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Reports from the Field

Real-Time Leadership for Real Revolution In This Time 


The revcoms have launched a MAJOR national campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere. To raise tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars... to garner tens and hundreds of thousands of followers... to reach millions. 

On this page, people write about their ideas and experiences, and what they have learned. Send your posts to

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December 16, 2024

Making an Impact at University of Massachusetts, Boston, Holiday Bazaar

From a reader

A crew of revcoms recently set up a table at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. UMass, as it is known, is a public college in a city filled with expensive private universities. It draws heavily from the surrounding neighborhoods of Boston with a disproportionate number of Black, Latino and international students, including many undocumented. Our table was part of the semester-ending holiday bazaar and we were leading with @BobAvakianOfficial message Revolution #102 and the “We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System.” In preparation for going out, some of us had a chance to discuss the Get @BobAvakianofficial Everywhere Campaign Update #19 and had grappled with the key assessments and challenges it presented—most importantly, getting people to hear BA directly, and the need to be very materialist in struggling for people to contribute. 

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One thing some of us noticed initially at our table was that we were still being very defensive around funds. There was too much “Can you make a contribution? Whatever you can.” Update #19 quotes one volunteer: "We can't take no for an answer. The donation we're asking for is for the emancipation of humanity, not for ourselves. So we can’t be timid. When people say no, I ask why so I can answer them. You've got to talk TO people and get into it. Tell them about the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America that Bob Avakian has written. Tell them that people don’t have to live the way they are living."

We talked about this on the spot and changed our approach—so that with everyone who stopped and expressed any interest at all, we began laying out the importance of getting BA’s voice out broadly, how we had a national plan to break through the social media roadblock and how, right now, there was a national campaign to get 200 people to contribute $5 as part of our latest goal to raise $50,000 by December 31. Because of the loud background noise, it was impossible to play any of the @BobAvakianOfficial messages on the spot, which put us at an immediate disadvantage, but we would read passages from #102, and three students agreed to meet later to listen to them. And virtually everyone at the table clicked on the @BobAvakianOfficial QR code.

Despite this major drawback, this change in orientation made an immediate impact, and by the end of the day we had gotten six students to contribute $5 each towards this campaign. We also sold two copies of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

In trying to assess the day, one thing that struck us was that most students were more subdued than we had expected, but at the same time, those who stopped were very serious. One student who we made plans to meet later was from the Dominican Republic. He agonized over how some of his relatives had voted for Trump because he would “make the economy better.” “Don’t they get it—he’s a fascist, he doesn’t give a shit about them. I can't even be in the same room with them and they are family." At the same time, he talked about how he and others he knows sometimes feel like the “walls are closing in on us,” everywhere they look around there seems to be no hope for the future. He had no love for the Democrats, scornful of Kamala Harris’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza. He had never heard of BA and was struck by the fact that BA had actually written a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which he got. Another student of Cuban and Mexican descent, who got a Constitution, talked about how the anger builds up inside him at the outrages he sees and he feels like there is no outlet. He was also not familiar with BA.

Others peppered us with questions: Wouldn’t the murder of Brian Thompson, former CEO of United Healthcare, raise awareness of the outrages of the health insurance industry? (The short answer: NO! People are already painfully aware of these outrages, and individual acts of revenge like this will not contribute to building the movement of revolution necessary to end these horrors. But getting @BobAvakianOfficial out broadly in society will.) How would it be possible to go up against a power that is so prepared to crush even those who appear to be a threat to their power? What about Che Guevara? What does BA think about the historical experience of the previous socialist countries?

One noticeable thing about the day was a lack of the snarky “you are just a cult” b.s. that we have encountered at times in the past. Even the students who were grilling us about who BA is and would he be the new president of the new socialist republic were honestly grappling with something they had never thought about until they walked up to our table.

We also struggled to give students the understanding that this is a national movement; people from every walk of life, from every part of the country, coming together to engage with Bob Avakian and the leadership he is providing for this movement for revolution even as they are sorting out their own questions and that right now it is critical for them to step forward to be part of this movement.

