oppressive rule of U.S. imperialism in many other parts of the world.
(That is from my statement Some Basic Truths About the U.S.-Supported Israeli War Against Palestine, which is posted at
It’s the system! The system of capitalism-imperialism that Biden serves. The system he has to serve—the system that anybody and everybody has to serve if they want to hold office, and especially “high office,” like president, within this system. That is why Biden is doing what he’s doing—what all these politicians are doing—above and beyond their more narrow personal interests.
It’s the system! This system of capitalism-imperialism that embodies and enforces white supremacy, patriarchal male supremacy and other brutal oppression—this system resting on ruthless life-stealing exploitation of masses of people in this country and literally billions of people worldwide, including more than 150 million children—all enforced with massive violence and destruction, of people and the environment, posing a very real threat to the future and the existence of humanity.
This system that needs to be overthrown at the soonest possible time, through an actual revolution.

Listen to the full dispatch (#7) from Bob Avakian quoted above, and hear more truths the powers-that-be don’t want you to know about REAL REVOLUTION, IN THIS TIME, follow