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Long Live the Uprising of the Oppressed Masses of Iran!

Solidarity message from JAKNA (The New Communism Movement of Afghanistan) to the rebellion of the oppressed masses of Iran:  

(Translation and edits by volunteers):

JAKNA sends its warmest greetings to and supports the uprising of the down-pressed masses who are rising up against the oppression and discrimination by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The interests of the majority of the people of Iran and Afghanistan, including of the workers and toilers and the oppressed nationalities, and the fate of the revolution in these two countries, are very much intertwined.  

The uprising of the downtrodden in Iran against 43 years of savagery and discrimination by the very workings of the capitalist dictatorship of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is like molten steel bubbling up and spreading throughout the society.

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The reactionary police, military forces, and agents of the Islamic Republic, by the orders of Khamenei (Iran’s “supreme commander”), brutally suppressed and fired on the insurgents and rebel youth. Once again, the dear souls and lives of our people have been taken by the enemies of the people and of humanity. 

We say "our people" because communists have no countries and no borders. Wherever there is a voice against discrimination, plunder and savagery, every person who stands up against oppression and exploitation is essentially our people. We see ourselves together as one, and are part of and stand with, their uprising, struggle, revolt and the outcome of their revolution. 

Comrades! Brothers and sisters of the uprising in Iran! You should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not just your enemy. This fundamentalist Islamic regime is like a cancerous tumor whose filth has taken root throughout our region and yoursfrom Afghanistan to Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syriaand it commits whatever crimes are necessary for its survival. This cancerous gland must be removed and its roots dried up everywhere. 

This means that the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be a major blow to all Islamic fundamentalist movements, including the Taliban, the Afghan Mujahideen, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansarullah in Yemen, and so on. 

The calamity of the Mullahs’ rule in Iran has infected the body and soul of all of us, all of humanity, especially Afghan migrant workers in Iran. Rationing bread is an inhuman and criminal oppression of the Iranian people. But the Afghan migrant worker is completely deprived of any bread at all. The rationing program for the poor of Iran is a criminal plan, but for the Afghan migrant worker, it is a fascist plan.

The Afghan people remember the horrific days of the fascist regime's rations in the last four decades. It is true that a small percentage of Afghan people are semi-prosperous in Iran for some reasons, but there are millions of people from Afghanistan living in Iran, a large proportion of whom are migrant workers. They make up the lowest strata of the Iranian proletariat and toilers, who are deprived of all civil and human rights. They have the greatest interest in overthrowing the Islamic Republic, and as the comrades of the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) wrote in the "Strategy for the Revolution in Iran," they can be part of the backbone of the revolution to overthrow the Islamic Republic and build a New Socialist society in that country. 

Afghan-Iranian brothers and sisters living in Iran: You have experienced the pains of  war, bloodshed, and migration on your soul and psyche. You who were born and raised in Iranrealize that this uprising is also your uprising. You, as millions of immigrants, are deprived of any citizenship rights like other oppressed nationalities in Iran. You have an interest in the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the establishment of a New Socialist Republic in that country: Let us join the ranks of this uprising and fight for bread, dignity, freedom, and a humane societyand the overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

In all class societies, rebellion is often dormant, like fire and sometimes like volcanoes. Rebellion has a pleasant name and is the natural right of the masses against oppression, plunder and exploitation. Rebellion is an expression of freedom against oppression. In the words of Mao Zedong, “Marxism consists of thousands of truths, but these truths can be summarized in the statement: It is right to rebel against reactionaries.”

Therefore, one of the tasks of the revolutionary communists is to defend the insurgency of the downtrodden and the toilers and to direct it towards revolution, because the revolt of the oppressed and toilers does not automatically lead to a revolution to overthrow the Islamic Republic or any other reactionary capitalist state. Revolution is a conscious and organized act with the participation of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people. The existence of a communist and revolutionary vanguard is necessary to turn the resistance and revolt of the masses of people into a revolutionary movement.

The Iranian people's movement has an active communist vanguard, in Iran, in the Communist Party of Iran (MLM). Armed with the most advanced communist science of our time, the new synthesis of communism, this party has compiled and published important documents on the strategy for revolution in Iran, as well as for the alternative society that it fights for, the new Socialist Republic of Iran. You can browse these documents on the party's website ( and use them as the framework for a thorough analysis of the situation and the correct strategies. 

With the support and participation of the revolutionary forces of Iran and the unification of millions of people in that country, including Afghan-Iranians, this revolt can be turned into a revolution to overthrow the Islamic Republic and establish a new socialist republic as a detachment of the world communist revolution, to contribute to revolution in our region and the whole world. 

Down with the fascist Islamic Republic of Iran! 

Long live the uprising and rebellion of the oppressed and toiling masses in Iran! 

Forward to the establishment of The New Socialist Republic of Iran! 

Long live The New Communism! 

The New Communism Movement of Afghanistan (JAKNA) 17 May 2022

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From the genocide in Gaza, to the growing threat of world war between nuclear powers, to escalating environmental devastation… the capitalist-imperialist system ruling over us is a horror for billions around the world and is tearing up the fabric of life on earth. Now the all-out battle within the U.S. ruling class, between fascist Republicans and war criminal Democrats, is coming to a head—likely during, or before, the coming elections—ripping society apart unlike anything since the Civil War.

Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, has developed a strategy to prepare for and make revolution. He’s scientifically analyzed that this is a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible, and has laid out the sweeping vision, solid foundation and concrete blueprint for “what comes next,” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

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Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but goes up to a whole different level!

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