December 9, 2024

Raising Funds for the Revolution and Building for Giving Tuesday at a Pulga in Houston, Sunday, December 1

Revcoms at Pulga event with sign: This Whole System Is Rotten and Illegitimate.  We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System


Revcoms at pulga event. The sign says, "This Whole System Is Rotten and Illegitimate.  We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System."    Photo: special to

As part of a weekend effort to raise funds for the National Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere!, a small crew made our way through the streets of a “bootleg pulga”—unofficial booths selling food, drinks, and other items—in a heavily Central American part of Houston. We have gone to this area several times, often with a strong positive response, but this time was more intense. In a couple of hours, we raised $68.50.

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We marched behind a large poster in Spanish, with In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse To Accept a Fascist America! on one side, and This Whole System Is Rotten and Illegitimate. We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System on the other. The sign, along with us marching and chanting, “¡Fascismo—No!, Imperialismo—No!, Revolución—Sí!” turned a lot of heads.

We brought a message of hope and a challenge to step into the revolution with the Giving Tuesday flyers, BA’s social media message Revolution #106 (Defend the Rights and Lives of People Targeted by Trump/MAGA Fascism. Take the Offensive in Opposition to This Fascism And The System That Has Given Rise to This Fascism.), and the Declaration,  “We Need and We Demand: A whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System.”

People stepped forward and donated—in amounts ranging from one dollar to twenty. Everyone who donated also got the bilingual DVD Sampler from BA’s 2003 talk “Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About.”

Key was bringing forward the hope and leadership of Bob Avakian. As one example of this, we contrasted the brutality of America towards immigrants, and the impending threat of mass raids and deportation with BA’s message in Revolution #106 to defend the rights and lives of those under attack, and with the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America

The message “You can make a difference right now, by spreading the voice, the analysis and the vision of the revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian” also unleashed some people who feel they have no role contributing to revolution here in the U.S.

December 2, 2024

NYC: Successful Bake Sale Raises Close to $1,200

Baking sweet potato pies to raise funds to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere.


Baking sweet potato pies in New York City to raise funds to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere.    Photo: @RevComCorpsNYC

A successful fund-raising Bake Sale was held by the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity in New York City. We raised more than $1,194 to promote and spread @BobAvakianOfficial Social Media Everywhere. The effort featured "Lovette's Southern Styled Sweet Potato Pies" and other baked goods that were donated by people who have been working with the Revolution for a long time and others who are only beginning to learn about the leadership of Bob Avakian through these social media messages. Read more >>

December 2, 2024

Holiday Fundraising Bazaar in Chicago

From a revcom:

Woman at fundraising table


THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity in Chicago held a holiday bazaar with a wide variety of items. We raised $197 on a bitter cold day. A donor gave the following message: "Going into the New Year with Trump and Project 2025 is going to force people to realize that they need the leadership of Bob Avakian." Read more >>

November 23, 2024

Making Plans to Reach the $25,000 Goal

A few of us in NE Ohio and Detroit had a brief zoom discussion of Update #16 from the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere and then made plans to help reach the $25,000 goal by December 3. In the discussion we especially dug into the sentence, "What the decent people do depends on what they understand and where their sights are raised to.” Several people thought the report from LA summing up the dinner sale was especially helpful in demonstrating ways that right now people can step into plans for raising critically needed funds. Someone fairly new to following BA brought the discussion back several times to what a difference it makes when people can come to see that a whole better system is possible and excitedly took on a lot of responsibility for carrying out the plans we united on.

We decided to do an online holiday rummage sale and set a goal of $500 to $1,000 by Dec 3. We immediately posted an announcement for it on FB marketplace and will shortly post one on Craigslist. We've gotten out a couple hundred texts to people we’ve met through the course of broadly spreading the revolution, and we intend to send 100 or so more texts. We’re calling on people to volunteer to help and to donate usable items and crafts. 

Everyone who purchases something will also get We Need and We Demand and BA's message REVOLUTION #102.

In addition to the rummage sale, some of us are reaching out broadly by phone and email with the new fundraising letter for the $25,000 drive. 

