RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT! These were the last sounds Dexter Reed Jr. heard as he succumbed to his wounds after a hail storm of 96 bullets rained down on him on March 21st of this year. Another brutal execution. This time by plain-clothes pigs in unmarked cars. Another one of our brothers' lives stolen for being Black in America.

Dexter Reed, center, along with his mother Nicole Banks and sister Porscha Banks, 2019.
How long before this madness ends?! The police have body cams... they've undergone "sensitivity" training...there even exists a community control board that is supposed to make these horrors a thing of the past. So WHY are we once again burying one of our own!? WHY is this still happening?! What's it gonna take to put an end to these horrors?
The problem is this system of capitalism-imperialism. It requires this violence against the people to function. It cannot be fixed or reformed...a real revolution is the only solution.
First it was the slave catchers, then it was the KKK and now it's badge wearing murdering thugs treating the masses of people as "things" to be used…abused…and "put down". When the death and devastation of Black & Brown people is part of how society works…when millions of people are forced to leave their homes in order to survive, only to be demonized and hunted like animals…when this country has poisoned the air and water and is #1 in destroying the environment…this system must be overthrown! We need and we demand revolution for a whole new way to live, a fundamentally different system!
We don't have the time or the patience to let these horrors go on any longer, we can no longer afford to allow our oppressors, the powers-that-be, continue to dominate the world and steal our future!
Now is the time to get with the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity to bury this system of capitalism-imperialism and bring a much better society into being, a world without hell-hole prisons and police who terrorize and kill us.
With the powers-that-be in crisis...with them usually able to unite to smother the people but now at each other's throats…with everybody's talking about civil war...THESE are the times when revolution becomes more possible... this is our chance to bring down their whole system and give life to a new society.
The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian says:
“With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win."
You can't ask for more than a chance to get this whole fucking system off our backs. From Chicago to Gaza...from Bangladesh to Mexico City…we need REAL REVOLUTION for a whole new way to live!
If you have the heart to fight for something truly worth fighting for… RISE UP! Show up on Revolutionary Internationalist Mayday. Be one of the thousands needed for this revolution to become a reality! Get with the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity NOW!
FG/IG/X @RevcomCorpsChi
1857 E. 71st St.