Over these last days, millions and millions were roped into thinking and acting on the terms of the Democratic Party Convention. Bob Avakian has cut through to the truth of what was really going on:
The Democratic Party Convention: Delegates chant “We Love Genocide!”
Listen to the full social media dispatch, Revolution #76 here:
This is what needs to be seen and heard everywhere—up against all the bullshit that justifies going along with, and even applauding, this system's nightmare of oppression and exploitation here and all over the world. This is the mission of the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere—with a major online campaign, and grassroots spreading and fundraising effort!
As a two-part letter from a reader to revcom.us says:
This person, this leader concentrates what is desperately needed, scientifically possible and eminently desirable: real revolution and the emancipation of all humanity. BA has quite simply done, and is doing, the work that nobody else has. He has forged real answers to questions that no one else is even asking, but are the most vital questions that humanity faces.
Read part 2 of this letter HERE. And read part 1 HERE. And if you've already read it, read it again!
Here are some updates and lessons from the National Campaign. Stay tuned to revcom.us, where we'll be sharing more, including plans throughout this week... and write to us with your thinking at getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com or DM @therevcoms
** We surpassed the national $10,000 goal to raise funds to spread Bob Avakian's social media throughout the Democratic National Convention! As of now, over $13,000 was raised!! This came from generous individuals who gave amounts large and small, donations on the street from people hearing Bob Avakian's social media for the first time, projects like selling drinks at a street festival in LA... and more. If you were part of giving or raising funds, write to us at getorganizedforrevolutiontour@gmail.com or DM @therevcoms. Send us a written or video statement as to why you gave, or what you learned in the process of raising funds—advances and obstacles.
This enabled us to get a powerful start in printing materials across the country—posters, stickers, banners and flyers. And to really kick off the online advertising.
We are announcing a NEW fundraising goal, to raise between now and Labor Day: $4,000. This will pay for a targeted effort to get BA's new post, Revolution #76, and the ones to follow this week, in front of hundreds of thousands of people who were pulled into political life through the DNC but who need to be hit with the clarity in Bob Avakian's messages:
This system forces the people who rise to the top of it, and rule it, to be literally—without any exaggeration—cut-throat exploiters, murderous oppressors on a massive scale, and relentless plunderers of people and the environment, regardless of the suffering this causes for masses of human beings. For individual capitalists, and for the ruling classes of capitalist countries, if they do not beat out and beat down others, by whatever means, no matter how monstrous, they will go under. This cannot be “reformed away,” and it cannot be changed by changing the people who rule in this system—they will all be bound by the very nature, the “logic” and dynamics, and the demands of this system.
This can only be changed with a revolution—to overthrow and abolish this system, and replace it with a fundamentally different and much better system, which does not rest on, does not require, and aims to fully do away with ruthless exploitation and monstrous mass murder and destruction.
In addition to focusing on BA's messages on the DNC, we're going to do a pilot project, advertising Revolution #73, "Black people hating on immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better." While we should be stepping with the whole of the revolution BA is fighting for, there may be people who would want to donate specifically to this effort. Reach out to them now with this message!
Finally, while we don't have a full sense of the impact we've had on the ground, check this out from THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity in the Bay Area. This anti-communist liberal was so triggered by our message, they went right onto YouTube to register their upset. THE REVCOM CORPS is raising $500 to spread this even further:
** We've been learning a lot about how to reach a broad audience with BA's voice. So far, our ads have gotten over 500,000 "impressions" and over 95,000 views (meaning that the ads have been put in front of people over 500,000 times) and over 143,000 "engagements" which includes views, likes, dislikes, comments or subscriptions. This was our goal for the DNC! So again, thank you for everyone who helped make it happen.
We are still waiting for "approval" to run "political ads" on Instagram (it's a complicated process), but are able to run political ads on YouTube. So here are a couple interesting things from our very initial experience:
The more people we reached, with a very broad audience, the more subscribers @BobAvakianOfficial got on YouTube. We also experimented with a more targeted audience, reaching people watching certain political shows, and got a smaller response. While you can't sum up everything from this, it's worth noting two things about this:
1. We have to reach millions right now, and urgently, with BA's message. And the more we get out there, breaking beyond just reaching small handfuls of people, the more we'll attract those who are more serious, or more seriously looking for answers.
And 2. There are lots and lots of people who want to hear a radical revolutionary analysis and vision who aren't necessarily "tuned in politically."
Again, this is still very initial, and we have much more to do and learn!
** Also, from the Bay Area, check out this great intervention they did the final night of the DNC:
** We also had a lot of fun engaging the debate online with a couple volunteer social media spreaders and contenders on the night of Kamala Harris's speech. With a small but dynamic crew, we were able to intervene in a bunch of different comment feeds. This was very initial, but we did learn how to lead this kind of collective effort. This is a fun and impactful way to reach a lot of people, and do so as part of working with a team of others. This is a way for people who are getting into BA themselves to go out and fight for it online. Sign up and spread the word.
** Finally, since we are not able to do the kind of advertising on Instagram that we want to do, join us on an offensive of building up the followers on the ground! Whenever you're out challenging people about the problem in this system of capitalism-imperialism and the urgent need and potential for revolution to overthrow this system, and bring a whole better world into being, ask them to pull out their phone and follow @BobAvakianOfficial on the spot. Have them listen to a social media post right there.
And as we began this update, tell them straight up: no other leader in this country is even talking about making a real revolution. What could be more important than that?!?! If they want to hear more, they need to hear BA for themselves. And we should enlist them in spreading BA to others, on Instagram, other social media platforms and beyond. Ask them to share it in their story, and to DM their friends.
Stay tuned for more, and write to us with your ideas and questions.