October 29, from a Reader

Opening the conversation with a challenging message from Bob Avakian

I set out to raise money for the @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere campaign from “new” people, people who had either never donated to the RCP or Bob Avakian, or had not done so for some time. To get my feet wet, I made a short list of half a dozen people and sent personalized versions of the template of a fund-raising letter, which is a great start because it’s so short, and to the point of WHY their donation is critical NOW. We all need to reach far beyond people who’ve already been donating generously, and there’s every basis for people to appreciate the need for this revolutionary leader to reach millions, now, quickly, who may not have seen or valued that as urgently in the past. And by asking, we’ll at least find out more. Why should we be afraid of a “no?” I read a piece by a professional fundraiser for non-profits who said you should get nine negative responses for every positive one if you’re reaching out broadly. And if we really grasp that literally millions of people hate what this is country is doing and what they see in the world every day but have no clue that there is a way out, we have every reason to take her words to heart and get going. 

In the first round, two people I asked have said "yes" and donated for the first time and one person said "no."  I haven’t connected with the others, yet. I’m collecting more emails for the next round of outreach while I pursue them. 

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One person who donated for the first time is a liberal with a lot of anti-communist views whom I had previously shared the clip from BA's interview on the RNL Show about his denunciation of the "ends justifying the means" and why that approach has absolutely no place in the revolution or revolutionary socialist society.  She was shocked, at both his outlook and his nuanced approach. When I spoke to her recently we were talking about her friends who canceled their subscription to the Washington Post because Jeff Bezos, the Post’s billionaire owner, refused to publish an endorsement of Harris. She was debating how to protest that decision. I said: donate to a movement that’s not just independent, it’s dedicated to ending the rule of billionaires and their capitalist system over our whole damn world. And she said: good idea! This wouldn’t have happened without our earlier discussions, but I wouldn’t have asked her to donate with my old approach either. After our conversation, I sent her a link to the new @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere website for a better understanding of the campaign.

The other person who donated $100 is someone I worked with many years ago and have stayed in touch with loosely over the years, a bit more in this election season. I asked for $200 and he donated $100 for now. He isn’t on social media much but he does subscribe to BA on Substack and was familiar with many of his dispatches, but he hadn’t seen the new website and didn’t understand the urgency of the @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere campaign. When I told him about the campaign updates, he was really excited about the measurable impact of his donations and, even though his monthly commitment is smaller than I requested, he’s now an active part of this movement and sees himself as such. 

One person who gave some time ago replied to my email that they didn’t have time to talk and won’t give money now anyway because they “hold out little to no hope” that masses of people will rise up in a sustained way if the Trump fascists try to seize power, which they think is a strong possibility. This person conceded that they’d only “skimmed” what BA’s been writing, and are almost completely unaware of what we’re doing. I replied that they need to subscribe to BA’s Substack (they’re not on social media), listen to REVOLUTION #88, and check out the new website to get a flavor for the bold, creative campaign that’s already touching many thousands of people. And however pressed for time a person may be, it only takes a minute to donate $100 (including the links). They did thank me for keeping in touch so I said I’ll be back soon. 

This is truly just skimming the surface in one corner, and in each case it was introducing a challenging message or clip or quote from BA himself that busted people out of their assumptions and at least opened up a conversation. But we need so much more money to begin to meet the needs of the hour! I hope this encourages you to do much more, and better.

A Reader 


Follow Up With People Who Received the Fundraising Letter for the Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere: 

I spoke with an attorney I have known for decades, a Black criminal defense attorney. He went to the website while we spoke and said that he has from time to time read Revolution which he receives via email. He saw REVOLUTION #91 from BA “A Profound Fight for the Soul of Black People: A Defeated People—Or, A Revolutionary People?” and said he wants to read that. We talked about what time it is now for humanity, the horror of what is happening in Gaza, the elections, the forces driving millions of  people from their countries who struggling desperately to come north. He said he is glad that BA is out there in this way with his social media. He said he would like to help and wants to be a part of this. He doesn’t have a lot of money right now but said he will make a contribution. 

I also talked to another old friend who spent some time talking about some difficulties his family is going through and brought it back to the kind of fucked up system and society we live under which creates these horrible traps for people. He spoke of how the series from BA “A Profound Fight for the Soul of Black People: A Defeated People—Or, A Revolutionary People?” was something that really resonated with him. He feels it is so important that people understand the reality of a defeated people and how this can change. I said that just by yourself you can't change things but together with others and the leadership BA is giving, we are working together to transform all of this through revolution—and that the world could be a whole other way. I talked about the importance of making the largest donation that he can—he said it may be a very small donation but he would look at the letter and he will try to figure that out, and other ways that he can participate in the campaign.

