Seventy years ago this week, the U.S. and Britain orchestrated a coup to oust the democratically elected president of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh, who had nationalized Iran's enormous oil reserves. In his place, these imperialists re-installed the Shah (King) of Iran, a murderous monarch and Western puppet.
This watershed event is being discussed and analyzed inside and outside Iran from various perspectives, as imperialist powers continue to maneuver to control Iran.
Given the importance of this history and its ongoing impacts down to today, we encourage readers to mark this anniversary by watching the powerful documentary Coup 53: Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows, and checking out the article in the American Crime series.
Check it out—Coup 53: Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows
The powerful documentary film Coup 53—Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows vividly tells the story of the cold-blooded maneuvering by the U.S. and Britain to install the tyrannical and pro-imperialist Shah of Iran in 1953, and how the filmmakers discovered long-buried secrets of British and American spies and coup plotters. This is a crucial film which must be seen—and it is being suppressed and blocked from wide audiences in the U.S. and elsewhere…
CIA Coup in Iran—an American Crime
THE CRIME: On August 19, 1953, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) along with British intelligence launched a military coup overthrowing Iran’s popular, elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh. In 1951, during an upsurge of protest against British colonialism, Mossadegh had nationalized Britain’s Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Great Britain had plundered Iran’s oil wealth for decades…
For full account, read American Crime Case #98.