On November 16, the Christian fascist organization, Men's March to Abolish Abortion staged a rally outside of Boston Planned Parenthood and attempted to march to downtown Boston. The two hundred anti-abortionists were met halfway by hundreds of angry counter-protesters, mainly youth but also older folks who blocked the streets and forced the fascists against the wall of a hotel. Members of THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity were part of the counter-protest, wading into the crowds, leading chants and distributing hundreds of copies of @BobAvakianOfficial, REVOLUTION #102, "'Two Countries' Within This Country—And The Whole Damn System's Got To Go! This is not a time for demoralization and despair—it is a time for righteous anger and revolutionary determination."
The remnants of the fascist rally were only able to proceed after dozens of baton-wielding Boston cops cleared a way, but the counter-protesters continued to challenge and disrupt the Christian fascists till the end of the day.