Aguas Frescas Fundraiser in Los Angeles

Revcom Corps sells agua fresca at CicLAvia.

The REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity took up a project to raise $300 towards the $20,000 goal for the campaign to put @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere. We put a call out for ingredients to make the Aguas Frescas, a few people went out to a local farmers' market and shared the list of ingredients to vendors who donated all the ingredients. Some listened to the message #88 and others who were familiar with the revcoms were happy to contribute to the fundraiser. A supporter volunteered to take all the ingredients and make the Aguas. The REVCOM CORPS organized a contingent out at CicLAvia which is an event that closes streets down for miles, for people on bicycles. We had a crew of revcoms in our “Revolution Nothing Less” T-shirts, with signs of “Stop following the B.E.B, Start following @BobAvakianOfficial” on our bikes, and had a loud speaker playing the messages from BA.

We had a hub where we raised $345, sold out our Aguas Frescas, and met some people who were happy to link up with the revolution, people who expressed being glad to meet us because the “solutions” they were being told to follow, were not commensurate with the situation beginning to unfold, and were eager to go engage the messages from Bob Avakian.

Press Release, October 9, 2024:

Revcoms Disrupt Springfield, Ohio City Commission Meeting

For two days, a digital billboard travelled through the streets of Springfield OH with this message from the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian: 

Why do people come here from all over the world? Because the U.S. has messed up the rest of the world even worse than what they’ve done here!

Rafael Kadaris, from the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity, disrupted fascist lies at the Springfield, OH City Commission Meeting:

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And see this post on @therevcoms with how people in Springfield responded:

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Kadaris said "Donald Trump and JD Vance are spreading fascist lies about immigrants, threatening mass deportation. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden don’t use the same ugly language, but have deported more immigrants than Trump and just announced they will not extend temporary legal status for 530,000 migrants. Up against all this, we are bringing the truth from Bob Avakian.  Now is not the time to choose between oppressors, now's the time to get organized for revolution." 

Bob Avakian says in his media message, “Revolution #26: Crime and Anti-Immigrant Racism

“Why are these fascists so aggressively spreading racist anti-immigrant hysteria—and why should any decent person get played by this? Who, and what, is really responsible for the terrible situation that people are facing today? Hint: It is not immigrants. It is the system, the ruling class of this system, and the politicians of both ruling class political parties, Democrat as well as Republican.”

Bob Avakian is a revolutionary leader and architect of the new communism.  He has authored the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic In North America.  In regular messages on social media, from @BobAvakianOfficial, he is providing real-time leadership in a rare time when revolution is more possible.


"Revolution - Nothing Less! Bake Sale" in Harlem

Revolution Books NYC Bake sale for National Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere


The RevCom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity held a successful "Revolution—Nothing Less! Bake Sale" to raise money for the Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere and Revolution Books NYC. We had a lively scene in front of Revolution Books with people stopping to buy desserts. Three people and a dessert business that had never donated before made brownies, bundt cake, and chocolate chip cookies. One of the three is a 12-year-old who had only recently been introduced to the revolution. Another seven people, including long-time supporters and revcoms, made an array of desserts. One of the organizers of the bake sale made cookies with “BA Speaks,” “RNL” ("Revolution—Nothing Less!”), a design of “Break the Chains” and other designs. In less than four hours, $390 was raised, surpassing our goal of $300. 

Revolution Books NYC Bake sale for National Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere


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One of the organizers of the bake sale cut up cookies and other desserts and told people walking past us to sample the goodies and donate to the “Revolution—Nothing Less!” bake sale. Many of them ended up buying something. Some people took a seat to watch the series that Bob Avakian is running on his social media, A Profound Fight for the Soul of Black People: A Defeated People -- Or, A Revolutionary People? This opened up deep discussion, questions and debate.


A Fight for the Walls with @BobAvakianOfficial Up Against the BEB

A few of us went to the opening night of a progressive gallery with an exhibit on political and social injustices. But we knew from some of the artists participating that there was going to be an emphasis on channeling people into the BEB—Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit. 

