The revcoms have launched a MAJOR national campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere. To raise tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars... to garner tens and hundreds of thousands of followers... to reach millions.
On this page, people write about their ideas and experiences, and what they have learned. Send your posts to
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A Fight for the Walls with @BobAvakianOfficial Up Against the BEB
A few of us went to the opening night of a progressive gallery with an exhibit on political and social injustices. But we knew from some of the artists participating that there was going to be an emphasis on channeling people into the BEB—Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit.
In addition to reaching the crowd, we postered the area with the revcoms’ translation of @OBEY’s Kamala Harris poster:
We posted those along with poster “Stop following BEB. Start following @BobAvakianOfficial” on four spots right where people were entering and leaving.
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Lighting Up the Night With @BobAvakianOfficial
from a few revcoms in LA
People came from across SoCal to attend the opening night of the protest art collective Indecline's first solo gallery show in downtown LA. The revcoms had a broad impact on this crowd—introducing people to Bob Avakian's voice and leadership, straight up—distributing hundreds of copies of Bob Avakian's social media dispatch, REVOLUTION #81: Why I Am Not Running for President.
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Cleveland how we fundraise with bake sales to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere
Cleveland how we fundraise with bake sales to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere
Driving People to @BobAvakianOfficial on Los Angeles Freeways
Freeways have a special meaning in Los Angeles—a huge city of 3.8 million with the busiest freeways in the country. “Rush hour” is an all day thing and part of the life in the city.
People in this city got inspired to reach those millions.
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Detroit - Signing people up to @BobAvakianOfficial
There was a Ribs R&B festival in downtown Detroit last weekend [August 10]. We decided to focus on urging people to subscribe on the spot to @BobAvakianOfficial. We didn't have a lot of time to be there, but we made up a mini-table with posters with QR codes and got out the flyer "...those of you who are not afraid of the truth..." Many people related to the question "If you have thought about revolution but you say: 'this could never really happen--we could never win'..."''