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Texas Anti-Immigrant Law Would Enable Every Pig in the State To Demand, “Show Me Your Papers!”


Update: On March 19, the fascist-dominated U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision allowing Texas to go ahead with putting into effect the extreme anti-immigration bill SB 4. The case involving a challenge to the law was sent back to the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Hours later, the Fifth Circuit put the law on hold again. The appeals court is due to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the law on April 3. Even as this is going on, very similar bills are being pushed in Arizona, Iowa, Mississippi and West Virginia. And as we said in the article below, however this plays out in the courts, “SB 4 is a clear ‘statement of intent’ by the fascists to radically escalate their racist attacks on immigrants and their drive to consolidate all-out fascism on a national level.” The intensity and pace of the legal battle indicate how much is at stake, for “border policy,” repression of migrants, and asylum law. It is a sharp indication of how deeply things are being torn apart in this country and the ferocity of the fight ripping apart institutions and tearing apart “norms” that have existed since the end of the Civil War in the 1860s. Stay tuned to for developments in this situation.

Texas National Guard in camouflage, at the Mexican border


Texas National Guard occupying a section of the U.S.-Mexico border, after forcing out the U.S. Border Patrol    Photo: AP

Last November, Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) was passed and signed by Republi-fascist Governor Abbott. This straight-up fascist bill should be called the “Unleash the Racist Pigs” law, or the “Show Me Your Papers Act.”

SB 4 was supposed to go into effect on March 5, but on February 29, a Federal District Court judge issued a temporary order blocking it. Texas appealed that order to higher fascist-dominated courts, so what will happen with this is still to be determined. (More on this below.)

Here are some of the main features of SB 4:

  • SB 4 is a blatantly unconstitutional and outrageous power grab by the fascist-run state of Texas. Under longstanding and reaffirmed decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government exclusive control of immigration and the border. States cannot legally make their own immigration policies. Texas doing so—with this bill and other aggressive state-wide policies—is part of their attempts to hammer into place a fascist society while undercutting the power of their ruling class rivals in the federal government.
  • SB 4 instructs and empowers cops in Texas to detain anyone they “suspect” may have entered the state illegally in the last two years. This means every cop in the state (80,000 plus) will be able to strut around like the notoriously brutal and racist federal Border Patrol, enforcing laws designed to oppress immigrants—and to do that anywhere in the state, not just in the border region.
  • If the cops are not “satisfied” that the people they’ve targeted have a legal right to be here, they can charge them with “Illegal Entry” to Texas, a misdemeanor carrying up to six months in jail. If this is a second “offense,” or if the person has been previously deported from the U.S., they can be charged with “Illegal Re-entry,” a felony carrying 10 to 20 years in prison.

Coco Das on choices

Three things stand out about this. 

One, this is an intense escalation of repression of immigrants. It puts a major emphasis on locking people up for months, years or decades for the “crime” of fleeing their imperialist-dominated homelands, of braving terrible hardship and danger for the basic ability to survive. It will make every immigrant, with or without documents, feel all the more demonized and hunted. And it is right in line with Trump’s “promise” to build huge concentration camps for immigrants if he takes power.

Two, SB 4 is throwing the door wide open to racial profiling of all non-white Texans, and/or all those speaking Spanish or other “foreign” languages. Especially since, in the minds of fascist enforcers, none of “those people belong here” even if they were born here, or legally immigrated. SB 4 is giving pigs the excuse and authority to harass, humiliate and detain people pretty much at will. Faced with this, will “suspected immigrants” have to carry documents like immigration papers or birth certificates whenever they leave their homes? Will the ugly demand to “Show me your papers” reverberate through their communities, making them feel even more like occupied territory than they already do? 

Three, the fact that Texas passed and is still fighting for this law is a sign that the “old order”—the “normal” and legal ways the capitalist-imperialist system worked for decades and even centuries—is being ripped apart “from within” by rival sections of the ruling class. And this also creates opportunities for it to be not only “ripped apart,” but overthrown by millions of the victims of this order, and a whole different and better world brought into being... not in some far off time, but in this time! Why this is true and how this can be seized on is broken down in a powerful series of social media dispatches from the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, here.

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As we said earlier, the legality of SB 4 is now being fought out in the courts, and is likely to be settled by the fascist-dominated U.S. Supreme Court. So there is a real chance that it will still become law in Texas, and if that happens, it is very likely that other fascist-run states will pass similar laws. 

But even if the Supreme Court does not rule their way, SB 4 is a clear “statement of intent” by the fascists to radically escalate their racist attacks on immigrants and their drive to consolidate all-out fascism on a national level.

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From the genocide in Gaza, to the growing threat of world war between nuclear powers, to escalating environmental devastation… the capitalist-imperialist system ruling over us is a horror for billions around the world and is tearing up the fabric of life on earth. Now the all-out battle within the U.S. ruling class, between fascist Republicans and war criminal Democrats, is coming to a head—likely during, or before, the coming elections—ripping society apart unlike anything since the Civil War.

Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, has developed a strategy to prepare for and make revolution. He’s scientifically analyzed that this is a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible, and has laid out the sweeping vision, solid foundation and concrete blueprint for “what comes next,” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.

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