September 29, 2024 - Los Angeles - Fight for the Walls with @BobAvakianOfficial up against the BEB


In addition to reaching the crowd, we postered the area with the revcoms’ translation of @OBEY’s Kamala Harris poster: 

We posted those along with poster “Stop following BEB. Start following @BobAvakianOfficial” on four spots right where people were entering and leaving.

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2024-09-19 Revcom translation of Kamala Harris OBEY poster


Revcom translation of Kamala Harris OBEY poster   

The posters immediately became a sharp dividing line. As soon as we turned around from putting up the last one, we saw a man holding a crumpled poster. He said he had taken it from an eight-year-old girl who tore it down saying, "They’re communists and they want to destroy America." But he argued that he doesn’t think anyone should be tearing down posters that they don’t agree with. (He is actually a professor at a local university who said this semester on campus is “like an armed camp” with security who check for campus ID at every entrance—and hates to see this kind of shutting down of needed debate and dissent.) He signed up to talk more about the Campaign to Spread @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere.

Stop Following BEB - Start Following @BobAvakianOfficial


We were just there for about 30 minutes and raised $40. (We probably could've raised more but it was a chaotic scene!)

Minutes after leaving, one of us went back to take a picture and all the posters telling the truth about Kamala had been torn down. Two people came up asking for some—they thought Kamala and Trump were both horrible and were searching for something that was not channeling people into the elections. They got Kamala and BEB posters (they wanted to distribute in their city), made a donation and said they would scan the QR code to hear Bob Avakian on social media.  

This was just a beginning sense of what could be unleashed by presenting a clear view of what the actual reality is of the choices in the BEB, amidst a lot of searching, agonizing and head-in-the-sand delusions.

We're going back today to put more posters up—sharply speaking the truth, and driving people to check out what Bob Avakian is saying about the need, and potential, for a real revolution in this time.


Lighting Up the Night With @BobAvakianOfficial
from a few revcoms in LA

People came from across SoCal to attend the opening night of the protest art collective Indecline's first solo gallery show in downtown LA.  The revcoms had a broad impact on this crowd—introducing people to Bob Avakian's voice and leadership, straight up—distributing hundreds of copies of Bob Avakian's social media message, REVOLUTION #81: Why I Am Not Running for President. 

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The audience was mainly a punk and street art scene—anti-fascist and anti-Trump but largely tuned out and/or cynical about the possibility for fundamental change, but very open to hearing an argument about real revolution. 

This crowd is attracted to the creative and satirical way Indecline's art creatively challenges the status quo.  (And the art itself was interesting and in-your-face but worth a reflection in its own right.)

Using a car battery, a loud speaker, and projecting a few illustrated video excerpts from Bob Avakian's message from the roof of a pick up truck got people's attention in a way just flyering would not have done.  This was a great thing to do!  There really is nothing like getting Bob Avakian's voice in front of people—straight and direct with so much sharpness and undeniable hard hitting revolutionary substance. 

About 85% of the crowd (approximately 850 people) got the flyer for REVOLUTION #81, many read it in line and stopped to talk, ask questions or responded to the call to be recruited into this revolution. 

We were arguing for people to follow, and donate to have an impact with @BobAvakianOfficial and this social media message.  And a few people did donate.  But we summed up that we needed to make the call for funds even sharper.  There were a couple times in the night when a long line amassed out front and we should've concentrated our forces right then and there—with an ideological challenge on where people spend their money, and why giving to the campaign to spread @BobAvakianOfficial is the most important thing to spend money on.  This wasn't a monied crowd, but we think could've opened up the debate even more.


Open Mic Night in Chicago

REVCOM CORPS Chicago Open Mic Night to raise funds for getting @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere


REVCOM CORPS Chicago Open Mic Night to raise funds for getting @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere    REVCOM CORPS Chicago

THE REVCOM CORPS Chicago hosted an open mic night, after weeks of work and leaning into the controversy and raising funds. This Future People Open Mic Night brought together about two dozen people from all over Chicago. The MCs opened up with the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere, and a playing of Bob Avakian’s spoken word piece "All Played Out" started off the night. A mix of revcoms and others preformed, with powerful spoken words pieces and some really good singing. We were able to just about meet our fundraising goal of $1,000—just $10 short. We ended the evening with the new "Welcome To The Revolution" album from the revolutionary band Outernational. It was a really important and inspiring night, connecting new people with this revolution and the leadership of Bob Avakian.

Cleveland: how we fundraise with bake sales to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere

Driving People to @BobAvakianOfficial on Los Angeles Freeways

Freeways have a special meaning in Los Angeles—a huge city of 3.8 million with the busiest freeways in the country.  “Rush hour” is an all day thing and part of the life in the city.

People in this city got inspired to reach those millions.

Banner for @BobAvakainOfficial hanging on the Santa Monica Freeway near Downtown Los Angeles, September 20, 2024


Banner for @BobAvakianOfficial hanging on the Santa Monica Freeway near Downtown Los Angeles, September 20, 2024    Photo:

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As one dimension of the national campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere, a small team, including new people inspired by this plan, created simple 4’ x 4’ freeway overpass boards with the simple slogan “Bob Avakian Official—Leadership for a Real Revolution In These Times.” They made sure these would be inexpensive and easy to make and also weatherproof and unmissable!

Sign being posted in Los Angeles for Bob Avakian Official


A photo of the stencil for freeway signs for @BobAvakianOfficial    Photo: @Revcomcorps_LA

And the impact?  One of the signs that stayed up for 5 days was seen by well over 100,000 people.  Multiply this by the dozens of overpasses that radiate from the city center. 

And there was an immediate response from friends and family and political contacts – people reaching out with “I saw the Bob Avakian signs today…”  At least one person felt compelled to take a picture of the signs and tweeted about it—with a snarky tone, but still spread it further.

These can also be posted on city streets in a way that can impact important communities. 

To learn more about how you can do this in your city contact us at

Spreading @BobAvakianOfficial In the Silverlake district of Los Angeles


Spreading @BobAvakianOfficial In the Silverlake district of Los Angeles    Photo: @RevcomCorps_LA


Detroit - Signing people up to @BobAvakianOfficial

There was a Ribs R&B festival in downtown Detroit last weekend [August 10]. We decided to focus on urging people to subscribe on the spot to @BobAvakianOfficial. We didn't have a lot of time to be there, but we made up a mini-table with posters with QR codes and got out the flyer "...those of you who are not afraid of the truth..." Many people related to the question "If you have thought about revolution but you say: 'this could never really happen--we could never win'..."''

In a short time eight or nine people subscribed on the spot. This is a photo of one person.
Taking call to signup for @BobAvakianSocial to Ribs & R&B event in Detroit


August 10, 2024. Taking call to signup for @BobAvakianSocial to Ribs & R&B event in Detroit    Special to

We are at a turning point in history. The capitalist-imperialist system is a horror for billions of people here and around the world and threatening the very fabric of life on earth. Now the election of fascist Trump poses even more extreme dangers for humanity—and underscores the total illegitimacy of this system, and the urgent need for a radically different system.

The website follows the revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), the author of the new communism. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. He’s charted a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for “what comes next” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. projects BA’s voice, leadership, and vision throughout society. It posts his timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists) and the whole movement for revolution, including his social media posts, and curates his whole body of work. 

Our website applies the scientific approach BA has developed to analyze major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how they relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this, and what the goals of that revolution are. acts as a guiding and connecting hub for the revcom movement nationwide: showing what’s being done, digging into what’s right and what’s wrong, and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force. As part of this, feature and promotes the weekly The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on 

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but rises to a whole different level!

DONATE NOW to and get with BA and the revcoms!

Your donations contribute to:

If you are horrified at the Trump/MAGA fascism spawned by this system of capitalism-imperialism coming to power in the world’s top nuclear-armed superpower… outraged at the tremendous harm this fascism is perpetrating on people in this country and the whole world… hate the Dark Ages morality and Christian fascism that they are trying to forcibly impose…see the very existence of humanity being threatened by the increasing danger of nuclear war and destruction of the environment: Be part of supporting this website that—now more than ever—plays a crucial role in exposing the system ruling over us and in leading people out of this madness to a radically different and far better future. 

See FIVE REASONS you should donate, spread the word about, and urge your friends and others to donate and subscribe to this website.